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Families for Addiction Recovery (FAR)

Families for Addiction Recovery (FAR) is a Canadian charity founded by parents of children who have struggled with addiction from their teens. Our goal is long term recovery for those with addiction and their families. FAR offers free and confidential parent-to-parent support for families struggling with addiction in Canada. We are a voice for families to influence government policy. We educate law enforcement, the medical profession and community groups about addiction, health laws and drug policies.  (Read More...)
FOCUS Project

FOCUS is a prevention service designed to strengthen couples and families in readiness for tomorrow. FOCUS provides personalized training for each family and its individual goals. The program teaches practical skills to help families and couples feel prepared to meet the challenges of military life such as stress, injury and other transitions. The FOCUS Project offers services to active duty military families in several formats: family consultations, couple- or family-level training, small group training and workshops. FOCUS builds strong connections with other military family providers to support a network of care for service members, their partners and families. FOCUS training is confidential, free and offers services at family friendly hours. To find a site near you, visit  (Read More...)
Caregivers Alberta

Caregivers Alberta is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to supporting the wellness of family caregivers across the province. Caregivers assist a family member or friend with challenges resulting from illness, disability, or aging. They are the spouses, parents, siblings, neighbors and friends who have chosen to take on the responsibility of caring for a loved one. Caregivers Alberta offers online and in-person programs across Alberta. For more information visit our website: or call our toll-free number 1-877-453-5088  (Read More...)
Compassionate Friends

The Compassionate Friends is a self-help support organization that provides highly personal comfort, hope, and support to every family experiencing the death of a son or a daughter, a brother or a sister, or a grandchild, and helps others better assist the grieving family. Each chapter, along with the supporting National Office, is committed to helping every bereaved parent, sibling, or grandparent who may walk through our doors or contact us. TCF has over 600 chapters serving all 50 states plus Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, and Guam, that offer friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved parents, siblings, grandparents, and other family members during the natural grieving process after a child has died. Around the world more than 30 countries have a Compassionate Friends presence, encircling the globe with support so desperately needed when the worst has happened. To find a local chapter:  (Read More...)
Second Wind Fund

Second Wind Fund believes that every child and youth at risk of suicide should have access to the mental health treatment they need. We match children and youth at risk for suicide with licensed therapists in their communities. If a financial or social barrier to treatment is present, we pay for up to 12 sessions of therapy from one of our specialized network providers. Our unique program helps referred youth discover hope and healing in their lives. Address: 899 Logan St, Suite 208, Denver, CO 80203 Phone: 720-962-0706 Website:  (Read More...)
Hope For Two

Hope for Two…The Pregnant with Cancer Network offers free support for women diagnosed with cancer while pregnant. We connect women who are currently pregnant with cancer with other women who have experienced a similar cancer diagnosis.Our mission here at Hope for Two is to provide women diagnosed with cancer while pregnant with information, support and hope. Our Guiding Values: We serve women in all socioeconomic, ethnic and religious backgrounds world-wide. Volunteers with a history of cancer while pregnant are the mainstays of our support network. We strive to remove barriers to women obtaining complete and accurate information about their options for dealing with cancer while pregnant. We respect and support every woman’s personal decisions without judgment. If you are looking to request support or become a volunteer support women you can visit our website at  (Read More...)
Out of the Fog

Out of the FOG was launched in 2007 to provide information and support to the family members and loved-ones of individuals who suffer from a personality disorder. Dealing with a loved-one or family member who suffers from a personality disorder can sometimes feel like navigating through a fog. FOG stands for Fear, Obligation, Guilt - feelings which often result from being in a relationship with a person who suffers from a Personality Disorder. The FOG acronym was coined by Susan Forward & Donna Frazier in their book Emotional Blackmail. It is our hope that this site may help some navigate out of the FOG in their own lives.  (Read More...)
Friends of Karen

No family is ever prepared to hear the four worst words: Your child has cancer. Friends of Karen, New York-based and serving families in the NY-TriState area since 1978, is a non-profit with a vision that every child with a life-threatening illness, and his or her family, will have all that they need to keep them stable, functioning and able to cope. Providing financial assistance, illness education and supportive counseling, among other services, our staff of experienced social workers, child life specialists and expressive arts therapists guide families from their child’s diagnosis through treatment, at no cost, so they have more time for what's most important: each other.  (Read More...)
The Veteran Family Wellness Center (VFWC)

The Veteran Family Wellness Center (VFWC) provides a warm and welcoming atmosphere for all Veterans and their families including parents, couples, and kids. Our Center is part of a unique partnership between the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System. Our dedicated team of skilled providers are experts in the unique needs of Veteran families and experienced in providing a range of wellness services including individual, family and couples’ resilience programming, events and workshops and quality referrals to mental health care and other resources. We are also pleased to provide fun recreational activities designed to promote family and child well‐being in the adjacent garden. Services are available via our secure TeleWellness platform. The VFWC is open to Veteran families for both drop-in and scheduled services during family friendly hours.  (Read More...)

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