Stress, PTSD and Anxiety Therapists in Mapleton, ON.

Licensed professional counselling for anxiety, stress, phobias, and panic in Mapleton, Ontario.

Adela Gorodzinsky, R.P M.Ed., CBT, CCC, TIRF, COSF
Anxiety Counsellor

Adela Gorodzinsky, R.P M.Ed., CBT, CCC, TIRF, COSF

Certified Canadian Counsellor, Registered Psychotherapist

In N5X 4L3 - Nearby to Mapleton.

Adela will listen to your worries, concerns and accept you in your distress just as you are. Gradually, using a variety of techniques, such as: Solution Focus therapy, Traumatic Incident Reduction, Trager and Bioenergetics approaches, Adela will guide you into a self-exploration that can help you feel at ease, and become peaceful and confident. How would it be to be the best you can be?

Kristen Wilson, M.A., R.P., C.C.C.
Anxiety Counsellor

Kristen Wilson, M.A., R.P., C.C.C.

Registered Psychotherapist

In N6B 1X9 - Nearby to Mapleton.

I support my clients in addressing their anxiety and stress through the development of meaningful self-care strategies to keep them in becoming more self-compassionate. Learning how to engage the parasympathetic nervous system to counter the effects of an overactive sympathetic nervous system is essential in effectively managing stress and anxiety. If you find yourself struggling to view situations with a more compassionate lens, encouraging yourself to engage in behaviours that support your well-being, therapy can be an effective tool to get you the results you want.

Russell Stagg, MA, MC, LCT,RP
Anxiety Counsellor

Russell Stagg, MA, MC, LCT,RP

Licensed Counselling Therapist, RP

In N6B 3J4 - Nearby to Mapleton.

If you think events in your life are causing you stress, you are wrong! It is actually your reaction to those events that is causing you distress. You may experience toxic automatic thoughts in in stressful situations, and we can challenge those thoughts. I can also help you with time management, teach you relaxation techniques, and instruct you in the practice of mindfulness.

Michael Porter, CCPA
Anxiety Counsellor

Michael Porter, CCPA

Registered Professional Member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association

In N5Z 3T6 - Nearby to Mapleton.

Anxiety is like a constant churning of worry and self-doubt. It may push us away from social activities, isolate us in our homes, identify fearful objects and preoccupy us with order and routine. It may even leave us terrified and thinking we are losing our minds. These and other presentations of anxiety require attention and care. The earlier we attend to the demands of anxiety, the sooner we can begin to become free of it. Stress is different, although it feels the same at times. Your care needs to be tailored to the specifics of what you are experiencing. I practice Integrated Therapy, which offers a selective approach to using all the tools and forms of counselling available to help you.

Kevin Elliott, RP, MC, B.Sc.
Anxiety Counsellor

Kevin Elliott, RP, MC, B.Sc.

Registered Psychotherapist

In N6C 3P3 - Nearby to Mapleton.

Stress and anxiety are part of everyday life. Sometimes these emotions can motivate us to finish a project or draw our attention to issues that could be improved. Other times it can be uncomfortable and overwhelming leading to poor performance, isolation, and/or illness. Working on anxiety in psychotherapy can include learning to become more mindful and accepting of anxiety symptoms to reduce suffering. Or perhaps improved organizational skills or assertiveness to say “no” when there is already too much on our plate. Being able to reduce symptoms of anxiety or cope with them more effectively, can allow you to work towards the goals important to you and deepen your connection with others.

Ariella Boehm, MA, RP
Anxiety Counselor

Ariella Boehm, MA, RP

Registered Clinical Counselor

Available for Online Therapy

I’ve been helping people lead more intentional lives for over 20 years. Anxiety can cause thoughts to be out of proportion to reality, stop you from doing what you want to do, and make you feel out of control. I’m trained in cognitive behavioral therapy, developmental models,and anxiety and depression management. I will support you in creating a set of tools to help you manage your anxiety. Most importantly, you're a distinctive person, with distinctive needs. My goal is to work with you as a unique individual, and focus on YOUR goals.

Amelia Holden, M.S.W., R.S.W.
Anxiety Counsellor

Amelia Holden, M.S.W., R.S.W.

Registerd Social Worker

In N6C 3H1 - Nearby to Mapleton.

I have been trained in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Anxiety disorder. In the high paced environment we live in today, it is typical to have stress in your life but what if it starts to impact your daily living? How can you function at your best if you don't have coping strategies or are able to recognize your body signals? While in therapy you have the opportunity to talk out the issues while learning the skills to manage day-to-day problems. The benefit to counseling is feeling empowered over this mental health diagnoses and working on a relapse prevention plan to assist you in the future.

Peter Dikih, H.B.Sc., M.Ed., R.P.
Anxiety Counsellor

Peter Dikih, H.B.Sc., M.Ed., R.P.

Registered Psychotherapist and Clinical Supervisor

In N6A 1A8 - Nearby to Mapleton.

Anxiety and stress are two of the most common feelings with which individuals struggle. When these feelings are frequent and intense, often individuals’ emotions, functioning, performance and behaviour are negatively affected. Through counseling, I can help you discover your sources of stress and anxiety; and how to reduce and respond more appropriately to the causes of these feelings. By applying concepts learned through counseling, you will be able to feel and function better. This will result in more energy and improved performance and productivity (e.g., at home, work or school) and interacting more appropriately with others.

Laura Kemp-Romas, MA, RP
Anxiety Counselor

Laura Kemp-Romas, MA, RP

Registered Psychotherapist & Clinical Director of EnerTherapy

Available for Online Therapy

Anxiety can be a pretty consuming, stressful, and overwhelming feeling. In therapy, we will explore the roots of your feelings of anxiety in order to understand where they originated. Additionally, depending on the type of anxiety you are experiencing, whether it be worrying, panic, nervousness, etc., we will: 1. Create a plan for dealing with the anxiety and stress 2. Work on overcoming the anxiety and stress. Interventions that we may use to accomplish these goals are mindfulness, relaxation and breathing, behavioural, cognitive, as well as insight oriented. I will also, collaboratively, draw on other therapeutic approaches to work towards your whole health, well-being, and freedom.

Michelle Gibson, MSW,RSW
Anxiety Counsellor

Michelle Gibson, MSW,RSW

Registered Social Worker and Psychotherapist

In N6C 1A3 - Nearby to Mapleton.

For many of us, our stream of life is interrupted by events that are so stressful and scary that they create lasting change. This can be a single incident such as an assault or accident. Or, it could be recurring incidents that take place in the course of our work. It could also be trauma in our earliest years from our caregivers or in our first relationships. If you feel that something from your past is impacting your current life, trauma and stress focused therapy may be a good fit for you.

Barry Johnston-Spooner, M.Ed., R P
Anxiety Counsellor

Barry Johnston-Spooner, M.Ed., R P

Registered Psychotherapist

In N6C 1Z7 - Nearby to Mapleton.

We live in a time of great change. How can one be calm while dealing with both global stress plus impacts from a personal history? Fear, anxiety and strain are understandable. What can therapy do to help? First, talking to a supportive therapist provides a safe place, a gentle setting to learn new skills for coping with what stresses you. Like learning a new muscle skill, therapy provides a place for developing peace of mind. It’s similar to meditation, yoga, contemplation or other such internal skills. You can then find new attitudes for living so fear, worry and stress can be dialed down, perceived more as teachers. Rather than unending anxieties you can find opportunities for new growth.

Lynda Martens, MSc. RP, RMFT
Anxiety Counsellor

Lynda Martens, MSc. RP, RMFT

Registered Psychotherapist, Registered Marriage and family Therapist

In N6C 2H9 - Nearby to Mapleton.

Dealing with anxiety and stress is a specialty of mine. I use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to identify and honour the deep places your fear and shame reactions come from. I believe that if you change your thoughts you change your world. The past does not have to rule your mind. We will work together to identify and change the thought patterns that create anxiety for you. I also use EEG Neurofeedback to shift brain wave patterns to support change.

Talking Works Counselling and Psychotherapy, RP
Anxiety Counsellor

Talking Works Counselling and Psychotherapy, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

In N6C 5B2 - Nearby to Mapleton.

At Talking Works, we use proven frameworks such as cognitive behavioral therapy, narrative therapy, and solution focused therapy to help clients learn how to better manage high levels of stress and anxiety. We help clients to identify and address the fears that keep them stuck in unhelpful thinking patterns and behaviors. Our aim is to equip clients with more adaptive coping strategies and skills.

Robert Simms, MSW, RSW
Anxiety Counsellor

Robert Simms, MSW, RSW

Registered Social Worker

In N5Y 3H5 - Nearby to Mapleton.

The goal in counselling is not to get rid of anxiety. It is an emotion, not good or bad. But if you are finding that anxiety is impacting your life in a negative way, then it is a good idea to address how to manage it in a way so it is not so overpowering. I work with you to discover why your anxiety is impacting you so much at this present time and deal with the underlying issue that is causing you to feel overwhelmed, while also offering skills to help you to cope with the impact it is currently having on your life.

Patricia Berendsen, RMFT, RSW, RP, SEP
Anxiety Counsellor

Patricia Berendsen, RMFT, RSW, RP, SEP

Psychotherapist, Registered Marriage and Family Therapist

In N6B 1T1 - Nearby to Mapleton.

Anxiety and stress is commonly experienced. For many reasons, some of us have very busy and stress-filled lives. However, the cards you hold in the game of life mean very little. It's the way you play the hand that counts. Learning to manage the demands of our lives is a skill and an art. Therapy can help you to develop strategies to deal with anxiety and stress and find more contentment amidst challenges that come your way.

Mia Pintus, MSW RSW
Anxiety Counsellor

Mia Pintus, MSW RSW

Registered Social Worker

In N6K 3N5 - Nearby to Mapleton.

Our anxiety is helpful to understand the risks we are experiencing in the world around us, but too much anxiety can leave us feeling drained, exhausted, lost, worried, and stressed. Learning how to manage anxiety, not disown it, is a critical part of feeling good about ourselves. Catch anxiety when it's really low, understand what it needs from you, and respond proactively. Yes! It can be done.

Bojena Kelmendi, M.S.W. R.S.W.
Anxiety Counselor

Bojena Kelmendi, M.S.W. R.S.W.

Registered Social Worker, Therapist

Available for Online Therapy

Stress and anxiety when present within healthy limits can stimulate, motivate, challenge, warn and activate our bodies to react accordingly to the situation. When it's too much, too intense and for too long, stress and anxiety lead to poor functioning, impairment and exhaustion resulting in stress and anxiety overload, contributing heavily to triggering anxiety disorders. In my therapy, I use therapeutic approaches and techniques that help reduce stress and anxiety and enhance the quality of your life and build your emotional resilience. You develop skills to minimize distress and maximize efficacy in many areas of your living and live life in a happier and healthier manner

Nicole Lobo, Hons. BA, MA, RP
Anxiety Counsellor

Nicole Lobo, Hons. BA, MA, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

In N6A 1A7 - Nearby to Mapleton.

We are told that anxiety and stress are normal parts of everyday life that cause "ups and downs." However, when it becomes too much to handle or when it feels as though it is taking over our lives, it is time to take a step back and evaluate where we require some extra support. I address the management of anxiety and stress through a psychoeducational lens and help clients to understand their triggers, develop healthy coping strategies, and improve their ability to get through stressful times. Together, we can regain control over our anxiety and stress, rather than it controlling us!

Maribel Ayala, M.A. Counselling Psychology, RP
Anxiety Counsellor

Maribel Ayala, M.A. Counselling Psychology, RP

Registered Psychotherapist, Canadian Certified Counsellor, Certified EMDR Therapist, and Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapist

In N6B 2P2 - Nearby to Mapleton.

Anxiety and stress are normal human emotions. However, these can become problematic when they persist and get worse over time interfering with personal and work relationships, and social situations. You can benefit from accessing my services as I can help you manage your anxiety and stress by using various therapeutic approaches and providing you with the necessary tools to gain self-awareness and feel more in control of your emotions and yourself.

Rebecca Denby
Anxiety Counsellor

Rebecca Denby

Registered Psychotherapist

In N6A 3K7 - Nearby to Mapleton.

Hello and welcome. Are anxiety and stress getting in the way of the life you want for yourself? I will support you as you make decisions that prioritize your best interests. I am here to listen to your experiences, thoughts, and emotions. I guide you through exercises and techniques (often somatic or compassion-based) that reduce stress and anxiety, bring ease to your mind, and soothe your autonomic nervous system.

David Grand, MSW, RSW, PhD(c)
Anxiety Counsellor

David Grand, MSW, RSW, PhD(c)

Registered Social Worker

In N5Y 5K7 - Nearby to Mapleton.

As the world has grown more complex, anxiety has become increasingly common for many. I understand what it is like to feel like anxiety is closing in and taking over. I help clients with developing a greater understanding into where anxiety originates, establishing practices and insights that help individuals to overcome fear and better regulate emotions. It is often the case that at the core of anxiety is an unconscious experience of perceived unsafety or disconnection. I support clients with developing a stronger foundation of inner safety and self-confidence by guiding an understanding of where unresolved life circumstances are contributing to an emergence of fear and worry.

Kelly Appleby, MSW, RSW
Anxiety Counsellor

Kelly Appleby, MSW, RSW

Registered Social Worker, Psychotherapist

In N6B 2M4 - Nearby to Mapleton.

Anxiety and stress are normal, natural, and functional human experiences. At times, for many, anxiety and stress can start to feel overwhelming and all consuming and it may feel as if you're stuck and trapped in these difficult feelings. When we feel anxiety and stress it's our body's natural way of signalling to us that there is something we need to pay attention to and address, and it's our job to pay attention! When life feels overwhelming, it can often be helpful to seek the help of a compassionate and un-biased professional to help you explore what is challenging you, put voice to what is hard to talk about, and together learn strategies and tools to cope more effectively.

Kristie Brassard, MSW, RSW
Anxiety Counsellor

Kristie Brassard, MSW, RSW

Registered Social Worker | Psychotherapist

In N5V 0A2 - Nearby to Mapleton.

Anxiety and stress can affect all aspects of our lives. It can impact our mood, self-esteem, relationships, and our day-to-day functioning. It can be quite overwhelming, and so many people are struggling, especially in this fast-paced & tumultuous world we're living in! In therapy, we'll work together to figure out the root cause of what's making you stressed & anxious, and make a plan to heal and engage tools for coping. This will help reduce your distress, find balance in life, and reconnect with feelings of joy and calm. If you'd like to start feeling better now, book a consultation or session today and let's get started!

Kate Paul, BA (Hons), MACP
Anxiety Counselor

Kate Paul, BA (Hons), MACP

Registered Psychotherapist, Individual & Couples Therapist

Available for Online Therapy

Low levels of anxiety can motivate us to accomplish goals and perform at our best. As the level of experienced anxiety creeps higher, it robs us of our joy and can make us feel overwhelmed resulting in either inactivity or a compulsion to be overactive yet not experiencing any lasting relief. Our sense of internal peace and calm is replaced by perpetual overthinking and fear. Let's work together to gain insight into the root cause of your anxiety so that we are able to empower you to reclaim your experience of joy and a sense of internal calm.

Chris Chmielewski, MSW, RSW,MA
Anxiety Counsellor

Chris Chmielewski, MSW, RSW,MA

Psychotherapist; Registered Clinical Social Worker

In N6A 1M1 - Nearby to Mapleton.

Primarily physical ‘automatic’ experiences apparently by-passing our mental capacity to apprehend what is occurring to us, ranging from intense “panic attack” through steady discomfort, however always with a sense of disconnect: “Why's this happening? I've no reason to be so upset” Such states usually stem from high fear stressors in early life that have become unconscious and generalized (via overactive brain areas): steady vulnerability or prone to acute arousal via particular ‘triggers’. Therapy requires many approaches, esp enhancing body-awareness, graduated exposure/resilience building (vs avoidance actions), selfcare/comforting skills, ‘thought hygiene’, working through past traumas.

You have Found the Top Therapists for Stress, Anxiety, and PTSD in Mapleton, ON.

Thank you for visiting our Ontario page of stress therapists in Mapleton, Ontario who are skilled and experienced in dealing with anxiety, worry, and panic in all its forms.  Worry and stress can cause a myriad of physical symptoms and wreck havoc on both our personal life and our relationships. Counselling for stress and PTSD in Mapleton, ON will give you healthy tools and help you move forward. Let's get started. Reach out to us today, our contact forms are "open" 24/7.

Mapleton is located in Ontario, Canada. It has a land area of 534.87 square kilometers.  The population of Mapleton is 10,527 people with 3,141 households . The population ranking for Mapleton is #393 nationally and #140 for the province of Ontario with a density of 19.70 people per sq km. Mapleton therapists serve postal code: N5P.