Anger Management and Counselling in Petrolia, ON.

Therapy and counselling for anger issues, self control and stress management in Petrolia, Ontario. Find effective help for real change.

Sharron Carson, RP
Anger Therapist

Sharron Carson, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Everyone experiences anger at times but don’t necessarily recognize that anger is a secondary emotion; a reaction to other underlying emotions. Emotions management is vital to being successful in the world and having the ability to have healthy relationships and achieve our goals. In our sessions together we will explore underlying emotions, their root causes, and learn to identify triggers and more effectively manage emotions and reactions. If you are struggling with anger/emotions management and would like to learn strategies to help you cope better, please book a free consultation.

Ojasvi Bhardwaj, RP (Qualifying)
Anger Therapist

Ojasvi Bhardwaj, RP (Qualifying)

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Our experiences of anger vary greatly. While I don't offer therapy services for anger management, at Psychotherapy Collective, our online clinic, we have many therapists who offer support for clients seeking help with anger. Visit our website to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with a therapist who specializes in anger management

Inner Alchemy Psychotherapy, MA, RP, CCC
Anger Therapist

Inner Alchemy Psychotherapy, MA, RP, CCC

Registered Psychotherapist & Certified Canadian Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

It can be difficult to control our emotions, especially in these challenging times. Anger can also be an expression of other emotions that are lying beneath the surface. Psychotherapy can help identify tools that work for you in learning to regulate your emotions, as well as approaching your anger with preventative strategies such as learning to recognize when you begin to feel angry, and regular activities that can help alleviate stress and build up your stress tolerance. You are not defined by your anger, and your anger doesn't control you. By learning to identify your triggers and the purpose your anger serves for you, therapy can help you make a shift bring more peace into your life.

Michelle Iacobucci, RP
Anger Therapist

Michelle Iacobucci, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Anger presents in various forms and can range in intensity within and between individuals. When working with clients who see anger as a barrier in their lives, I strive to work together to gain an understanding of where the anger comes from, determine its different features and triggers, and explore the possible ways that you can feel more in control over this experience. Please contact me for a free consultation to learn more about my approach and to determine if we would be a good fit.

Michael Porter, CCPA
Anger Therapist

Michael Porter, CCPA

Registered Professional Member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association

Available for Online Therapy

The therapy and counselling for Anger Management depends on whether you produce or receive it. If you are subjected to someone else's anger, there is a significant risk that you are being abused in one of its many forms. Your self-esteem may have been crushed over time; sometimes, it isn't easy to even recognize what's happening to you. When you find yourself producing anger, it's important to reflect on your actions. You may be repeating a learned habit, but it's crucial to question if your responses are truly justified. This self-reflection can be a powerful motivator for change. The approach to each situation is different, but both require a kind, non-judgemental therapist.

Caitlin Marchand, RP
Anger Therapist

Caitlin Marchand, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Anger is often thought of as a negative emotion, but I like to think of Anger as the part of you that loves you and wants to stand up for you when you’ve experienced something “unfair.” Anger does not always make the best decisions about when to stand up for you, so I work collaboratively with clients to identify and explore how anger shows up in their lives, and to strengthen and develop strategies to minimize the impact it has on living the life you want to live. Book a free consultation to learn more about my approach and explore if we are a good fit.

Kaitlyn Hillier, M.C., C.C.C, R.P
Anger Therapist

Kaitlyn Hillier, M.C., C.C.C, R.P

Canadian Certified Counsellor, Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Anger management is about anger understanding first. Why are we angry? I will help clients' seeking assistance with anger by creating a safe space to explore the anger, to process it, and understand it. We can't seek to manage it if we don't understand what is really happening for us. Through pattern exploration of experiences with anger, we can process and navigate the emotion and work together to manage it.

Jennifer Kroeger, MEd, RP
Anger Therapist

Jennifer Kroeger, MEd, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Maybe you are reaching out because your words and actions are affecting those you love. We will work together to address your emotional reactivity so that you can create enough space before your actions so that you can choose a different path. We will explore what is underlying your anger so that we can address the root cause. Anger is a secondary emotion, and we will work to discover the primary emotion that is causing you such difficulties.

Maria Yaglovski, RP, CCC
Anger Therapist

Maria Yaglovski, RP, CCC

Registered Psychotherapist, Canadian Certified Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

We all get angry sometimes as anger is part of our core emotions. If you find yourself struggling with managing your anger, which is impacting your relationships and affecting your life, you likely have a lot of emotion to work through. Seeking help and speaking to a therapist can help you process your emotions and allow you to find better ways to address your emotions and navigate challenging situations.

Steve Rose, PhD
Anger Therapist

Steve Rose, PhD

Addiction Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

Anger can often feel so overwhelming that it causes you to do things you later regret. Not knowing what came over you, there are many unanswered questions: why do I keep doing this? why can't I stop myself? Sometimes, alcohol, substances, or other addictive behaviours lead to this anger, making it more difficult to control. As an addiction counsellor, I help clients overcome addictions leading to anger issues so they can regain a sense of control, rebuild relationships, and gain clarity about how to move forward. If you are unsure where to start, send me a message and I can help. If I'm not the right fit, I can connect you to the right support so you can start gaining back control, today.

Tony Miller, RP
Anger Therapist

Tony Miller, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Anger is the most common coping mechanism that is often misunderstood. Suppressing or avoiding anxiety inevitably leads to being overwhelmed and sometimes emotionally exploding. Instead of suppressing anger, a person should learn how to embrace it, be curious about it, feel it, understand it, and eventually channel it in a healthy and constructive manner. Anger comes from a sense of being misunderstood, ignored or left unsupported and the therapy should acknowledge and explore these areas. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to see if we are a good fit.

Donald Hill, M. Div., M. Th., RMFT, RP
Anger Therapist

Donald Hill, M. Div., M. Th., RMFT, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Many of us grew up in families where we were told to rate our emotions as positive or negative. Positive emotions were love, joy, and compassion. Negative emotions were sadness, fear, anger, and rage. Unfortunately, anger got placed in the harmful emotion category for many of us, which is not where it belongs. Anger is a helpful emotion that strengthens our resolve to set healthy limits in our relationships. Anger helps us communicate what we need from others. Psychotherapy is a space where you can learn the positive attributes of anger and how to express it positively and safely. Let's get together and explore some of these healthier options for this vital emotion!

Kevin Alderson, Ph.D.
Anger Therapist

Kevin Alderson, Ph.D.

Registered Psychologist (Alberta and Ontario)

Available for Online Therapy

[I OFFER VIDEO SESSIONS THROUGHOUT ALBERTA AND ONTARIO]. Anger has gotten the better of you and it is time to do something about that now. Come see me. I have been a psychologist since 1986 and I know how to help people. I often use cognitive behaviour therapy, mindfulness meditation, hypnotherapy, and several other helpful methods to bring down your overall arousal level. Bring some calmness of spirit into your life right away and book a session with me by visiting

Yasmin Goldie, RP, RN
Anger Therapist

Yasmin Goldie, RP, RN

Registered Psychotherapist, Registered Nurse

Available for Online Therapy

Anger is just one of the many emotions we all experience. If anger is a problem for you, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) can help manage this difficult emotion and the physiological arousal that accompanies it. Anger management can help you recognize and manage triggers and learn to cope more effectively.

Monika Georgieva, RP
Anger Therapist

Monika Georgieva, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

There are many things that can spark anger and it can be difficult to get a hold when anger takes over. It can also be difficult to understand why certain situations may lead us to feel angry and propel us to act in ways that may not be helpful to ourselves or to the relationships we are part of. Within therapy, I will help you to develop greater insight into how and why you experience anger and together, we will learn about the patterns that anger is connected to. I will also help you to develop tools to more safely connect with anger so that you can experience more fulfilling relationships with yourself and others. Contact me or book a free consultation if you wish to learn more.

Bojena Kelmendi, M.S.W. R.S.W.
Anger Therapist

Bojena Kelmendi, M.S.W. R.S.W.

Registered Social Worker, Therapist

Available for Online Therapy

Anger is a normal and healthy emotion and we all get angry from time to time. However, when anger turns destructive and/or self-destructive and brings problems into your personal and professional life, you need to seek support to learn how to manage your anger better. In the process, you will learn how to relieve the symptoms and recognize the signs of anger, increase your confidence and self esteem level, enjoy stronger and healthier relationships with your loved ones and coworkers, learn how to express yourself and your emotions with confidence and without anger, and live more balanced life both mentally and emotionally.

Shanna Budzinsky, RP
Anger Therapist

Shanna Budzinsky, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

: We all have a right to feel and express our anger and yet sometimes anger can alienate us from the things we care about most, such as friends and family. We can also often feel judged because of the way we express our anger and this can make it harder to manage. In my work with individuals who experience anger, I provide a safe, supportive and non-judgmental space to begin to understand anger and learn new ways of expressing it. Reach out today to schedule a free 15-minute consultation to see if we are a good fit.

Adrienne Richardson, PhD MsED RP CSAT/CPTT SEP-A OCT
Anger Therapist

Adrienne Richardson, PhD MsED RP CSAT/CPTT SEP-A OCT

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

There are 3 phases in working with Anger 1.Prevention- Attempts to forestall the very onset of anger. 2. Intervention- Aims to reduce the intensity or the duration of anger that has already ignited. 3. Postvention- Aims to discharge any residual anger. Emotions are regulated by re-experiencing, releasing, or converting them into a safe form. We will not only focus on your cognitions and behaviors as entry points but also focus on the modification of affect (your emotions). Anger is an emotion. To have no room in therapy for the feeling component of this emotion is to deny its very essence, your existence. Gestalt perspective- Expression of anger can be very productive. Let out!

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW
Anger Therapist

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

A response to life's events falls upon a continuum from neutral to highly-reactive. At times anger, Gandhi called it "Righteous Indignation," is necessary to respond to injustices or inappropriate behaviours. However, uncontrolled, inappropriate anger is destructive to one's self and others. Mindfulness and Metta (Loving Kindness) meditations are excellent tools to deal with anger. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) also called Tapping, along with skillful use of affirmations can help to cool the fires of anger. The benefits of anger management lead to a regulating of emotions and thus a gaining of peace of mind, positive relationships, career and family security.

Sarah Glinski, RP (Qualifying)
Anger Therapist

Sarah Glinski, RP (Qualifying)

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Available for Online Therapy

Our experiences of anger vary greatly. While I don't offer therapy services for anger management, at Psychotherapy Collective, our online clinic, we have many therapists who offer support for clients seeking help with anger. Visit our website to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with a therapist who specializes in anger management

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Anger Therapist

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

At Home or Private Discreet Intensives

Grey Matters International and the work of Kevin J. Fleming, Ph.D approaches issues of anger management in a very humane yet fresh perspective. You see, anger is a normal emotion but it is the valence (intensity) as well as the coupling choice of what one does with this that is the problem. Telling someone to "not" do it or modifying behavior with a trite psychological plan that only breeds a compliant response is not the way to change anger. Brainwave optimization is a new cutting edge technology that allows one to rewire circuitry responsible for reactivity driving the anger. Contact Grey Matters International, Inc now at or 877-606-6161.

Kate Paul, BA (Hons), MACP
Anger Therapist

Kate Paul, BA (Hons), MACP

Registered Psychotherapist, Individual & Couples Therapist

Available for Online Therapy

Together, we will gain insight into the root of your anger and the purpose that it serves in your life. We will empower you to learn more about yourself when you experience anger and decide how you choose to respond to this emotion. I employ an integrative approach in my practice working alongside clients within an empathetic and supportive dynamic.

Ryta Marie Peschka, RP
Anger Therapist

Ryta Marie Peschka, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Perceptions of anger vary based on personal experiences; some of us have experienced it as a destructive force presented through aggression or violence. Whether anger is getting in the way of authentic connection, resolving differences with others, or impacting your overall mental health, understanding it can be a helpful first step in anger therapy, also known as anger management therapy. Schedule a free consultation to see if we are a good fit for therapy.

Melissa Letourneau, RP
Anger Therapist

Melissa Letourneau, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Anger can feel like an emotional experience that we have no control over. In therapy, you can explore the root causes of anger and how it impacts your life, your experiences, and your relationships. You can learn skills to effectively respond to anger, ground yourself when feeling angry, and de-escalate when anger is impacting your relationships. I work with individuals, couples and families. Book a free consultation to explore if we are a good fit for therapy.

Pamela Li, RP
Anger Therapist

Pamela Li, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

My approach to anger management is centered on cultivating healthier ways to express and manage your feelings. I provide practical tools and a supportive environment for understanding and managing anger constructively. We will work together to help you identify and better understand your triggers, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and fostering emotional regulation. If you're ready to take control of your emotions, reach out for a free consultation.

You have Found the Best Anger Management Therapists in Petrolia, ON.

Thank you for visiting our Ontario page of anger counsellors in Petrolia, Ontario who are experienced in therapy and treatment for anger issues.  Ask your provider about classes or workshops in addition to individual sessions to help with issues relating to anger. Begin your new journey today.

Petrolia is located in Ontario, Canada. It has a land area of 12.68 square kilometers.  The population of Petrolia is 5,742 people with 2,277 households . The population ranking for Petrolia is #650 nationally and #214 for the province of Ontario with a density of 452.80 people per sq km. Petrolia therapists serve postal code: N0N.