Addiction Therapists in Parry Sound, ON.

Counselling for addiction and codependency in Parry Sound, ON. Help for alcohol and substance abuse, pornography, sex and internet addiction, gambling, and compulsive spending.

Magdalena Karakehayova, RP
Addiction Counselor

Magdalena Karakehayova, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Substance use can often feel like the only effective way of coping with traumatic events or challenging life circumstances. I believe that therapy should open space for clients to discuss their experience with substance use and what purpose this serves in their lives. I take a de-pathologizing stance and work collaboratively with clients to explore what substance use means to them and see how this fits with their ideas and hopes for their life and future. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to ensure we are a good fit.

Bojena Kelmendi, M.S.W. R.S.W.
Addiction Counselor

Bojena Kelmendi, M.S.W. R.S.W.

Registered Social Worker, Therapist

Available for Online Therapy

Addiction often overtakes whole lives and keeps its victims in captivity taking away the joy and freedom. I work with you and support you to fight it off and rebuild your life. You develop skills to effectively cope with cravings, how to go through your emotions during rough time with no judgement, and keep moving forward towards healing the relationship you have with yourself and the relationships with the close ones and begin to savor the taste of life, free of addiction.

Cara Briscoe, RP
Addiction Counselor

Cara Briscoe, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Addiction is a multifaceted challenge, and understanding its roots is key to recovery. While I do not offer therapy sessions for addiction, we have several addiction specialists at Psychotherapy Collective who are available to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with you to ensure they are the proper fit for your journey. Visit our profiles at

Michael Porter, CCPA
Addiction Counselor

Michael Porter, CCPA

Registered Professional Member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association

Available for Online Therapy

Addiction is a jump into a pool of dopamine (the reward hormone) before you've had a chance to earn it. Emotional sobriety occurs when you choose not to overreact. Substance sobriety occurs when you stop making your best friend a drink or a drug. Shopping sobriety occurs when you stop accumulating articles to feel better. Sexual sobriety occurs when you choose to stop using people as desired objects. Gambling sobriety occurs when you bet on yourself. All addictions are examples of the reward system being hijacked. Sobriety often requires the support of others, which means you give up your secret. Sobriety is not easy to achieve or hang on to. If you'd like to try, I may be able to help.

Shanna Budzinsky, RP
Addiction Counselor

Shanna Budzinsky, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

It can be hard to know where to begin when dealing with addiction because its roots can run deep into the fabric of our lives. When working with individuals who experience addictions, I first seek to understand and appreciate each person’s story and work to provide a safe, supportive and non-judgemental space where healing can begin. My own experiences with addiction and recovery have helped me to understand the healing power of compassion, acceptance and encouragement. Reach out today to learn more about my approach and your journey to healing.

Adrienne Richardson, PhD MsED RP CSAT/CPTT SEP-A OCT
Addiction Counselor

Adrienne Richardson, PhD MsED RP CSAT/CPTT SEP-A OCT

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Do you or a loved one need help for alcohol or substance abuse? Are addictions to pornography, sex and/or the internet hurting the people in your life? Do you have a gambling, drug, alcohol, food, sex, work, and/or shopping addiction (s) that are impacting your life? Are you impacted by your family member's addiction? Counselling for addiction and codependency is available. I am an adult child of an alcoholic. I am a recovering addict myself. It takes one to know one, and it takes one to help one! You do not need to struggle alone, let me be your one! I've Got your Back. We can work holistically and also utilize the 12 Steps. Note: I am a Cannabis Friendly Psychotherapist

Phil Naylor, MA, CH, RP
Addiction Counselor

Phil Naylor, MA, CH, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Addictions come in many forms and I work with many additions and "habits" including substance use, smoking and food addictions. Addictions (especially involving drug and alcohol) are strongly associated with trauma and I take a trauma-informed approach to therapy. I often utilize the potent tool of hypnosis when working with addictions and habit control.

Donald Hill, M. Div., M. Th., RMFT, RP
Addiction Counselor

Donald Hill, M. Div., M. Th., RMFT, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Addiction is a multifaceted challenge, and understanding its roots is key to recovery. While I do not offer therapy sessions for addiction, we have several addiction specialists at Psychotherapy Collective who are available to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with you to ensure they are the proper fit for your journey. Visit our profiles at

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW
Addiction Counselor

Philip Starkman, MSW, RSW

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Addictions can appear in many forms including substance addictions, internet addiction, sex addiction, gambling addiction, shopping addiction, pornography, social media, excessive exercise, food, etc. Strong cravings with a loss of control can lead people to become addicted in spite of possible dire consequences. Counselling is one of several possible treatments available for addictions. Individual, group and family therapies have been found to be helpful in order to inform a client regarding the harmful effects the addiction may have on themselves, their friends, family and society. Promoting physical, emotional and spiritual well being is often critical for the rehabilitation process.

Laura Kemp-Romas, MA, RP
Addiction Counselor

Laura Kemp-Romas, MA, RP

Registered Psychotherapist & Clinical Director of EnerTherapy

Available for Online Therapy

"Addiction", whether it be over-using drugs, internet, sex, etc., is a means of seeking pleasure in order to mask difficult feelings and thoughts that you may be dealing with. Sometimes, the pain of difficult or traumatic experiences becomes so intense that we unknowingly turn to unhealthy means of gratification. It is my goal to collaboratively, delicately and thoughtfully explore the underlying reasons of your excessive use of drugs, internet, etc., and support the working through and acknowledgement of the feelings and thoughts associated with the underlying reasons. If you are persistent in obtaining health and a happier existence, you will experience healing and release from pain.

Steve Rose, PhD
Addiction Counselor

Steve Rose, PhD

Addiction Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

Many approaches to addiction emphasize willpower and deprivation, but this only works temporarily. Alcohol, substances, or other addictive behaviours like gambling and gaming offer short-term relief of underlying issues at a long-term cost to one's relationships and health. As an addiction counsellor, I can help you resolve underlying issues, regain control, and build a sense of meaning and purpose, so you can start living the life you want. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to addiction recovery. I meet each client where they are at, tailoring my approach to each person's unique needs. Send me a message and we can connect for a quick call to discuss next steps.

Sierra Goldfinger, RP (Qualifying)
Addiction Counselor

Sierra Goldfinger, RP (Qualifying)

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

As a therapist, I know how challenging it can be to manage addiction. Addiction can impact the quality of our lives, our relationships, and our connection to ourselves. Therapy can provide a safe space to navigate addiction and explore what you wish for in relation to the substance or behaviour. Discussing the addiction can also provide us useful clues as to what roots the addiction, allowing us to navigate the core issue at hand and explore preferred coping strategies. Connect with me today for a free consultation to begin your healing journey.

Resilient Cactus Psychotherapy, MA, RSW
Addiction Counselor

Resilient Cactus Psychotherapy, MA, RSW


Available for Online Therapy

We are social beings who thrive when we feel connected to others. When we are unable to connect with our loved ones, we feel painful disconnection. These feelings of disconnection can lead us to explore other strategies to feel good, even temporarily. The use of substances or addictive behaviours can temporarily reduce our feelings of emotional and physical pain while increasing our sense of pleasurable feelings. Because it is temporary, we must continue to engage in these addictive practices to cope with feeling disconnected, and our use becomes more problematic and destructive. Together, we will explore the disconnection that is driving the addictive behaviour.

Michelle Iacobucci, RP
Addiction Counselor

Michelle Iacobucci, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Addiction is a multifaceted challenge, and understanding its roots is key to recovery. While I do not offer therapy sessions for addiction, we have several addiction specialists at Psychotherapy Collective who are available to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with you to ensure they are the proper fit for your journey. Visit our profiles at

Monika Georgieva, RP
Addiction Counselor

Monika Georgieva, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Addiction is a multifaceted challenge, and understanding its roots is key to recovery. While I do not offer therapy sessions for addiction, we have several addiction specialists at Psychotherapy Collective who are available to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with you to ensure they are the proper fit for your journey. Visit our profiles at

Kate Paul, BA (Hons), MACP
Addiction Counselor

Kate Paul, BA (Hons), MACP

Registered Psychotherapist, Individual & Couples Therapist

Available for Online Therapy

Addiction can occur with many substances and activities - alcohol, street drugs, prescription drugs, caffeine, food, porn, sex, gambling, Together, we will gain insight into the root of your addiction and the purpose it has served in your life. I will provide us with the compassionate and supportive dynamic essential to your journey of creating the life experience you desire.

Kevin Alderson, Ph.D.
Addiction Counselor

Kevin Alderson, Ph.D.

Registered Psychologist (Alberta and Ontario)

Available for Online Therapy

[I OFFER VIDEO SESSIONS THROUGHOUT ALBERTA AND ONTARIO]. I know what it is like to be an addict. I have been in recovery from my addiction for several years now. I am also an international expert in this field. My American textbook called “Addictions Counseling Today: Substances and Addictive Behaviors” was published recently. I have been a practicing psychologist since 1986. If you need a competent psychologist, book now at

Ryta Marie Peschka, RP
Addiction Counselor

Ryta Marie Peschka, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

While substance use typically begins as recreational activity it can become habit forming and often develops addictive behaviors interfering with other areas of our lives, such as relationships, jobs, and finances. To increase awareness and insight into the reasons for using, I offer evidence-based treatment while providing you with options along the continuum of the Harm Reduction approach towards abstinence. We will explore any underlying emotional needs and relationships. By gaining insight to any ambivalent thoughts and feelings around changing patterns of substance misuse I will support you in the setting and achieving of personal goals. Schedule a free consultation today.

Eunice Bueno
Addiction Counselor

Eunice Bueno

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

I offer specialized counseling for individuals struggling with addictions, providing a safe and non-judgmental space to address the complexities of substance use and addictive behaviors. Utilizing a blend of evidence-based approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing, and relapse prevention strategies, I support clients in understanding the underlying causes of their addiction, developing healthier coping mechanisms, and creating sustainable recovery plans. My aim is to empower clients to reclaim control over their lives and well-being by achieving their substance use goals.

Sharron Carson, RP
Addiction Counselor

Sharron Carson, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Having an addiction is not a sign of weakness or lack of character. In fact, reaching out for help and being open to change takes a great deal of strength. My approach is one of openness and non-judgment. I follow a harm reduction approach meaning that I respect my clients right to set their own goals which will then guide our sessions. I appreciate that not everyone is ready to, nor wants to, work towards full sobriety. Harm reduction is about reducing the negative impact that substance use has on that person’s well-being and life. I strongly believe that any positive change is a success. If you think that my approach would work for you, please book a free consultation.

Yasmin Goldie, RP, RN
Addiction Counselor

Yasmin Goldie, RP, RN

Registered Psychotherapist, Registered Nurse

Available for Online Therapy

Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Alcohol use disorder (AUD) can affect mental and physical health, relationships, work, and quality of life. There are many factors that contribute to drug and alcohol use and addiction counselling can help a person explore these factors as well discuss motivation to change the cycle of addiction. I use a blend of CBT and DBT to help give practical skills to help with cravings, emotional regulation and thought processes. Addiction counselling works to: • Strengthen a persons self-worth • Develop alternative ways to manage stress • Prepare and manage triggers • Develop skills to help manage cravings • Help with broken relationship

Sarah Glinski, RP (Qualifying)
Addiction Counselor

Sarah Glinski, RP (Qualifying)

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Available for Online Therapy

Feeling out of control and unable to stop engaging in harmful behaviours can feel shameful, over-whelming and hopeless. My approach to addiction treatment is based in a harm reduction model. This approach acknowledges that maintaining abstinence may not be a realistic goal. Without judgement we will work together to set realistic goals that seek to reduce the negative impacts of your addiction. You may choose to explore the roots of your addiction and any other related issues. It will always be up to you. Please reach out for a consult so we can assess whether I am the right therapist to help you move toward change and stability.

Caitlin Marchand, RP
Addiction Counselor

Caitlin Marchand, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Addiction is a multifaceted challenge, and understanding its roots is key to recovery. While I do not offer therapy sessions for addiction, we have several addiction specialists at Psychotherapy Collective who are available to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with you to ensure they are the proper fit for your journey. Visit our profiles at

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Addiction Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

At Home or Private Discreet Intensives

While most treatment approaches to addiction include 12 step programs, rehabs, and now sober living houses, Grey Matters International, Inc. provides a wildly successful alternative to traditional models of addiction treatment----that keeps the brain in mind. That is, talking to the conscious brain while the primal brain is deciding things even before you are consciously aware? Well, that is the problem to solve in addiction. We have the solution utilizing a new cutting edge neuroscience-centered brain rebalancing system. Contact or call 877-606-6161.

Sara Sherstobitoff, RP
Addiction Counselor

Sara Sherstobitoff, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Addiction is a multifaceted challenge, and understanding its roots is key to recovery. While I do not offer therapy sessions for addiction, we have several addiction specialists at Psychotherapy Collective who are available to schedule a free 15-minute consultation with you to ensure they are the proper fit for your journey. Visit our profiles at

You have Found the Top Therapists for Addiction And Codependency in Parry Sound, ON.

Thank you for visiting our Ontario page of therapists in Parry Sound who specialize in addictions in all forms- internet addiction, pornography and sex addictions, gambling, alcohol and drug abuse, shopping, and food addictions.  An addiction can destroy lives and relationships. Often times there is a codependent person somewhere in the sphere of an addict. Professional therapy from an addiction specialist in Parry Sound, ON is a vital part of recoverey and healing. We are ready to help, let's get started.

Parry Sound is located in Ontario, Canada. It has a land area of 13.40 square kilometers.  The population of Parry Sound is 6,408 people with 2,926 households . The population ranking for Parry Sound is #596 nationally and #204 for the province of Ontario with a density of 478.20 people per sq km. Parry Sound therapists serve postal code: P2A.