Family Therapist
CenterLife Counseling
7039 20th Ave S, Centerville, Minnesota 55038 | 651-288-0332
We work with families to help resolve conflict, smooth out relationships, and restore the family as a source of stability, peace, and caring. We help families heal from the impact of life transitions, relationship and parenting issues, substance abuse/addiction, mental health disorders, trauma, and grief and loss. We have therapists who are specifically trained and licensed to work with couples and families. We live in a connected world, and those connections are part of both our problems and our solutions. Our therapists are specialists who understand this whole-system approach. Visit our website at http://www.centerlifecounseling.com for more information or to contact us for scheduling.

Family Therapist
Shoreview Mental Health Center,
Minnesota 55110 |
Our lives are impacted greatly by the health of our family relationships. It typically doesn't take long when working with a family for members to start demonstrating in session some of the issues that exist. We strive to search what issues lie beneath the behaviors. Breaking bad communication patterns is a common place to start. The focus is on solutions, not blame.

Family Therapist
Rachel Larson, MA, LAMFT
Licensed Associate Marriage and Family Therapist
620 Civic Heights Drive Suite 109, Circle Pines, Minnesota 55014 | 763-280-7486
Family therapy is a unique experience to invite any or all family members to join at various times during the counseling process, as determined by the family and the therapist. Families work as a system -- what one person does affects the rest of the family, and vice versa. Family therapy allows an opportunity to come together to work on and understand the unique dynamics of your family. We have worked with parents and children, as well as adult married couples and in laws, blended families, and more.