Family Therapist
Eleanor Reiter, MS, LPC, NCC, CCTP, CFTP
Licensed Professional Counselor
1275 Glenlivet Drive, Suite 100, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18106 | 610-944-4327
Our family affects who we are and who we become, both for the better and for worse. We learn our vocabulary, our habits, our customs and rituals, and how to view and observe the world around us. Anyone seeking healthier, closer family relationships can benefit from family therapy. Engaging in a healing-centered approach can provide families support to help improve interpersonal interactions and promote healthy connections for families. I am passionate about taking a more systemic approach to treatment and assisting couples, family members and additional individuals within the support system to be healing agents for each other. Schedule a free telephone consultation by calling 610-944-4327. https://empoweredlifeandwellnessllc.com/

Family Therapist
Barbara Shaw, MS, LMFT
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Limerick, Pennsylvania 19468 | 610-308-4523
As a trained Marriage & Family Therapist and a mother of two, I can help you to navigate the challenges of marriage and parenting. Simply put, we all want to be loved and accepted for who we are. What family does not wish this for everyone involved? Unfortunately, as a result of day to day stressors, ineffective communication, learned defensive behaviors, and a simple lack of know-how, families can fail to accomplish this simple task for one another. Therapy can turn this cycle around by allowing family members to rediscover each other's perspectives and true selves, replacing conflict and misunderstanding, with harmony and compassion.

Family Therapist
Thomas and Carol Corso, Carol and Thomas Corso
Professional Counselors
214 W. Broad Street, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018 | (610) 844-8522
Carol has counseled and provided consultation to many families with special needs children. Her services included working with children with autism, learning disabilities, tourette's syndrome, central auditory processing disorder and gifted. Parenting a special needs child can be challenging. There are times when families need assistance with home or school issues. Counseling can be beneficial, and help not only the parents, but the entire family. I also offer consultation regarding IEP's and GIEP's. Tom also provides family therapy, and his specialty area is adjudicated youth, and adolescent issues, co-parenting and families in crisis.

Family Therapist
Janet Edgette, Psy.D.
Clinical Psychologist
412 Newcomen Road, Exton, Pennsylvania 19341 | 610-363-1144
I love when children/teens and their parents all come in together. Some worry it will be awkward but I make a point to have it be relaxed and conversational. I help parents understand the social culture and stressors impacting their kids' lives, as well as help them express their concerns in ways that don't feel like lectures to their kids. In turn, I help kids to articulate their struggles in ways that their parents can appreciate and empathize with. Respect and responsibility is an important part of any work I do with families, and helping parents to balance their expressions of compassion with their need to hold their kids accountable is always part of the conversation.

Family Therapist
The Center for Healthier Relationships, Individuals,& Sexualities, Network of Inclusive Therapists
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 |
One of the most common forms of Family Therapy is Structural Family Therapy. This modality focuses on examining how our family of origin, influences our relationships and engagement. This includes biological, adoptive and families of choice. The Eco-Systemic Structural Family Therapy approach also examines the larger ecosystem of a family, such as their community connection and support systems which can be used to help overcome challenges.

Family Therapist
Shannon Miller, LCSW
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
342 N. Queen St., Warehouse D, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603 | (717) 742-0501
I cannot imagine a family out there that does not want to be happy. But life happens. Things can become dysfunctional as family members come and go (planned or unexpectedly), structure and hierarchy change, illness strikes, conflict escalates, addiction is discovered, careers are earned and lost, and communication comes to a standstill. Through mutually agreed upon ground rules, therapy will be the place for each family member to share their experience without fear of retribution and to have the opportunity to be heard without interruption. Then, through a variety of strategies, we work together to reorganize the family's energies and move towards a positive outcome.

Family Therapist
Jonathan Gransee, Psy.D.
Licensed Psychologist
313 W. Liberty Street, Suite 226, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603 | 717-509-5151
Oftentimes, one person will be identified as the problem in a family system, but, oftentimes, they are simply the one who has been showing the symptoms of the dysfunction in the family, rather than themselves having an individual issue. Families can address this by sitting down and talking with each other, with an impartial third party, to discover what is happening within the family and what can be done to fix it.