Family Therapist
Patricia Krenitsky, MS, LPC, NCC,CAMS-1
Licensed Professional Counselor, National Board Certified, Associate of John G. Kuna & Associates
4101 Birney Ave, Moosic , Pennsylvania 18507 | 570-466-0062
Have you ever completed a genogram? It is an interesting way to unravel the mysteries of our family. Did you know that each family has its own dance and we all have parts. Understanding family dynamics may assist you in reaching resolution to family conflicts. i am available to explore your family dynamics with you and assist you in resolving problem areas within your family relationahips.

Family Therapist
Harlene Arenberg, MS, LPC
6 Pen Y Bryn Drive, Scranton, Pennsylvania 18505 | 570-346-6478
Each family member has wants and needs, especially for recognition, desire to be noticed, loved and valued. Because each person has his/her own developmental needs, perspective and temperament, often conflict gets in the way of resolving issues. Effective communication and learning how to resolve issues, as they arise, can save years of family hurt and turmoil. Therapy sessions can help to stabilize family relationships and suggest effective patterns of behavior that will lead to a better situation. Family Therapist Harlene Arenberg from Scranton Pennsylvania, (18505), Harlene always available to meet with you for family counseling sessions.

Family Therapist
Eleanor Reiter, MS, LPC, NCC, CCTP, CFTP
Licensed Professional Counselor
1275 Glenlivet Drive, Suite 100, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18106 | 610-944-4327
Our family affects who we are and who we become, both for the better and for worse. We learn our vocabulary, our habits, our customs and rituals, and how to view and observe the world around us. Anyone seeking healthier, closer family relationships can benefit from family therapy. Engaging in a healing-centered approach can provide families support to help improve interpersonal interactions and promote healthy connections for families. I am passionate about taking a more systemic approach to treatment and assisting couples, family members and additional individuals within the support system to be healing agents for each other. Schedule a free telephone consultation by calling 610-944-4327. https://empoweredlifeandwellnessllc.com/

Family Therapist
David Palmiter, Ph.D., ABPP
Clinical Psychcologist
Scranton, Pennsylvania 18509 | (570) 587-2273
The family therapy I do is in situations when a child or teen is acting out. A child or teen might be defiant, or aggressive, or failing in school, or in trouble with the law or abusing substances or lying excessively or acting promiscuously, or some combination of these and other negative behaviors. The family therapy I do is preceded by a thorough and state-of-the art evaluation of both the youth and the youth's system. I then set measurable goals with a family and follow it up with behaviorally oriented family therapy. In this approach, there are specific and structured strategies brought to bear and home, and often and school, to enhance a child or teen's odds of being highly successful.

Family Therapist
Thomas and Carol Corso, Carol and Thomas Corso
Professional Counselors
214 W. Broad Street, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018 | (610) 844-8522
Carol has counseled and provided consultation to many families with special needs children. Her services included working with children with autism, learning disabilities, tourette's syndrome, central auditory processing disorder and gifted. Parenting a special needs child can be challenging. There are times when families need assistance with home or school issues. Counseling can be beneficial, and help not only the parents, but the entire family. I also offer consultation regarding IEP's and GIEP's. Tom also provides family therapy, and his specialty area is adjudicated youth, and adolescent issues, co-parenting and families in crisis.