Family Therapist
Thomas and Carol Corso, Carol and Thomas Corso
Professional Counselors
214 W. Broad Street, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018 | (610) 844-8522
Carol has counseled and provided consultation to many families with special needs children. Her services included working with children with autism, learning disabilities, tourette's syndrome, central auditory processing disorder and gifted. Parenting a special needs child can be challenging. There are times when families need assistance with home or school issues. Counseling can be beneficial, and help not only the parents, but the entire family. I also offer consultation regarding IEP's and GIEP's. Tom also provides family therapy, and his specialty area is adjudicated youth, and adolescent issues, co-parenting and families in crisis.

Family Therapist
Margie Negri, MA
Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor, Temperament Therapist
90 Beaver Ave., Suite 204, Clinton, New Jersey 08809 | 9087975439
Family is the backbone of our society. So many things in our lives make having peace in our home very difficult. I believe that home needs to be our safe place. I work with families to help them forgive hurts, communicate about what is really going on and to love each other the way God intended us to. I create an environment that leads to greater understanding and a deeper love.

Family Therapist
Eleanor Reiter, MS, LPC, NCC, CCTP, CFTP
Licensed Professional Counselor
1275 Glenlivet Drive, Suite 100, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18106 | 610-944-4327
Our family affects who we are and who we become, both for the better and for worse. We learn our vocabulary, our habits, our customs and rituals, and how to view and observe the world around us. Anyone seeking healthier, closer family relationships can benefit from family therapy. Engaging in a healing-centered approach can provide families support to help improve interpersonal interactions and promote healthy connections for families. I am passionate about taking a more systemic approach to treatment and assisting couples, family members and additional individuals within the support system to be healing agents for each other. Schedule a free telephone consultation by calling 610-944-4327. https://empoweredlifeandwellnessllc.com/

Family Therapist
Elizabeth Otto, LPC, CCTP
Licensed Professional Counselor
127 South 3rd Street, Perkasie, Pennsylvania 18944 | (267)614-5269
I have been performing family counseling for over 10 years. I believe that finding a way to take accountability without shaming family members is essential for growth within the family system. Parents often do the best that they can in raising their children, but should be able to recognize areas where they may have failed their children. In my experience, establishing boundaries within the family unit is imperative to creating healthy individuals and families.

Family Therapist
Jisun Sunny Fisher, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist
Flanders, New Jersey 07836 |
Effective parenting starts with healthy and respectful relationships. However, having just the right relationship in place is sometimes not enough for a happy home. If you find that your punitive measures are no longer cutting it, or you find your adolescent children becoming more and more disconnected from you, you have every right to be concerned. Many families need support in the form of an empathic and effective counselor to create healthier relationships at home. Unhealthy dynamics are usually created and exacerbated by everyone involved - not just one person. How can seeking family counseling help your family?

Family Therapist
Jennifer McCarron, MA, LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified EMDR Therapist
418 Stump Road, Suite 207, Montgomeryville, Pennsylvania 18936 | 215-361-7654
I have worked with families for over 25 years and find it one of the most exciting and effective forms of therapy. It requires special training and skills to sit with a group of people, many of whom are upset with each other, and help them find a way through the pain to healing for them all. I have trained with some of the founders of Family Therapy, and worked with at-risk children in their homes and my office. Nothing is more satisfying.

Family Therapist
Eugene Kayser, M.A., M.F.T.
PA Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
418 Stump Rd., Suite 204, Montgomeryville, Pennsylvania 18936 | 215-813-8633
Family counseling is the most powerful form of therapy I know. For years, individuals with social and relationship problems were pathologized and treated alone. With the advent of Family Therapy, individual problems were considered a manifestation of issues through the entire family system. I work with everybody involved with the “patient” in the same room at the same time. Parents and children, brother and sisters have their first chance in years to speak and be heard by others in the family. I maintain order and safety, and engage the family in a balanced and fair manner. The results are often amazing.

Family Therapist
Barbara Shaw, MS, LMFT
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Limerick, Pennsylvania 19468 | 610-308-4523
As a trained Marriage & Family Therapist and a mother of two, I can help you to navigate the challenges of marriage and parenting. Simply put, we all want to be loved and accepted for who we are. What family does not wish this for everyone involved? Unfortunately, as a result of day to day stressors, ineffective communication, learned defensive behaviors, and a simple lack of know-how, families can fail to accomplish this simple task for one another. Therapy can turn this cycle around by allowing family members to rediscover each other's perspectives and true selves, replacing conflict and misunderstanding, with harmony and compassion.