Family Therapist
Laurie Levine, WWW
111 Main, Nowhere, Virginia 21111 | 703-111-2229
Family relationships are hard and demanding and frustrating. We strive for peace and harmony in our homes and often find ourselves angry, in tears and feeling powerless. I work with nuclear families, blended families and adoptive families who are living in chaos. I educate parents on setting appropriate limits and boundaries and STICKING TO THEM while also teaching kids how to have respect, follow rules as well as having an appropriate voice and getting their needs met. You WILL see positive results; bringing structure and balance into the home is the bare minimum you will experience, when you find yourselves laughing together as a family, you will know you have arrived.

Family Therapist
Robert Castle, M.S., LCPC
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor
Cockeysville, Maryland 21094 | 410-702-5138
We are all relational beings, living within interactive, emotional systems. How we relate to our most significant others (spouse, children, siblings, etc.) can sometimes lapse into unpleasant scripts and powerful undercurrents of action-reaction, negative group-think, and ineffective authority roles. Restoring a sense of effective functioning, wellness and harmony (shalom) within family relationships can be aided by learning and practicing new ways to empathize, communicate, and collaborate with each other. Under certain conditions, families can even benefit from video sessions or teletherapy (if more convenient and less stressful than gathering everyone at a therapist's office!)

Family Therapist
Shannon Miller, LCSW
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
342 N. Queen St., Warehouse D, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603 | (717) 742-0501
I cannot imagine a family out there that does not want to be happy. But life happens. Things can become dysfunctional as family members come and go (planned or unexpectedly), structure and hierarchy change, illness strikes, conflict escalates, addiction is discovered, careers are earned and lost, and communication comes to a standstill. Through mutually agreed upon ground rules, therapy will be the place for each family member to share their experience without fear of retribution and to have the opportunity to be heard without interruption. Then, through a variety of strategies, we work together to reorganize the family's energies and move towards a positive outcome.

Family Therapist
Jonathan Gransee, Psy.D.
Licensed Psychologist
313 W. Liberty Street, Suite 226, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603 | 717-509-5151
Oftentimes, one person will be identified as the problem in a family system, but, oftentimes, they are simply the one who has been showing the symptoms of the dysfunction in the family, rather than themselves having an individual issue. Families can address this by sitting down and talking with each other, with an impartial third party, to discover what is happening within the family and what can be done to fix it.

Family Therapist
Lindsay Cirincione, Psy.D.
Psychologist licensed in Maryland and all PsyPACT states
Baltimore, Maryland 21205 | 410-449-5533
I primarily work with families who have been impacted by chronic health or medical conditions. Managing the burden of a medical condition can be overwhelming at times, and it can have an impact on the whole family. The families I work with benefit from parent support, increasing confidence in the medical setting, and improving interactions around symptoms. This work results in an overall improvement in quality of life not just for the person who has the medical condition, but for the family as a whole.

Family Therapist
Ann Klein, LCSW-C, MSW
Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Marriage & Family Therapist
6239 Plaited Reed, Columbia, Maryland 21044 | 240-593-1517
When I see the family, I ask each one how they view the situation and how it affects them and the whole family. With parenting issues, I will see the child or teen alone and then the parents. I teach parents ways of listening to each other and understanding where each one is coming from. Once they validate each other, I help them problem solve using possible strategies with their child or young adult. These strategies will depend on the issue whether their child is experiencing symptoms of hyperactivity, addictions, learning processing difficulties, acting out in a new blended family, etc. Then I bring the family together for the parents to set limits on the child or young adult.

Family Therapist
John Rhead, Ph.D., CGP
Licensed Psychologist
5560 Sterrett Pl. #205, Columbia, Maryland 21044 | (410) 997-5060
A family is a living organism, and when one member is in pain or confusion the whole family unit is part of that pain or confusion--sometimes as part of the cause, and always as a potential part of the cure. I offer families help in seeing how family members may contribute to each other's suffering and, more importantly, how they can help each other reduce the suffering.

Family Therapist
Dawn Crosson, Psy.D
Licensed Psychologist
845 Sir Thomas Ct, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17109 | 717-503-2244
Petra Psychological Services believes in building the community one family at a time. Strong families are fundamental in raising healthy functioning productive individuals. Therapy is focused around understanding family dynamics, problem solving, expression of feelings, establishing healthy boundaries and individuality and functioning within the family unit.