Family Therapist
Lawrence Cross, MA, MSW, LCSW
Licensed Psychotherapist/Clinical Social Worker
211 West Neshannock Ave., New Wilmington, Pennsylvania 16142 | 724-901-0901; 724-815-3915
The family therapist views family relationships as an important factor of psychological wellness. The goal of family therapy is to achieve balance within the family system of of interactions. The family therapist is a relational therapist who focuses on what takes place between individuals and how this constitutes their interactive patterns. By analyzing specific patterns of interactions and challenging the individuals to implement alternative ways of responding to one another, positive change and ultimately balance occurs within the family system via a domino effect. Blame is of no concern. Rather, the objective is that any singular change will trigger successive changes within the system.

Family Therapist
Cindy Kightlinger, CADC, LPC, LCSW
Christian Counseling-Mercy House of Meadville, Inc.
13180 Leslie Road, Ste. 2, Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335 | 814-337-6180
The most important thing is choosing a therapist to help you family is to ask the question,"Do they feel passionate about what they do?" Several of our staff focus on family. They are passionate and excited about their work with families-from marriage restoration to blended families to parenting issues--our counselors shine! They have a heart for our mission to "restore hearts and homes" and they tirelessly work toward that end.