Christian Counselor
Elizabeth Otto, LPC, CCTP
Licensed Professional Counselor
127 South 3rd Street, Perkasie, Pennsylvania 18944 | (267)614-5269
As a Christian, I love working with people that are willing to turn to God with their worldly concerns. I feel that the power of prayer has helped me so much in my own trials and I've seen it assist so many of my clients over the years. I never try to force my religious views on people, but rather try to help them imagine the benefits of having the support of a forgiving higher power.

Christian Counselor
Margie Negri, MA
Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor, Temperament Therapist
90 Beaver Ave., Suite 204, Clinton, New Jersey 08809 | 9087975439
God created you and knows every intimate detail of your life. He sent Jesus to pay for your sins so that you could become a child of the King of Kings. He knows everything you ever suffered and He knows how to heal you better than anyone. The Holy Spirit living in you desires to reveal Himself to you, so that He is an ever present help in time of trouble. Jesus said "Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you help." I want to help you learn how to know Him better and to let Him heal you.