Biblical and Christian Counseling in 17362: Spring Grove, PA.

Christian Counseling in 17362: Spring Grove, PA. Therapy from a Biblical world view. Ask your therapist about specific questions regarding approach.

Dawn Crosson, Psy.D
Christian Counselor

Dawn Crosson, Psy.D

Licensed Psychologist

845 Sir Thomas Ct, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17109 | 717-503-2244

Every answer that we need to live a successful life is found in the life and teachings of JESUS CHRIST. Dr. Crosson is committed to helping Christian clients find answers to life problems and emotional difficulties in the Word of God. By listening and incorporating biblical principles into sessions, clients can find the tools to live a successful Christian life.

Teni Osundeko, Ph.D, LCSW
Christian Counselor

Teni Osundeko, Ph.D, LCSW

Clinical Social Worker

3600 Vartan Way, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110 | 717-919-4564

Life often present us with serious problems. Often good intentions and promises to change are just not enough. Using the Bible as a reference point, I provide counseling from a christian perspective to clients who request it. Using a holistic framework, I assist clients to acknowledge and work through their problems by using biblical principles to address emotional, behavioral and relationship issues. As a Christian who has personally experienced the peace and comfort of God, I encourage christian clients to seek biblical solutions. Let me help you use sound biblical principles and behavioral changes to deal with life's challenges. Jesus said ' I have come that you may have life abundantly'

Robert Castle, M.S., LCPC
Christian Counselor

Robert Castle, M.S., LCPC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

Cockeysville, Maryland 21094 | 410-702-5138

In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus states “If your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light.” This simple statement guides my approach to counseling. The light exists, and we sometimes need help to improve the soundness of our mental and emotional “eyes” to let more light into our personal awareness and influence our feelings, thoughts and behavior. I respect the sacred and unique way that each person experiences a relationship with God, especially during periods of mental, emotional, or relational distress. From my own study of the Bible, I am continually impressed by the applicability of Christian values and truth to issues of mental, emotional, and relational health.

Time of Need Counseling, LLC, MA, LCPC, Clinical Supervisor
Christian Counselor

Time of Need Counseling, LLC, MA, LCPC, Clinical Supervisor

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and Supervisor

9 Newburg Ave, Suite 200, Catonsville, Maryland 21228 | 4107050664

I have been a Christian for over 25 years. I attended seminary and have a worldview that is shaped by the Bible and my experiences personally. I validate each client’s worth, regardless of differing views, beliefs, or lifestyle. I recognize the grace that has been provided to me and extend compassion to others as a result. Clients are assisted to think in ways that are helpful, beneficial, and rational. Rational meaning accurate and soundly. I welcome you to contact my office to schedule an appointment.

17362 is a zip code located in York County and part of Spring Grove, Pennsylvania. It has a land area of 48.226 square miles.  The population of 17362 is 13,397 people.