Addiction Counselor
Barbara Shaw, MS, LMFT
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Limerick, Pennsylvania 19468 | 610-308-4523
Letting go of an addiction is hard work – but living with addiction isn't really living, is it? Our cravings and obsessions can run our lives. But how to take charge again? I believe that addiction serves an important purpose. In some way, it allows you to survive and cope with stressors, helps you to calm down, or wake up, or feel better, at least for awhile. We will work to understand the why of your addiction - what deep longing the addictive behavior is trying to fill so desperately, but unsuccessfully. You can learn healthier ways to comfort yourself, ways that bring you closer to people you love, instead of distancing them. You will take back the power to run your own life!!!

Addiction Counselor
Jonathan Gransee, Psy.D.
Licensed Psychologist
313 W. Liberty Street, Suite 226, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603 | 717-509-5151
Addictions are often the sign of underlying emotional issues that have not been addressed. Many people choose to self-medicate rather than address their emotional issues, or, while they may be willing to address the emotional issues, they do not understand their emotions, and thus resort to substance use/abuse. If you discover the factors influencing that decision, you stand a better chance of working out of your addiction.