Addiction Counselor
Mary Hendrickson, Psy.D., LP
Licensed Doctoral Level Clinical Psychologist
Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 | 952-546-0700
If you are feeling controlled by your addiction and feel like you are losing your quality of life, I provide individual therapy for various addictions such as food and alcohol. While in therapy you can begin to learn about this out of control aspect of yourself. Addictions are a sign of a need for help and intervention. Coming to understand what this part of your life serves for you and it's destructiveness is part of the healing. Often shame, grief and depression inhibit the ability to reach out for help. Breaking this cylce and reaching out for professional help can be the first step to change.

Addiction Counselor
Evolve Therapy
The Twin Cities' experts in relationship therapy
Minnesota 55391 | 612-875-6416
Whether you are struggling with sex addiction, chemical addiction, alcholol abuse or a behavioral addiction like shopping, psychotehrapy can help you get in contriol of your life. Addiction is a way that people escape bad feelings. Psychotherapy for addictions can help you get your life back, a life where you are in control and not the addiction.