Christian Counselor
Rebecca Jordan, MA LLPC
Limited Licensed Professional Counselor
Remote, Battle Creek, Michigan 49015 | 269-317-9747
As a born again follower of Jesus Christ, I believe that the Bible has the answers to life's difficulties. Scripture and biblical principles can and should be applied to all areas of life. Although being a Christian does not guarantee that we won't struggle, it does guarantee that we won't struggle alone. Even those who are not Christians can benefit from scriptural teachings. Learn how to experience joy even in the midst of unpleasant circumstance.

Christian Counselor
Sheldon Swartz, MA, LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Counselor
109 E. Clinton St. Ste. 11, Goshen, Indiana 46528 | 574 533 2812
No matter how much a client may know about the Bible, knowledge about what the Bible says is in itself often not helpful. Instead of being God's story about His attempts to redeem His people it is often seen as a rule book one must live up to to be right with God creating a performance based way of living often resulting in guilt and loss of freedom and joy. As a Christ-centered counselor, I believe Jesus is the Center of all things and the Way to the Truth that leads to Life. I believe that one's life struggles can be a way of drawing one deeper into relationship with God where there is true security and purpose. Sinful strategies to make life work must be identified and turned from.