Addiction Counselor
Sheldon Swartz, MA, LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Counselor
109 E. Clinton St. Ste. 11, Goshen, Indiana 46528 | 574 533 2812
The root of addictive is a response to emotional pain (unrecognized, since the addiction does its job of numbing). First the reality of the destructiveness of the addiction must be faced squarely, powerlessness accepted, and then the hard work of dealing with the emotions the addiction is designed to numb along with uncovering the false beliefs and strategies about how to find happiness that the client is believing and acting on. As the client works through the emotional pain he or she is avoiding and turns from the false beliefs to truth, he/she discovers a new freedom to choose healthy responses to life's stresses.

Addiction Counselor
Rebecca Jordan, MA LLPC
Limited Licensed Professional Counselor
Remote, Battle Creek, Michigan 49015 | 269-317-9747
Addictions are an attempt to fill an emptiness. An important step in treating addictions is discovering where the emptiness exists. Many times,the emptiness originates in thought processes formed in childhood. Sometimes we may not even be aware. Learn where the emptiness originated and how to fill it without depending on substances, activities, or people. Cognitive restructuring works well in the treatment of additions. A medical referral will made if/when appropriate.