Addiction Counselor
William Brennan, L.M.H.C., C.A.P.
570 Memorial Circle Suite 150, Ormond Beach, Florida 32174 | 386 473-3290
Any addiction is a primary disease. It has to be dealt with first. If it isn’t, no psychological healing or spiritual growth can happen. I encourage abstinence from your addictive substance or process. People benefit from desensitizing Relapse Triggers, healing memories and tools to avoid relapse. Psychotherapy with me includes these, but goes much further. I believe all addictions are symptoms of addiction to our thoughts. Example, “I need…, I want…”. It is repeatedly thinking the same thought in spite of its negative consequences. We break this cycle with tools:present moment awareness,noticing your real needs, shifting negative core beliefs and using a plan of recovery.

Addiction Counselor
Jenifer Garrido, MSW, LCSW
Licensed Clinical Social Worker/Psychotherapist
719 Peachtree Road, Ste 200, Orlando, Florida 32804 | 407-925-6759
The goal for any client struggling with addiction issues is not just sobriety, but learning to cope with life's challenges without using drugs, alcohol or some other "distraction" to avoid the pain of life. Using the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, changing our distorted and negative thoughts and behavior, we are able to stop avoiding and remain "in the moment" and begin to live the life that we deserve and desire.