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October 29, 2024
by Patricia Tomasi

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New Study Looks At Dopamine And Reward Responses

October 29, 2024 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

bigstock neurotransmitter dopamine in b 285053794
A new study published in the Journal of Nature looked at how dopamine dynamics are dispensable for movement but promote reward responses. “We tested whether rapid dopamine dynamics are necessary for the behavioral functions of dopamine,” study author Pascal S. Kaeser told us. “There is conflicting literature on each dopamine function as to whether it is mediated by fast and precise signalling or by slower, tonic signaling.” [More]

October 8, 2024
by Patricia Tomasi

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What's The Danger Of Humans Empathizing With AI?

October 8, 2024 08:00 by Patricia Tomasi  [About the Author]

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A new study published in Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies looked at how humans mindlessly treat AI virtual agents as social beings, but how this tendency diminishes among the young. “We were interested in understanding how people relate to AI tools, for example chatbots or smart speakers,” study author Jianan Zhou told us. “Such systems are pervasive nowadays and appear to be smart and well-informed to the typical user, which makes sense from the point of usability. The question this raises, however, is whether interaction with such systems can increase feelings of liking or sympathy towards them and lead us to behave much like we do when interacting with other humans.” [More]

April 30, 2024
by Elizabeth Pratt

millenials using social media

Wording On Social Media Can Influence Views On Mental Health

April 30, 2024 23:00 by Elizabeth Pratt  [About the Author]

millenials using social media
The wording of social media posts and messages can be enough to influence how people feel about mental illness and mental health treatment. Research published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that students in college felt more optimistic about the chances of successfully treating mental health issues after they read social media posts that showed a “growth mindset”. [More]

October 30, 2023
by Elizabeth Pratt

a child with parent

Children Who Have Close Bond With Parents In Early Life Are More Prosocial In Later Years

October 30, 2023 08:00 by Elizabeth Pratt  [About the Author]

a child with parent
Children who are close to their parents early in life are more likely to be kind, helpful and prosocial when they grow up. Researchers from the University of Cambridge found that children who had a strong bond with their parents early in their life were more likely to treat others kindly and act with empathy. [More]