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About the Author

Rebecca Harrison Rebecca Harrison, LPC, CT

Rebecca Harrison is a professional counselor in Houston, Texas.

Office Location:
5555 Morningside Dr, Suite 207F
Houston, Texas
United States
Phone: 832-471-8780

June 9, 2015
by Rebecca Harrison, MA, LPC


Duggars Speak Out After Scandal: Parents Minimize Sexual Abuse Within Family

June 9, 2015 07:55 by Rebecca Harrison, MA, LPC  [About the Author]

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar spoke out for the first time on June 4th since reports emerged of their son Joshua molesting five victims, including several of his sisters. It was revealed that the fifth victim was a babysitter for the family (The Kelly File, 2015).Throughout the interview, Megyn Kelly questioned both Jim Bob and Michelle on their thought processes and emotions, as well as a timeline of the events. The Duggar family has been well respected in the conservative Christian community. [More]

April 24, 2015
by Rebecca Harrison, MA, LPC

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Charlize Theron Talks Perspective on Women and Aging: Psychological Impact of Aging, Beauty and Body Image

April 24, 2015 07:55 by Rebecca Harrison, MA, LPC  [About the Author]

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Charlize Theron, on the latest cover of W Magazine, made some strong statements about women and aging. During the interview, Theron discussed that she used to be judgmental towards aging women while she was in her younger years. She discusses that, as she began aging, her own views on the process began to change and evolve. [More]

March 20, 2015
by Rebecca Harrison, MA, LPC


Adoptions in Crisis: Complicated Mental Health Issues Lead to Disruptions and Dissolutions

March 20, 2015 07:55 by Rebecca Harrison, MA, LPC  [About the Author]

Rehoming. Disruption. Dissolution. These terms have been tossed around flippantly, often used interchangeably, in the news lately. However, they each encompass very different meanings and have different implications in the world of adoption. This month, Arkansas State Representative Justin Harris and his wife Marsha continually made headlines for rehoming their two adopted daughters to a friend they knew for years. This ‘friend’ eventually raped one of the girls (Arkansas State Representative, 2015). [More]