Category: cancer

A Fresh Chapter

A Fresh Chapter is a non-profit organization that facilitates life-changing volunteer and leadership experiences to empower individuals both in the U.S. and abroad impacted by cancer. AFC programs blend volunteerism and meaningful travel to connect cancer patients and caregivers around the globe, and focus on healing the often over-looked emotional scars left by cancer. AFC’s perspective-shifting journeys to places like India, Peru and Kenya help participants reframe adversity and discover a new perspective and purpose in their lives.  (Read More...)
Children's Treehouse Foundation

The Children’s Treehouse Foundation is a non-profit organization with the mission of improving psychosocial adjustment in children, ages 5 through 12, who have a parent or grandparent with cancer. The Children's Treehouse Foundation has created a research-based, psychosocial intervention, group-support program called CLIMB® - Children's Lives Include Moments of Bravery. CLIMB® helps to normalize feelings of sadness, anxiety, fear and anger for the kids and stimulates improved communication between the children and their parents. CLIMB® is the only group-based, manualized, and internationally delivered intervention that has been developed specifically for children with a parent or caregiver with cancer. The CLIMB® Program is now available in 57 cancer centers in the U.S. and 24 additional centers in 5 other countries.  (Read More...)
Young Adult Cancer Canada

Young Adult Cancer Canada (YACC) supports young adults living with, through, and beyond cancer through digital, local, and national support programs. It is a connection to peers, bridge out of isolation, and source of inspiration. Every cancer, every stage, YACC’s got your back.  (Read More...)
Cancer Hope Nework

Cancer Hope Network provides free one-on-one emotional support to adult cancer patients and their loved ones. Each of CHN’s 400+ volunteers is at least one year post-treatment or successfully undergoing maintenance therapies. They have faced more than 80 cancer types and speak 15 languages. Our volunteers offer support from diagnosis, through treatment and into recovery. Cancer Hope Network serves cancer patients in the United States and Canada.  (Read More...)
Friends of Karen

No family is ever prepared to hear the four worst words: Your child has cancer. Friends of Karen, New York-based and serving families in the NY-TriState area since 1978, is a non-profit with a vision that every child with a life-threatening illness, and his or her family, will have all that they need to keep them stable, functioning and able to cope. Providing financial assistance, illness education and supportive counseling, among other services, our staff of experienced social workers, child life specialists and expressive arts therapists guide families from their child’s diagnosis through treatment, at no cost, so they have more time for what's most important: each other.  (Read More...)
Turner Syndrome Foundation

Babies affected with Turner Syndrome require a lifetime of specialized care beyond the pediatric setting. Obstacles often impede an early diagnosis for girls to receive critical health screenings and timely, life-altering, interventions. The Foundation’s advocacy efforts identify these gaps and give voice to leaders who can make a difference. The vision to improve the understanding of TS and to render support for women and children living with TS is made possible by advancing communications and inspiring relevant interest in this women’s health issue. Legislative advocacy, education, and research are cornerstone to improved outcomes. For more information about Turner Syndrome, please visit or call 1-800-594-4585.  (Read More...)
Chordoma Foundation

The Chordoma Foundation is a nonprofit organization working to improve the lives of those affected by chordoma and lead the search for a cure. Chordoma is a rare type of cancer that forms in the bones of the skull and spine and is diagnosed in just one in one million people per year. The Chordoma Foundation envisions a future in which everyone affected by chordoma is able to overcome the disease and maintain their quality of life through better treatments, better care, and a better patient experience.  (Read More...)
Cassie Hines Shoes Cancer

The mission of the Cassie Hines Shoes Cancer Foundation is to support young adults navigating a cancer diagnosis between the ages of 15 – 39 during and after their treatment by connecting them with each other through various types of social support. Visit for all of our program offerings, including our adventure based week in Michigan; Base2Summit. Base2Summit is a FREE 6 day experience in Northern Michigan where we mix up biking, hiking, canoeing and exploring the Mitten with some down time on one of Michigan's supreme lakes. *Must be 18 to participate  (Read More...)
The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults

Ulman is a non-profit located in Baltimore, Maryland dedicated to creating a community of support for adolescents and young adults, and their families, impacted by cancer. We provide direct support services including on-site AYA patient navigators, remote navigation, support groups, social support as well as survivorship programming. Our focus is to meet patients where they are and to engage, encourage, educate and empower our patients to live well with a cancer diagnosis.  (Read More...)
Ontario Parents Advocating For Children With Cancer (OPACC)

OPACC was established in 1995 and supports families of children with cancer throughout Ontario through our in-hospital Parent Liaison program, which provides non-medical, peer-to-peer and virtual support and financial assistance; by establishing local parent support groups in communities throughout the Province; and by advocating on issues of importance to childhood cancer families.  (Read More...)

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