Steve Rose, PhD

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Have you found yourself increasingly using alcohol, substances, or addictive behaviors such as gambling?
For a brief moment, it feels like you've found relief from stress or boredom, but as time goes on, the cost becomes apparent. You start losing grip on your life, watching as your health and relationships suffer.
Deep down, you know that what once seemed like a solution has become the very problem you're struggling to overcome. The cycle of trying to stop can leave you feeling trapped and frustrated, wanting to regain your sense of self and live a fulfilling life, free from addiction. Luckily, change is possible.
 As an addiction counsellor, I can help you regain control by delving into underlying issues and developing actionable tools you can apply immediately. Together, we can develop a personalized plan for your unique situation.
Specializing in the psychology of motivation, I help clients uncover these forces so they can break free from self-destructive habits. 
Taking that first step to reach out for support can be daunting. In early recovery, uncertainty is natural. The good news is that with the right support, long-term change is not only possible, it's quite common.
If you're not sure where to begin, you can visit my website to schedule a free consultation or send me a message if you have any questions.

Steve Rose Reaches

Clients throughout Ontario
Clients throughout California
Clients throughout Manitoba
Clients throughout British Columbia