Sheri Graham, BA, MA, CCC.

Sheri Graham View Specialties

  • Canadian Certified Counsellor
  • 467 Osprey avenue, Kelowna, British Columbia, V1Y 5A3
  • Phone: 2508785967
  • Send A Message To Sheri.
  • Session Fees: $140 - for Individual sessions. $150 - for couple sessions. $160 - for Family sessions.

“Only you can do it, but no one can do it alone”

If you’re thinking about or have decided to reach out for professional help, what I can offer you is counselling that focuses on getting to the heart of what matters to you and working towards change for the better. With respect and compassion, my aim is to listen as deeply as I can so you feel that I “get it.” And we go from there.

No one is suffering who wasn't hurt. We hurt either because something isn’t going well in the present or because we’re haunted by trauma or other problems from our past. We do our best to cope but at some point, our everyday strategies and unconscious defences don’t work very well anymore. Then we become distressed, our anxiety rises, we might have trouble sleeping, and we ruminate and feel paralyzed. It takes courage to admit that you need help beyond your family and friends to face the problems that are keeping you stuck.

I often ask people who come to see me for therapy, “Why now?” and “What are you hoping for from counselling?” These two questions can help you clarify what’s urgent and important for you. The first question is partly asking, “Where does it hurt?” and the second one queries what your intentions and wishes are. Good places to start.

My approach combines insight-oriented therapy with practical strategies to support your realizations and discoveries. We shine a light into the dark corners and bring painful experiences out into the open where we can see and address them together. One of the benefits of facing your pain is that you may discover inner resources you might not yet realize or believe you have.

The counselling process also involves getting curious about the thoughts, beliefs, and habits that are keeping you stuck. They’ve served to protect you in the past but now they’re holding you back. What truths do you need to speak and what feelings do you need to express in order to release yourself and start moving again? Something shifts, dislodges, and you may find that you can move towards greater freedom and enjoyment of your life, your relationships, and the outside world.

I provide therapy for:

To schedule a free 15-minute telephone consultation please send me a message.

Sheri Graham Reaches

Kelowna BC