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*Note Of Acknowledgement: While we do not collect or store any data you enter here, due to the nature of the internet and inherent security weaknesses of email, we cannot guarantee 100% confidentiality. To help prevent spam or unwanted solicitations to our members, filters are in place which may intercept some messages. Otherwise, our system is programmed to ONLY email your message to your chosen therapist or clinic, but we cannot completely guarantee confidentiality. If you are concerned about email security, we recommend you call instead.
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My mission is to clear barriers, increase resources, and empower others to live their passion and mission in life. I do this by providing short-term therapy to a client base of adults, children, teens, couples, and families. I facilitate movement from trauma, anxiety, grief, and emotional or physical discomfort, to enhanced, vibrant connection with self and others. Positive Transformation incorporates the latest scientific research on the brain to implement change through powerful techniques such as Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy. Bring families together by enhancing communication, eliminating emotional reactivity, and enhancing ability to play and enjoy life.
I have 20 years of experience in working intuitively with diverse population. A passion for learning (continued education 300 hours in the last year alone). Specializing in powerful results-oriented techniques such as EMDR, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy and RRT. Using the latest research of the human brain and neuroscience. I am intuitive, analytical, and empathetic, all expertly coordinated and tailored to get you from where you are, to where you want to be.
Personally, I have lived in 6 states including Hawaii so I understand other cultures. I am currently in my second marriage for 10 years happily and have 3 sons, and daughter-in-law, and 2 granddaughters, a cat and a dog. I love the outdoors, hiking, swimming, waterfalls, and beaches, watching movies and reading.