Roxanne Jackson, MC, CPC

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Many of us will have times in our lives where we are overwhelmed by our experiences and feel stuck. We may have difficulty understanding ourselves (and others), putting our experiences in perspective, and finding our way forward. During times like this it is valuable to have someone to talk to about those experiences, a safe place to sort through the many thoughts and emotions, a place where we feel accepted and understood, and can clarify for ourselves the way forward.
In my counselling practice, I draw from a variety of therapeutic approaches that are highly person-centered and focused on the client’s strengths. My training and practice are trauma-informed, and incorporate various systems perspectives such as Satir Transformational Therapy, as well as level one of both Gottman and Emotionally-Focused therapies. I also utilize Cognitive Behavior Therapy techniques from time to time.
My hope is that as we meet together, you will experience a supportive, non-judgmental environment that helps facilitate your movement forward in growth and in reaching your goals.

Roxanne Jackson Reaches

Brooks AB