Megan Duffy, MC

Megan Duffy View Specialties

  • Registered Provisional Psychologist
  • 736 1 Avenue Northeast, 205, Calgary, Alberta, T2E 0B8
  • Phone: 5872090068
  • Send A Message To Megan.
  • Session Fees: $220 for 60 minute sessions (individual and couples therapy).
  • This member is also available for online counseling.
  • Online-counseling methods: Webcam

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Free 20 Minute Initial Consultation

Are you overwhelmed by stress, tired of putting others' needs first, or exhausted from trying to make your relationship work and don’t know what to do next? Life throws us challenges that can feel insurmountable, and strong emotions and reactions interfere with our ability to connect to our loved ones, to our joy and to ourselves.

You don't have to do this alone.

Harnessing my experience from years of education, the non-profit sector, social work, and now as a Registered Provisional Psychologist, I help couples navigate their way to healthy communication and strong emotional ties. For individuals, we will begin by exploring your current concerns and find ways to offer immediate relief. Then, we will explore the root causes of your challenges and current experience, and dig a little deeper to cultivate awareness and insight into the origins of your concerns, and what other steps can facilitate an inner calm. Life can be chaotic at times, but that doesn't mean your inner experience has to be.
My private practice, Just as You Are Counselling, serves adults and couples in person in central Calgary, Alberta, and offers virtual services to all residents of Alberta. 

Specialty Services:

Hi, I'm Megan, a Registered Provisional Psychologist. 

You are worthy of support and care. I specialize in supporting couples and individuals in developing new ways of being the world and with each other. Therapy isn't just about coping, it is about uncovering who and how you want to be.
My mission is to cultivate an atmosphere of respect and understanding. Your perspective will be deeply valued and your experiences used as essential information to inform your path forward. We can work through deep conflict or intense emotions - they don't have to overshadow the good you've worked hard to bring into your world. 

What You'll Experience When You Work With Me:

I care deeply about the work that I do and respect the courage and struggle in reaching out for support. It is my utmost privilege to support you on your journey of growth and healing. I leverage my expertise from professional experience, training and education, as well as my personal journey of growth to help you feel equipped to tackle life's challenges. Therapy is hard work, and so is feeling stuck. I use support, compassion, critical thinking, support and humour to help along the way.
  • Healthy communication strategies
  • Renewed connection to loved ones and to yourself
  • Self worth, empowerment
  • Deeper understanding of yourself
  • Insight into how to lead a gentler and more fulfilling life

Types of therapies:

While I tailor each therapy to each individual, I generally draw from….
  • The Gottman Method for couples (trained in Levels 1 and 2)
  • Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
  • Client-Centred Therapy (You are the expert on your life!)
  • Mindfulness
  • Self Compassion
  • CBT – Insomnia (The gold standard for treating chronic insomnia)

How Couples Therapy works:

Couples therapy looks a little different depending on which therapist you choose. I draw from the Gottman Method, a tried and true approach that helps couples not only improve communication, but resume intimacy, respect and connectedness.
The first three sessions are a thorough assessment of your relationship. I learn about why you're coming in, your strengths, your weaknesses and how each of you got here. Rather than treating the symptoms, I want to make sure we're treating the sources of your concerns.
  • Session 1 - A 90 minute deep dive into why you're coming to therapy, what your history together looks like, and what you want moving forward. I ask that you complete questionnaires before session 2 - more information for us to piece together!
  • Session 2 - 45 minutes (90 minutes altogether) with each partner separately - Here I get to know each person a little more to understand your individual perspective and your personal history (your individual story matters)!).
  • Session 3 - I share my assessment with you and we jointly craft a plan to move forward.

Don't let resentment, stress or breaches of trust become your relationship's story. Start your journey towards peace, gentleness, insight and empowerment.

Click HERE to schedule a free 20 minute consult today.


  • $220 per 60 minute session (I don’t believe in the 50 minute “therapeutic hour”)
  • $330 per 90 minute session
  • I can direct bill to Alberta Blue Cross and Greenshield
  • I can provide a bill for you to submit to your insurance company


 My Education and Qualifications:

  • Registered Provisional Psychologist (P6839) with the College of Alberta Psychologists.
  • Member of the Psychological Association of Alberta.
  • Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology from Athabasca University.
  • Diploma of Social Work and B. A. of Psychology.
  • Owner and founder of Just as You Are Counselling 

 I invite you to reach out and book a free consult today. A different way of living is possible.

Megan Duffy Reaches

Calgary AB