Dr. Liz Zed, Ph.D., MCC, Certifified Mentor Coach has an extensive background, training and education in humanistic,
transpersonal, clinical psychology and business coaching. Her earliest years in
psychology were spent immersed in crisis intervention and facilitating communications-skills
groups for therapists—experience which has served her well in more recent roles
as family therapist, therapeutic community consultant and clinical supervisor.
Her intellectual bent, and inquisitive nature are always at the forefront as
Dr. Liz works with her clients to uncover their spirited strengths, talents,
and magnificence. Cultural creatives and leaders take refuge in her eclectic
approach. Whether it’s traversing a wavy path through relationship complexity, managing
career ambition and anxiety, uncovering uncertainty and life purpose or
pursuing an inner dialogue with money Dr. Liz brings forth assessment skills
and ancient wisdom techniques to complement and highlight the inner resources
of those she serves. Dr. Liz provides an initial consultation whose purpose is
to determine rapport and ‘right energetic complement’ with her approach. She is
delighted and honored to work with those clients and will assist others to find
their ‘better fit’ elsewhere.
Dr. Liz Zed Reaches
Tofino BC