Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Kevin Fleming View Specialties

  • Coach/Change Agent/Consultant
  • Scottsdale, Arizona, 85252
  • Phone: 1-877-606-6161
  • Session Fees: Flat fee retainer
  • This member is also available for online counseling.
  • Online-counseling methods: Email, Phone, IM, Webcam

Your Fast, Cutting-Edge Solution When Therapy Is Not Working.

NEW!!! Have a relationship concern? Check out our new private programs:

Private Couples Intensive

"We've Had A Hundred Years of Psychotherapy And The World's Getting Worse."

This tongue and cheek comment by James Hillham, one of the great Jungian therapists of our time, aptly explains the benefits of working with me:

- Save time and money "going around the mountain" on your issues, and change behavior
- Solve the stuff most shrinks haven't been able to really help you change in your life
- Get the best innovation and technology to get at brain-level changes
- If saying one thing and doing another is your problem, we have got a fix for you

In essence, you get the assurance of working with someone that top CEOs, Hollywood clientele, political leaders and professional athletes have trusted with all their personal, emotional issues. With over a 95% satisfaction rate, and tons of positive experiences noted here:


...we can solve some of your toughest and most sensitive interpersonal, psychological and performance issues.  For we don't just talk---for words can be deceptive and self-protecting. We change your brain, in the parts where our irrationalities hide out.  I have over 15 years of clinical and consulting experience and have a laid back, humorous, and engaging personality that is refreshing to work with, on top of the essential care and compassion needed in this business of helping. If you have tried traditional psychotherapy before, and want "something new" in a short term, consultative fashion that has a lot more efficacy, give me a call or email,


Private Couples Intensive

  My academic credentials and bio of highlights are below:

B.A., M.A., Ph.D. from the University of Notre Dame

Predoctoral Internship in Professional Psychology at Purdue University; Postdoctoral Residency in Consulting Psychology at University of Wyoming; Neuropsychology supervision at Rutgers-affiliated training center and group practice in Tom's River, NJ

President/CEO/Owner, Grey Matters International, Inc.
A neuroscience-based coaching and behavioral change consultancy firm for world leaders serving multiple industries and global locations

Former Director of Training and Intellectual Property Creator
for a health transformation company responsible for breaking the resistant behavior patterns of individuals, providing corporate clients a 2:1 ROI

Contributor to The Huffington Post's premier blogging site
featuring selected forward-thinking leaders in the areas of politics, media, science, business, arts and entertainment. Providing readers a unique perspective grounded in truth-based principles of neuroscience, informing existing thinking that challenges current actions and practices; Inspiring a written forum for transformational change and outcomes

Trusted Advisor to Featured Clients including
Fortune 100 CEOs, Premier Business Executives, Celebrity and Entertainment Personalities, a White House Cabinet member, NFL and other Professional Athletes

Specialist at Top-rated Executive Rehab centers Worldwide
working with distinguished centers such as Passages Malibu, Promises, Eric Clapton's Crossroads Antigua, Sierra Tucson, and Beau Monde in the high-end treatment of derailed executive behavior, resulting in a cutting relapse rates in half compared to traditional treatment approaches

Noted Performance Enhancement Specialist
with National Championship teams at Notre Dame responsible for improving psychological adjustment for players on teams including men's fencing and women's soccer

Invited Speaker at Business Transformation Conference
in Amman, Jordan, August 2009 addressing the King of Jordan's Cabinet and the President of Mexico on the neuroscience of transformational thinking

Cited Subject Matter Expert
in The New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, CNN, and Fox News

Recognized Author of
The Half-Truth High: Breaking the Illusions of the Most Powerful Drug in Life & Business

Contributor of Publications
including anthologies with Stephen Covey and Deepak Chopra, and upcoming release with NY Times Bestselling Author Adrian Gostick

A Minute of Your Time with Dr. Fleming

What’s Essential – What’s Important

Dr. Fleming outlines a key distinction many of us in this busy world “miss” when we fall victim to making everything important…..then nothing really is.

I Want Happiness

Dr. Fleming shares his thoughts on the culture’s addiction to this quest for happiness at all costs and what we may be missing.

I Don’t Feel Like It

When we all hear this sentence, we all tend to think of an excuse. While that may be true for some, Dr. Fleming shares how perhaps this sentence is more reflective of a neuro truth around behavior change than we all may think.

Change On My Terms

Can we really have everything we want, 100 percent of the time in this life? What do we do when we are faced with changing something about who we are and the immediacy of our desires are blocked at the same time? Dr. Fleming shares some insights about the fundamental nature of the ‘trade off”.

More of Kevin's Videos 

Kevin Fleming Reaches

Portland OR
Stamford CT
Lower Manhattan NY
Temecula CA
Carlsbad CA
Salem OR
Westport CT
Ventura CA
Arlington TX
Irving TX
Garland TX
Aurora CO
Anaheim CA
Thousand Oaks CA
Orlando FL
Beverly Hills CA
Pasadena CA
Oklahoma City OK
Minneapolis MN
Tucson AZ
Berkeley CA
Gilbert AZ
Huntington Beach CA
Hartford CT
Jacksonville FL
St. Louis MO
Milwaukee WI
Scottsdale AZ
Mesa AZ
Columbus OH
Detroit MI
Kansas City MO
Oakland CA

Clients throughout Oregon