Kellie Murry, LPCC, NCC

Kellie Murry View Specialties

  • Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
  • 4421 Riverside Dr, Suite 210, Burbank, California, 91505
  • Phone: 818-671-0470
  • Send A Message To Kellie.
  • Session Fees: $175
  • This member is also available for online counseling.
  • Online-counseling methods: Webcam

Life is hard, and only seems to be getting harder. Between the pressures from work, family, relationships, financial difficulties, political climates, it all can feel like a heavy burden and weight that is crushing. Your system might be so overloaded it feels impossible to "just be" and you turn to things like binging social media, or re-watching your comfort show for the 1000 time all to find some sense of relief; some sense of pause from all the noise, only to wake back up the next morning and do it all over again. Maybe your mind is racing with a million thoughts that never seem to stop. Maybe worry is your all to common companion, and fear is right beside it. Feeling safe, feeling clam, feeling in control, just doesn't seem to be an option for you. 

I get it. I know what it feels like to have so much noise around you that it feels impossible to find a sense of calm. Anxiety is high, depression is lumping. Maybe it's more than just the day to day that is creating constant noise, maybe it's a traumatic event, or difficult childhood, that keeps you out of the present, feeling unsafe, on guard, and limited in your resources to help you. Maybe you've tried things, you've read the books, listened to the podcasts, tried yoga, and still little to no relief from the feelings of being stuck, trapped, or even numb.
Maybe you've learned somewhere along the way that other people's feelings, experiences, and life are more important than yours, so you fight so hard to please them, only forgetting to take care of yourself. Do boundaries feel impossible to set, let alone to maintain? Do you feel stuck in your career and not sure what choices to make next, knowing you want a different life but it all feels too far out of reach? Do your relationships feel one sided, maybe you're doing all the work and feel like you're over functioning just to avoid conflict or fear that you'll be alone?
Here's where I come in. My name is Kellie. I'm a licensed professional clinical counselor, and I work with adults who are wanting more freedom, more hope, and more joy in their life. I can help you explore the beliefs and behaviors that are creating that stuck feeling, teach you how to challenge them, and make changes that bring about the life you long for. I utilize my training and education in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Trauma Informed Therapy to help you gain greater understanding of what is happening, what has happened, and how to make changes to take control to what will happen in your life. Not only do we explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, but also what your body is doing and how it's reacting to the world around you. I offer a safe, non-judgmental space where you can explore your childhood, look at your anxiety and learn how to manage it, and become more than just what has happened to you. No, we can't go back in time and make things different. We can eliminate the horrific things you've experienced or witnessed. But we can look at what meaning it's hold onto, and find a new meaning that brings life, hope, and freedom. We can gain a new set of tools that empowers you to live the life you really want, rather than just surviving and getting by. 
Therapy is weird, and sometimes awkward. I'm a complete stranger and my job is to focus on you and help you work through some of your most difficult and challenging aspects of your story. But it's also a very beautiful place where you get to take time for yourself, learn how to take care of yourself, learn how to show up in all the wonderful parts of you and become fully alive, no matter what has happened to you! Reach out to me today, and let's set up a call to see what kind of good work we can do!

Kellie Murry Reaches

Burbank CA