Janice Shapiro, LMFT

Janice Shapiro View Specialties

  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
  • Campbell, California, 95008
  • Phone: 408 596-4810
  • Send A Message To Janice.
  • Session Fees: My fee is $100 for a one-hour session.
  • janiceleeshapiro.com
  • This member is also available for online counseling.
  • Online-counseling methods: Phone, Webcam

Janice Shapiro has brought happiness and well-being to many individuals and couples throughout the years. I have created a warm and inviting environment for you to share your most precious thoughts and wishes with me. I offer you different perspectives and points of views, so that you can have and make choices about the path your life will take, and to finally let go of that stuck- in - place feeling. Having healthy choices available to you is the secret of a life of happiness, harmony and well-being. Give yourself the gift of therapy; I promise you won't regret it. 

  • revitalize/repair your marriage with Solo, Traditional or Guided marriage counseling;
  • reduce anxiety
  • manage depression
  • decrease stress
  • raise self-esteem and confidence
  • cope with grief and loss
  • embrace transition
  • reframe Empty Nest Syndrome to that of good parenting
  • Framework Marriage Counseling helps bring couples closer together;
  • brief therapy; quick to get to the core issue(s);
  • compassionate and easy to talk to;
  • helps you through the grief of the loss of your pet;
  • knowledgable of a variety of techniques to fit with client's needs;
  • works collaboratively with clients (you are the expert on your life; I am the export on relationships);
  • works with clients in person and/or virtually to meet clients' needs;

  • brief therapy: helps with a current issue to solve an immediate problem. This usually does not take many sessions nor does it go very deep into your 'psych'.
  • cognitive behavioral therapy: cognitive (learn how to manage your thoughts, rather than your thoughts manage you), behavioral (repeating the same thing over and over again won't necessarily make you feel any different).
  • family systems: guidance and education that the family is always changing, self-organizing and adapting to its members and the outside environment.
  • Framework Marriage Counseling: The 12 most important skills needed for a happy, healthy marriage.
  • psychodynamic therapy: helps with chronic issues that have persisted for many years. Making connections with your  past and how it has influenced your current way of being. This may take more than a few sessions and goes deeper into your 'psych'. I use a form of cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamics to allow clients make wanted changes in their lives.
  • pet loss grief counseling: support for anticipatory and after your loss.

$100 for one-hour session
  • On-Line
  • 408 596-4810

  • Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology from John F. Kennedy University
  • Certified Pet Loss and Bereavement Counselor
  • Elementary Teaching Certificate from San Jose State University

Janice Shapiro Reaches

Campbell CA
San Jose CA