James Barber, RP, RMFT

James Barber View Specialties

  • Registered Psychotherapist
  • 2296 Bloor St W, Toronto, Ontario, M6S 3G3
  • Additional Locations:
      See additional office location: Vaughan, L4H 2Y1
      Online Practice
      Vaughan, L4H 2Y1
  • Phone: (647) 299-1485
  • www.jamesbarber.ca
  • This member is also available for online counseling.
  • Online-counseling methods: Webcam

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Free 20 Minute Initial Consultation

ready for a change?

Sometimes your relationship might feel stuck on auto-pilot; like you’re just going through the motions, but that sense of joy or adventure is missing. Sometimes we get so busy with other things that our relationships suffer or get neglected. And let’s face it, sometimes our relationships just get really messy and painful because no one can hurt us in quite the same way as our partner can.

I’m passionate about helping couples create a different kind of relationship. A relationship that’s enjoyable again and fulfilling. I can help you:

  • Navigate the emotional pitfalls of cyclical arguments and conflict
  • Master communication techniques so you feel heard
  • Discover new strategies to engage with each other to deepen your intimacy and connection 

Or maybe you’re looking for something that’s just for you.  A space to feel whatever you’re feeling without fear of being judged or criticized. A kind and trusting place to explore what’s really important to you.  If you feel lost or hurt, or find yourself falling into a tailspin of stress or worry, I can help you get back on track. My goal is to get you moving again toward your goals with a renewed sense of hope and self-confidence.

I have been a professional counsellor and psychotherapist since 2006. I’m also a husband and father. A lover of quiet spaces with a good novel. A movie enthusiast. And I never feel more connected to myself and the natural world around me than when I’m hiking in the woods.



Building a strong connection with your therapist is the single biggest factor in having a great counselling experience.  In other words, it’s all about the relationship!

With me, you can:

  • trust that you’re meeting with someone professional, knowledgeable and relatable.
  • feel safe knowing that whatever you choose to share will be honoured, held with respect and handled securely.
  • count on someone who’s non-judgemental, kind and empathetic.

I’d love to connect for a free 20-minute consultation call – either over-the-phone or secure video chat – to help you get a better sense of me.



James Barber Reaches

Vaughan ON
Etobicoke ON