Henry is a Registered Psychotherapist (RP) and a Certified Psychotherapist with the
Ontario Association of Consultants, Counsellors,
Psychometrists and Psychotherapists (OACCPP). He also is a Certified Addictions Therapist.
Henry is a well-regarded and
experienced therapist with a Master’s
Degree from McMasterUniversity,
where he trained in the field of addictions for 11 years at the McMaster
Addictions Treatment Centre.
He has taught Assertiveness
Training at Mohawk College for over
5 years and is currently on the Faculty
of Continuing Education at McMasterUniversity
teaching a certification course in the Addiction field.
Henry offers individual, marital and family counseling in
his in private practice for over 20 years as well as being contracted to
provide EAP (Employee Assistance Program) counselling and marital and family
therapy services at Halton Family Services in Oakville. He has provided similar services to
Catholic Family Services in Hamilton
where he has also conducted groups for men mandated by the Courts for the Men’s
Anti-Violence Program.
He has been contracted to
provide his services to several local Family Physicians for their patients and
Insurance Companies to help expedite STD and LTD employees to return to work more
productively after their medical leave of absence.
Henry uses an integrated
holistic system’s approach to helping his clients explore underlying root-causes
and situational precipitating factors that would bring on the current distress.
This approach is useful in understanding the dynamics and context of the
client’s current difficulties.
In a collaborative process, Henry
would help you to explore the most appropriate options and strategies to reduce
your stress. As you know, chronic tension and emotional distress can drain your
energy and often leads to inertia, loneliness and low mood that affects concentration
and focus.
The integrated approach that
Henry uses is based on his years of experience that will help you to identify
and implement the most effective strategies to reduce the stress that first
prompted you to call for counselling.
Also, this approach leans on
the fact that both money and time are limited for us all and therefore it is
based on the premise of “short-term” counselling to effect positive change
without the need for extended ongoing therapy.
It is Henry’s responsibility
and focus to collaborate with you on the most expeditious means to bring about
your desired goals while simultaneously helping to foster a healthier and more
fulfilling life with greater purpose and meaning and resilience.
is at the core of healthy coping with life’s difficulties.
Resilience is a learned skill
guided by an optimistic “half-full” perspective and attitude. All positive
behaviour change is based on this attitude.
Change of any kind is a
difficult process and Henry’s calm, sensitive and empathic understanding in a
safe milieu will help to usher in the desired outcome you would expect.
With his memberships in these
Professional bodies that are governed by a strict Code of Conduct and Ethics, Henry understands and abides by the
commitment to maintain professional quality standards in his practice.
If you are interested and
need any clarification, please call me for a quick response or email me for
any questions you may have. Visit my website for my approach and further
Call (905) 526-1914 email hgulabh@gmail.com website www.wix.com/henrygulabh/emotionalbalance