Byron Elton, MA RCC

Byron Elton View Specialties

  • Registered Clinical Counsellor
  • 1281 Hornby St #636, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6Z 0G8
  • Phone: (778) 655-4669
  • Send A Message To Byron.
  • Session Fees: $150 - 1 hour, $200 90 minutes
  • This member is also available for online counseling.
  • Online-counseling methods: Phone, IM, Webcam

Sometimes I think the perception of therapy is that you're stuck in a room with some kind of stoic character while spilling your guts, finding new ways to hate your parents, and finding yourself with more questions than answers. 
I approach mental health care a little differently. I approach mental health on an individual level. While talk therapy and emotional processing might be effective and valuable for one person, a somatic and action oriented approach might be more beneficial for others. Sometimes therapy is very hard work, and other times it's light, fun and interesting. Knowing how to cultivate that delicate balance is something I'm very mindful of. 
My role as a therapist is creating a connection with enough depth to help understand your condition, while bringing the tools, space and guidance to help you navigate through this condition. Some sessions might be slow, and emotional, while other sessions may be light, fun, play, with a focus on strategy and accountability. 
If you're looking to improve your health and well-being, starting with your mind, I'd encourage you to reach out for a short consultation to see how I can help you on your journey.  

Byron Elton Reaches

Clients throughout British Columbia