Alexandra Goodall, MA, RCC

Alexandra Goodall View Specialties


Somatic. Relational. Neurobiological.

Grounded and effective therapy for a richer, more relational life.

For those who desire to:

- Live a rich and creatively engaged life

- Reconnect with the wisdom of their body/soma

- Know their purpose and context, with clarity on what is most important to them

I offer support with:

- Family of origin difficulties, Childhood trauma and Attachment

- Acute and Chronic Trauma (major injuries, car crashes, assault, support for First Responders / Public Safety Personnel and Front Line Workers etc).

- Emotional Intimacy (depression, guilt, shame, anger counselling)

- Resolving Intergenerational Trauma (including connecting with Cultural and Ancestral Lineages as context and support for a more resilient life)

- Life challenges (Relationship separations, living as a highly sensitive person, connecting to purpose and vitality, reconnecting with the body after trauma, life transitions, etc)

- Sex and Intimacy Coaching for couples and individuals (Couples dynamics, Sexual trauma, challenges in sexual compatibility for couples, different libidos/sexual desire, expanding and healing eroticism)

- Spiritual challenges (Spiritual emergence/crisis, Spiritual abuse and group dynamics, Spiritual Bypassing, integration and grounding after overwhelming or powerful spiritual experiences, integration and grounding after psychedelic experiences)

- Arts-based therapy (Arts-based trauma processing, Arts-based and/or somatic dreamwork, Coaching in creative process, therapy for creatives/artists, arts-based somatics for reconnecting with the body)

For new clients, I am happy to offer a complimentary consultation. Please contact me at 250-487-0737 or via the form above. I look forward to meeting you, discussing our work together and to answering any questions you might have.


Alexandra brings a relational and holistic understanding of the healing process to her sessions. She has a long history of personal practice in various body-centred practices and therapies, on both sides of the client/therapist relationship. She holds a masters degree in Expressive Arts Therapy and maintains an active professional studio practice/career as a visual artist (installation and textile sculpture). She has trained in many modalities, including Pre/Perinatal Attachment Therapy, Erotic Blueprint Coaching, Systemic Constellations, and neurobiological trauma approaches such as Observed Experiential Integration (OEI). Alexandra has worked with groups and individuals for the past 12 years researching the themes of healing, phenomenology and creative praxis. Her approach is pragmatic and loving with a healthy respect for both the sacred and the irreverent.

'I believe that each person intrinsically stewards creative potential. It is this imperative that ignites change and healing.

I came to this work through my own healing process. Spiritual emergence/crisis, body dissociation, as well as long-term depression with intergenerational origins, have shaped my personal development. These profound experiences, and the journey I took to overcome them, continue to inform my current work, passions and purpose. As a result of this, I became a dedicated practitioner of meticulous stone-turning. I have explored many therapeutic orientations as both a trainee and client: preverbal and early childhood emotional processing, pre- and perinatal experience, somatic therapy, mindfulness and phenomenology, creative process and poiesis, group fields, trauma in the individual/familial/ancestral/collective, shadow in the personal and collective, eroticism as intrinsic to creativity and wholeness. I draw on my knowledge of each of these areas in my work with clients. As a therapist, I am constantly growing in my own process. I am a passionate learner, and hold a curiosity and reverence for life that drives my devotion to this work. My path as a ‘seeker’ was set at a young age, yet my hunger to work with others in a therapeutic role didn’t emerge until early adulthood, when I connected with a very essential desire to serve others in this capacity. I have been extraordinarily lucky in that I was exposed to leaders in my chosen field relatively early in my journey, inspiring me and showing me what was possible - their skill, compassion, creativity and vision left an indelible imprint on my life.

My trajectory in this work has been one that I have undertaken carefully, somewhat gingerly, slowly, and with great commitment. The unusual and powerful intimacy of the therapeutic ritual allows for a type of transformation that can reroute enormously damaging patterns in a person’s life towards health and vitality. I consider it an honour to be able to connect with and support others in their encounters with the challenging, the ineffable, the ecstatic, as we claim our rightful place in the privilege of fully living.'

Alexandra's Therapeutic Approaches: Integrative Psychotherapy with a somatic orientation, Arts-based therapy, Coaching in Creative Process, facilitation and group work (both therapeutic and explorative/skill-building), Sex and Intimacy coaching, Neurobiological Trauma Processing, developmental/attachment informed therapy, work with intergenerational trauma.

Alexandra Goodall Reaches

Clients throughout Saskatchewan
Clients throughout British Columbia