Maggie Davidson, MC

Maggie Davidson View Specialties

  • Registered Psychologist
  • 10443 85 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta, T6E 2K2
  • Additional Locations:
      See additional office location: Edmonton, T6E 2R2
      10443 85 ave
      Edmonton, T6E 2R2
  • Phone: 780-916-3552
  • Send A Message To Maggie.
  • Session Fees: $200 per session, a sliding scale for low income clients is available.
  • This member is also available for online counseling.
  • Online-counseling methods: Webcam

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 Why consider therapy?
Life can feel like a challenge at times. Maybe life has felt hard for years or maybe only recently things have seemed out of control. You may feel like you are never going to get to a place where things seem good. This is where therapy can help. Therapy can help you work through the challenges in your life. It can help you figure out where these challenges are coming from and help you to work past your past and move toward a happier healthier future.  
 What can I do for you?
I provide personalized therapy customized for your individual needs. I will work with you to identify what is making your situation difficult. I will help you identify where these issues started and I will help find the best methods to address your particular needs. We will work together to make a plan and to do the work needed for you to have success. Therapy is a highly collaborative process and I will work with you and support you throughout the process. I will support you to feel in control of your journey, while also ensuring that you continue to make progress towards your goals. Therapy can be an uncomfortable process and I will strive to ensure that you feel safe and supported throughout this journey.
My background 
I have a Masters degree in Counselling Psychology and I am a Registered Psychologist in the province of Alberta. Over the years I have worked with a wide range of clients and have seen many people make amazing gains.  
I have expertise in a number of areas including:
- PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
- trauma
- dissociation and DID
- neurodiversity; including Autism and ADHD
- anxiety
- depression
- childhood abuse and trauma
- difficulty with emotional regulation
- stress
- work related issues
Therapy methods I use 
I am trained in a number of evidence based therapy methods including:
- EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). EMDR is a highly effective therapy for PTSD and trauma, and can be effective for a range of issues.
- AI-EMDR (Attachment Inform Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). AI-EMDR is a form of EMDR that focuses on early attachment issues. 
- Flash Technique. Flash is a less intensive form of EMDR. Flash is very effective for clients who don't want to talk about their trauma.
- CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy). CBT is a highly respected therapy method for treating a range of issues.
- DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy). DBT is a very effective therapy that helps clients learn distress tolerance and emotional regulation. 
Where do we start? 
I believe that you shouldn't have to pay to ask questions. Your first session is always free. This gives you a chance to meet me, make a plan, and decide if I am the right therapist for you before you spend any money. Contact me to book your free first session.


Maggie Davidson Reaches

Mill Woods, Edmonton AB
Edmonton AB