Dan Blair View Specialties

  • Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
  • 27 Grant St, Crystal Lake, Illinois, 60014
  • Phone: 815-276-3947
  • Send A Message To Dan.
  • Session Fees: Sliding scale, or $89 - $130 for Counseling, $150 for Reunification Services or Supervised Visitation, $200 for Mediation or Co-Parenting Services
  • www.blaircounselingandmediation.com

Blair Counseling and Mediation seeks to building connections with individuals, couples and families, especially through humor where appropriate. We prefer to use a direct approach addressing relationship issues, depression, anxiety, addiction, anger, trauma, ADHD, and grief. We value playing a role in keeping marriages and family together and rebuilding relationships after events in life pull people apart. Offices in Crystal Lake and Huntley.

A clinician plays a consultant's role. We respect self-determination and believes that each person is responsible for their own life and decisions, but there is a need for objective input, ideas, and energy to make changes. We hope each person feels comfortable enough to be honest and fully express what he or she is thinking, feeling and wanting.

Dan Blair, the owner of the practice, has worked 30 years in social service settings. Dan is experienced as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and is a trained, court-approved divorce mediator, Nationally Certified Parenting Coordinator, and a Certified Anger Management Specialist. He is a member of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, the Professional Academy of Custody Experts, and the National Anger Management Association. He also serves on the McHenry County Board of Directors for the National Alliance on Mental Illness and supervises clinicians through the Mental Health Board. Dan not only has his own children, he has been a live-in houseparent, foster parent, a step-parent, a consultant to group homes and foster homes, and a Clinical Director. He enjoys his involvement in marriage and family ministry at church. He earned his B. A. in Psychology at Trinity College and his M. A. in Clinical Psychology at Wheaton College.

Dan Blair Reaches

Crystal Lake IL