Solution Focused Therapy



Solution Focused Therapy is based on the briefing of solutions instead of the client’s problems. Although there are counselors who focus on analyzing data, there are many issues that can persist even after treatment. By studying the patient’s issues when they are absent or less severe the individual will use strategies and create plans that are needed when achieving an individualized goal. Solution Focused Therapy is based on attracting success and happiness into the patient’s life when they are hopeful instead of when they are experiencing issues. If the patient is ready to progress they will make more sacrifices and do things that contribute to the fulfillment of their future with the help of a life counselor.

Goals of Solution Focused Therapy

The goal of treatment is to help the client when they are experiencing ease instead of issue. By paying attention to the present and not focusing on the things that have happened to them in the past, it pushes the focus toward creating what they have always wanted for themselves. The therapist will speak to the client about their vision and what they want to do with their lives. This reassures them that it can happen if the ideas are organized. The goal of Solution Focused Therapy is to make the patient aware of how they create an outcome by focusing on attracting things into that lead them toward the given destination.

When is Solution Focused Therapy Used?

Solution Focused Therapy is used on patients who would like to grow and pursue something greater. They may have a plan in mind or have experienced success before and would like to repeat the process. It is used on those who are currently experiencing tranquility and would like to achieve greatness through organization and mental clarity. The counselor focuses on the plans that the patient has and helps them organize them so that they are able to focus on the future instead of the past. Sessions are conducted when the patient isn’t going through any current issue yet possesses the want that is needed to push forward. With the right guidance they can focus on the critical steps ahead of them instead of thinking about what could go wrong.

How Solution Focused Therapy Works

Solution Focused Therapy is conducted by first speaking to the client and showing them that the parts of their lives that they want to change can be transformed. When the two work in coordination with each other it will support the client’s innate desires. Sessions consist of going over plans and what the future can look like if the client abides by the steps that they have created. By maintaining a clear picture of what they want in the future they can get achieve their goal by enforcing that it can happen.

Solution Focused Therapy works because the therapist will guide the client as they are going through life by keeping them focused on what they truly desire. Treatment can provide them with an identity and support system. The therapist will speak to clients about the successes that they have achieved in the past. If the client can look at how they have achieved them before it reinforces the idea that it can happen again. It is very common that the clients have lost faith in their own potential because of some negative circumstances or past failures. By eliminating pessimistic thoughts and focusing on concrete ideas the client begins to make progress.

Throughout the treatment counselors will diminish the idea of a problem being that most tend to focus on what is wrong instead of what could be right. All of the attention is based on creating a solution and finding resources so that the client is one step closer toward achieving their goal. Not only does the treatment problem solve, it motivates the patient and reassures them that what they want to do can – in fact, happen. By changing their attitude it will change the things that happen to them. Therapists show clients that in order to transform the world around them they must shift their own mindset and focus on the intention.

Criticism of Solution Focused Therapy

If the patient is experiencing symptoms because of a traumatic event they may need to resolve the repressed feelings and thoughts instead of partaking in Solution Focused Therapy. Critics have argued against the use of Solution Focused Therapy because there may be a deeper issue inherent within the patient that needs to be eliminated initially.


What is it and what's the evidence?. (n.d.). Retrieved from

What is solution focused therapy?. (n.d.). Retrieved from IS SOLUTION.htm

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