How Can We Help?

Let us help you find the answers you need.

Should you have a question regarding the counselling services our member therapists offer, need help locating a therapist, have feedback for us, or would like to learn more about how a counselor or e-counsellor can assist you, please reach one of our therapists directly.

If you cannot find a therapist in your area, you may Contact An Online Counselor Here.

Online Therapists can provide professional counseling right over Skype, phone, or email. All of our online counselors are licensed and credentialed and are professional therapists.

Our email address is We may be able to help you find a therapist, however the fastest and most sure way to locate the right counselor for you is to simply go to our homepage and enter your location, desired specialty and click "GO". Click here to find a therapist right now.


P.O. Box 18 Lynden, WA 98264

If you are in need of counseling, please do not call our office numbers, we are not able to ethically "recommend" a particular therapist for you, we can only point you to our website, please contact a therapist using our directory.

Primary customer service line for therapists: 360-350-8627 (US and Canada)

General and Listing Inquiries:

Can't find your city?

We are working hard to locate providers in cities throughout North America. If your city is not listed, we still have licensed, professional counselors who can help you right where you are, over the internet or by phone. Is it right for you? Learn more about online counseling.

Find a Counselor or Therapist Now

Note: This is only a partial list of the cities we support. For our complete list of locations, please see our Therapist Page