Find a Therapist in Picnic Point, Washington.

Are you ready to start a better path for your future? Speak with a top rated licensed counselor near you in Picnic Point, WA.

Julie Wilson, M.A., L.M.H.C.

Julie Wilson, M.A., L.M.H.C.


In 98121 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

Therapy with me is largely about dialogue and connection. I ask my clients to make themselves vulnerable in the process and I am willing to do the same. I try to stay with what the client is bringing to the conversation and really understand where they are coming from in relation to their larger context. I am curious and well-rounded and can connect with clients on many levels and on many topics. I ask insightful questions, connect seemingly disparate dots to find patterns, pose theories and suggest treatment plans. It's only through understanding where you are that you can then decide where you would like to go.

Linda James, M.Ed.,MS

Linda James, M.Ed.,MS

Licensed Individual, Marriage and Family Therapist

In 98115 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

Understanding our past and its impact on our current life can be life changing. We carry our past with us. We carry our interpretation of our past and it repeats itself in our love relationships, friendships, family, and work success or failures. Being more in charge of the choices you make and the relationships you enter into will be the result of our sessions.

Jessica Miller, MA, LMHC

Jessica Miller, MA, LMHC

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

In 98004 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

"Those who look outside, dream; they who look inside, awake."-Carl Jung. Why seek therapy? Because, among other reasons, life sometimes has a way of telling us who we should be, instead of letting us be ourselves. A spouse, a family member, a job, an internal voice that will not quiet; it's tough to speak for ourselves when we're being told by so many. Happiness and confidence are not found in being what you are told to be, but in listening to the internal voice of your heart and finding the courage to follow it. The challenge lies in quieting the voices, the anxiety and the fear and allowing your heart to speak. Therapy provides the space to create the silence.

Ken Urie, MA

Ken Urie, MA

Licensed Mental Health Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists & Social Workers

In 98026 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

While life can good and satisfying at times--you also know that life can also deal some really tough blows. You may feel exhausted from dealing with the pain of your past...or you may be experiencing inner-struggles that leave you feeling paralyzed...or literally feeling sick and tired of the same conflicts over and over again in your relationships. Our counselors at Mill Creek Family Services come alongside you during these dark and overwhelming times. With care and compassion, we specialize in helping you with proven strategies to help you move through the pain and create the life and relationships you're hoping for.

Julianne Lu, Julianne Lu

Julianne Lu, Julianne Lu

Child and Adult Psychotherapist/ Counselor

In 98033 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

I started as an intern clinical mental health therapist in a psychiatric center in 2007, and continued to practice therapy in elementary and middle schools, and in a community mental health center. Together, we will find the strengths of you, learning new coping and relaxation skills, and re-organize past traumas emotions into a harmless and neutral position. It is possible for you to feel valuable and joyful.

Veronica Paige, MA, MBA, LMHCA

Veronica Paige, MA, MBA, LMHCA

Licensed Mental Health Counselor Associate

In 98033 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

Psychotherapy is an avenue for you to gain the skills and support you need to make the changes in your life that you want. My therapeutic focus is to get you some relief from your symptoms then address the underlying issues and trauma that at the root of those symptoms. We will tailor the mix of tools that we use to meet your particular goals. I often use elements of mindfulness, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, and trauma focused modalities such as Lifespan Integration and Trauma Resiliency Model with the ultimate goal of an integrated self.

Brandon Zahl, LMHC

Brandon Zahl, LMHC

Mental Health Counselor

In 98109 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

As a therapist, I strive to establish a safe, empathetic connection with my clients and to foster a space of nonjudgmental curiosity with a splash of playfulness. We will start wherever you are and explore your goals for yourself, your relevant experiences and the ways I can best support your journey. I do my best work with clients who are motivated to see change in their life and desire to connect more deeply with a place of wholeness and peace within themselves. Additionally, I strive to be aware of the dynamics happening between myself and my clients to ensure that I am creating a space which is experienced as trustworthy, non-judgmental, helpful, caring and non-hierarchica

Julie Hanson, Psy.D., LMHC

Julie Hanson, Psy.D., LMHC

Psychologists, Licensed Mental Health Counselors

In 98026 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

Psychotherapy is a process of deep exploration that seeks to create a greater understanding of the self. Once you understand something, you will learn skills to create more options so you can make the decision that will enhance your view of yourself, tour various roles in your life, and your relationships. Skills learned in psychotherapy can improve how you assess things (decrease shame, guilt, anxiety, for example), how you understand what others are doing (such as depersonalizing their behaviors, decreasing our reactivity to things they say or do), and improve your ability to communicate your wants and needs clearly and effectively.

Serena Forward-Rodriguez, MA, MHP, LMHC

Serena Forward-Rodriguez, MA, MHP, LMHC

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

In 98107 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

If you've been struggling with a mental health condition, whether diagnosed or suspected, getting proper treatment is often a crucial part of improving functioning and quality of life. Through questionnaires and your intake, I'll assess the symptoms you report and provide a diagnosis. Assessment continues throughout our time together and the diagnosis I initially suspected may change as I learn more about you or an additional diagnosis may be added. What's important to know is a diagnosis can provide direction in therapy and some answers, but life is much bigger than that. What you value and want out of your life are crucial to explore and just as important to your wellness and happiness.

Erik Bohlin, M.A., LMHC, NCC, MAC

Erik Bohlin, M.A., LMHC, NCC, MAC

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

In 98258 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

I believe that people get better when they are motivated for change, they learn the skills, and they practice the skills regularly. My part as a therapist is to help you feel really understood and to give you tools,, to give you hope and to cheer you on. The longer I work with people (20+ years), the quicker I am to help you find the solution and help you move to a better place. I like to see changes with each session and some major change in 4 weeks. Most of the time, I want you to leave happier and better than you walked in. Focusing on what works in your life will crowd out the problems. Example: focusing on more safety and peace will displace fear, anxiety and panic.

Sean Jackson, MA, LMHC

Sean Jackson, MA, LMHC

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

In 98109 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

Psychotherapy is the process of talking intentionally with a trained clinician who has trained and worked hard to help you think through whatever is troubling you in a different, more useful way. Often times we get focused on thinking and feeling about our personal issues in certain ways and no matter what we do, we can't break out of that rut. Psychotherapy will help you to know more about the problems you face and how to do something different to address them and solve them.

Anavadya Taylor, MSW

Anavadya Taylor, MSW

Individual, Relationship and Group Counselor

In 98033 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

My approach to Individual Counseling is really quite basic: We engage in honest and direct dialogue about life and relationships. During counseling sessions we examine the thoughts and feelings that create difficult circumstances and unsatisfying relationships. We begin to self-reflect. As our awareness deepens our worries and problems decrease and eventually dissolve completely. With greater focus and enthusiasm we channel our energy into realizing our heart's desires, allowing joyful experiences to naturally arise. A depth of meaning and satisfaction is seated within ourselves. We experience greater compassion and joy in all circumstances.

Kristene Kaim, MA, LMHC, MHP, CCATP

Kristene Kaim, MA, LMHC, MHP, CCATP

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

In 98121 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

Everyone needs a non-judgmental ear to listen to the struggles that we go through in life. Psychotherapy is a great, safe, confidential way of expressing yourself, challenging beliefs, and understanding who you are and where you want to go in life. People often feel stuck and don't know where to start to get their momentum back. Psychotherapy will help you figure that out and help you identify ways that will lead you to where you want to be.

Doug McClosky, MS,LMFT

Doug McClosky, MS,LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 98004 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

Beyond "symptoms" Psychotherapy is about long term enrichment and a sense of connection to the community. My approach is hopeful, focused and accepting. I help my clients sort their feelings, clarify their goals, and find fulfilling, meaningful lives. Together, we discover the ways that an individual's unique outlook on life can be both a strength and hinderance. We discover this through close attention to the present and through a relevant, structured, exploration of the past. My technique draws heavily on the accumulated wisdom of 100 years of Adlerian Psychology.

Mary Guay, LMFT, CPC

Mary Guay, LMFT, CPC

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Certified Prof Coach

In 98011 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

Psychotherapy is a dynamic collaboration! As I partner with you in your counseling, I bring a caring and compassionate presence to our work together as you gain greater self awareness. I understand your full experience and support you so that you can look at your options and make healthy enlivening choices. Because I am there for you, you may find the courage to look at something you've been avoiding, you may discover more of who you are and all of the wonderful qualities you posess. Partnering with me means that you will benefit from my training, experience and insights and since you are an expert on yourself and your life, you will have the optimum environment for growth.

Jason Powell, LMFT, CST

Jason Powell, LMFT, CST

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and AASECT Certified Sex Therapist

In 98112 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

I am truly honored to work with individuals and couples from all backgrounds and orientations. I am also proud to partner with underserved populations such as those in law enforcement, the military, faith based and LGBTQIA+ communities. I respect and honor you as the expert in your own life and will create a space that is safe, affirming, and authentic.



Psychoanalyst and psychotherapist

In 98104 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

Psychotherapy is the use of psychological methods to help a person change behavior and overcome problems in a positive manner. Its aim is to help people understand the thoughts behind feeling anxious or depressed and addressing these thinking patterns. Psychotherapy will help you change behaviors and habits that are limiting you, to experiencing your fullest potential.

Sam Louie, MA, LMHC

Sam Louie, MA, LMHC

Licensed Psychotherapist

In 98004 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

Psychotherapy is relational. It's about feeling safe with your therapist where you can express your innermost thoughts and feelings. I provide a nurturing and structured space where you can get to the root of your issues in as short of time as possible. While I believe in the benefits of long-term therapy, I also know many of you want solutions. Consequently, my approach is solution-focused with cognitive behavioral techniques and even assignments for clients to help them reach their goals more quickly.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

At Home or Private Discreet Intensives

James Hillman once said, "We've had a hundred years of psychotherapy and the world is getting worse." While there are many occasions where the validation and listening endemic to psychotherapy makes sense, there are times where we over assume that "feeling better" and "changing behavior" are the same. Grey Matters International, Inc. goes after the forgotten brain laws to behavior change that therapists miss when processing hours and hours of dialogues with people. Utilizing a cutting edge technology to facilitate the emotional process of change, we can make the therapy process way more effective, faster, and with less money spent. Contact or 877-606-6161.

Julie Holt, MA, LMHC

Julie Holt, MA, LMHC


In 98102 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

I help individuals and couples get what they want out of life. Great lives are possible, but somehow we're not always taught how to get them while growing up. The reason for that is that everyone's "great life" is different from everyone else's and it's achieved differently from everyone else. Focusing on you and your life is a direct route to figuring out what has been bothering you and why. And moving forward, we figure out how to effectively make happen what you want to happen.

Karen Kirsch, MA, LMHC

Karen Kirsch, MA, LMHC

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

In 98020 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

People look at you and think you have it all together, but inside you are falling apart. You find yourself consumed with thoughts about food and your body, and it's exhausting you. You're anxious most of the time and unable to get yourself unstuck. You desire freedom and change from this. Something has to give or you're going to keep falling. You want to find a new path to viewing your body and freedom with food. I'm here to help you create a thriving life. Contact me now.

Philip Kolba, MA LCPC NCC

Philip Kolba, MA LCPC NCC


In 07302 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

I provide brief solutions-focused psychotherapy to help clients assess personal and professional functioning, clarify goals, and strengthen social and emotional skills. I specialize in brief online relationship counseling. Online counseling allows clients to seek help as needed, engage in therapy at a schedule that's convenient to them, and keep their counselor as they progress through life. I work with LGBTQ and hetero clients on individual, couple, and alternative relationship concerns. Clients explore issues that impact their professional and personal relationships, including communication, power dynamics, and intimacy. I accept US$ and cryptocurrencies.

Leslie Fleming, MA, LMHC

Leslie Fleming, MA, LMHC

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

In 98020 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

I employ a holistic approach that bridges the worlds of shamanic healing, contemporary psychotherapy, and life coaching. The blending of these modalities recognizes and works with the invisible energies, the non-ordinary realities (however we each individually perceive these forces), and the physical world experiences and choices influencing our wellbeing. I bring to this work deep integrity, compassion, fortitude, intuition, and over 3 decades of shamanic practice in support of mine and others' journeys of healing, personal mastery, and authenticity.

Tammy Westergaard, MA, LMHCA

Tammy Westergaard, MA, LMHCA

Licensed Mental Health Counselor Associate

In 98034 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

My approach to Psychotherapy is client-centered, collaborative, and individual to each client and the issues they are struggling to overcome. I use an attachment based, depth psychology focus with clients, including children and couples. Some of my clients may choose to use Sand Tray Therapy, which is a non-verbal form of expressive therapy. Sand Tray therapy can help to access and heal the deeper, non-conscious aspects of current life struggles.

Eric Borgh, LMHC

Eric Borgh, LMHC

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

In 98112 - Nearby to Picnic Point.

Therapy is honest, cathartic, truth-telling, relational work. It's facing your story. It's feeling things long pushed away and ignored. It's being heard. It's hearing your own voice. It's coming into relationship with yourself. Psychotherapy is a lot of different things and ultimately it's about the relationship and rhythm you find with your psychotherapist. I would love to meet to see if it is a good fit.


Picnic Point is located in Snohomish County, Washington. It has a land area of 3.03 square miles and a water area of 0.06 square miles.  The population of Picnic Point is 8,969 people with 3,312 households and a median annual income of $91,805. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Picnic Point, WA

Very Affordable

Booking a weekly counseling session with a licensed therapist in Picnic Point is not a large financial issue for the majority of people in this area. Sustaining a commitment to mental health treatment is easily accessible for the average family, but ask your therapist if there are any concerns as many will accept insurance or even offer sliding scale fees. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Picnic Point public health department.