Anger Management and Counseling in George Mason, VA.

Therapy and counseling for anger issues, self control and stress management in George Mason, Virginia. Find effective help for real change.

Laurieann Duarte, LCSW-C
Anger Therapist

Laurieann Duarte, LCSW-C

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 20895 - Nearby to George Mason.

Do you find that you often react first and think later? Do you often feel ashamed of behaviors you may have performed due to feelings of anger or frustration? Do you feel as if no one listens to your concerns? Let's work on finding different ways to manage your feelings - - let's talk. Give therapy a try - - you deserve the opportunity to see things differently. Make it a good day - - be well. Give me a call for a free phone consult to discuss your concerns. 240.292.6127

Natalie Bondy, LPC
Anger Therapist

Natalie Bondy, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 20148 - Nearby to George Mason.

Appropriate anger management is a skill that can be learned. Often times, people that struggle with anger management were never given the tools to regulate their emotions. Through exploration of our triggers, understanding and changing the messages we attach to these triggers, and learning to regulate our physiological arousal state, we can successfully implement de-escalation strategies and return to a place of calm. *Please note, I do not work with domestic violence issues although I am happy to provide referrals.

Ashburn Psychological Services
Anger Therapist

Ashburn Psychological Services

Ashburn Psychological Services

In 20147 - Nearby to George Mason.

Uncontrollable anger, a bad temper and aggression can lead to significant relationship and career failures. Identifying the triggers that cause one to become upset and learning more adaptive strategies and solutions are the essential ingredients for change. Cognitive restructuring, problem solving, improving communication and relaxation strategies are but a few approaches used in anger management treatment. Working with partners, spouses or family members is also beneficial. At times, medication may be warranted in conjunction with therapy or counseling. We at Ashburn Psychological Services are here to help.

Linda Ritchie, Ph.D.
Anger Therapist

Linda Ritchie, Ph.D.

Licensed Professional Counselor/Marriage & Family Therapist

In 22031 - Nearby to George Mason.

All of us experience moments of unwanted emotional intensity and that is normal. However, if you are experiencing moments of intense emotional intensity that you are unable to control, we can help you regain your emotional self-control. We will work with you to help you gain insight into the disruptive emotions and impulses that make you feel out of control and helpless. We will enable you with tools and strategies that you can use to improve your relationships and make your life more fulfilling and enjoyable. Emotional self-control can be learned and we can help.

Mary Beasley, M.Min, N.C.C.A. LCPC
Anger Therapist

Mary Beasley, M.Min, N.C.C.A. LCPC

N.C.C.A. Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor

In 20852 - Nearby to George Mason.

LewMar Innovations offers Therapeutic Anger Management classes using Tesla BioHealing Inc. products, facilitated by a Certified Anger Resolution Therapist. In these 8-hour classes, you will learn the meaning and magnitude of anger. Your anger cues, how to analyze your anger, as well as alleviate present anger.

Megan Szczepanik, LCSW, c-IRT
Anger Therapist

Megan Szczepanik, LCSW, c-IRT

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 20852 - Nearby to George Mason.

Anger is a tough emotion. It feels so real and raw in the moment, that we forget that it’s simply a defense mechanism. As human beings, we like to feel powerful. Vulnerable emotions are dangerous. Sadness, fear, jealousy, hurt, and betrayal make us feel weak, so what do we do? We try to look strong, scary, and powerful. Anger is the most efficient way to do this. If we can sit with our more vulnerable feelings and care for them, we are able to see our anger evaporate. We’ll work together to create a safe space for you to explore what’s hiding beneath your anger. The freedom that comes with vulnerability is where your true power lies.

Becky Roth, MSW, LMSW, CPC
Anger Therapist

Becky Roth, MSW, LMSW, CPC

Career Counselor, Career Coach, and Life Coach

In 20878 - Nearby to George Mason.

Are you feeling upset thinking about your life or your career? As your life and career coach I can help you get a plan to help decrease your stress. Together we navigate the path to realizing your ideal life vision. During the coaching process, we work to identify your core values, enhance your strengths, increase your self awareness and to ensure that we find you a life or career plan.

Keith Miller & Associates Counseling
Anger Therapist

Keith Miller & Associates Counseling

Psychotherapists, Psychiatrist, and Couples Counselors

In 20036 - Nearby to George Mason.

Has your anger taken on a life of its own? We can help you find a way to put anger behind you that works. Anger that doesn't go away or flares up when it's not helpful is a sign that something inside you needs to shift. Like an earthquake, the ground at the surface moves unpredictably because of pressure built up somewhere hard to reach. You can learn an effective and respectful way to detect and decode your own seismic rumblings which will give you plenty of time to respond to difficult situations with many more options and many more choices. You'll be able to put your best self in the lead when it matters most. Call today or visit our website for free resources that may help you right away

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Anger Therapist

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 20005 - Nearby to George Mason.

Grey Matters International and the work of Kevin J. Fleming, Ph.D approaches issues of anger management in a very humane yet fresh perspective. You see, anger is a normal emotion but it is the valence (intensity) as well as the coupling choice of what one does with this that is the problem. Telling someone to "not" do it or modifying behavior with a trite psychological plan that only breeds a compliant response is not the way to change anger. Brainwave optimization is a new cutting edge technology that allows one to rewire circuitry responsible for reactivity driving the anger. Contact Grey Matters International, Inc now at or 877-606-6161.

Robyn Brickel, M.A., LMFT
Anger Therapist

Robyn Brickel, M.A., LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 22314 - Nearby to George Mason.

We treat anger with compassion, as it is our experience that anger is usually a symptom of an underlying issue or feeling that is harder to feel or cope with in life. Issues with anger can also present themselves as a part of someone versus all of them. We treat all mental health issues from a trauma-informed, strengths-based, systems model of care.

Reginald Cunningham, EdD, LPC, LCPC
Anger Therapist

Reginald Cunningham, EdD, LPC, LCPC

Counseling Psychologist

In 20036 - Nearby to George Mason.

As a counselor with several years of experience with adolescent behaviors. I can help your teen address the negative thoughts. feelings and issues that are causing problems within his or her life Your teen can begin to better understand the impact of their attitudes and behaviors on others. As your teens therapist I can help your teen set realistic goals develop effective coping skills. improve communication skills and develop a system of accountability which ca help your teen learn from mistakes.

Nancy Montagna, Ph. D.
Anger Therapist

Nancy Montagna, Ph. D.

Clinical Psychologist, Licensed in Maryland and Virginia

In 20910 - Nearby to George Mason.

Anger is a natural response to hurt and fear but it can cause more pain in our lives if we use it to hurt others, physically or emotionally. Anger that is destructive, usually comes from an old hurt that we are carrying within us. This hurt has been painfully touched by circumstances or by the actions of someone else. First we need to learn ways to stop our hurtful actions by taking a break or walking away. Then, however, we need to turn our attention to the underlying hurt and to bring compassion and care to our own hurt self. You will find that at the same time, you become more compassionate toward other people.

Carlos Durana, Ph.D.
Anger Therapist

Carlos Durana, Ph.D.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Licensed Professional Counselor

In 20190 - Nearby to George Mason.

We all experience anger in our lives. I help clients develop healthy ways to experience and express their anger by: • Identifying effective ways to handle anger and express feelings; • Understanding how feelings such as fear, pride and inferiority feed anger; • Transforming negative patterns of thinking, relating and behaving that influence anger; • Learning ways to communicate, resolve conflicts and meet needs successfully; and • Developing a healthy lifestyle that supports a successful life. The constructive use of anger, assertiveness, helps express and preserve our needs, worth, and convictions while considering and respecting the needs and feelings of others.

Lifebulb Counseling and Therapy, LCSW, Ph.D
Anger Therapist

Lifebulb Counseling and Therapy, LCSW, Ph.D

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 22310 - Nearby to George Mason.

Our team of therapists can help you face your specific anger management issues and tailor a treatment plan specifically for you. Our team of counselors come from a wide variety of backgrounds, so we're confident we can find you help that's best suited for your unique challenges and goals. Working with us, you'll get results. Please don't wait, we're ready to help you today.

Sean Slevin, LPC, LMFT, NCC
Anger Therapist

Sean Slevin, LPC, LMFT, NCC

Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, National Certified Counselor

In 22101 - Nearby to George Mason.

While anger has a proper place in our lives, it is easy to get stuck in a cycle of escalating anger. This often happens because of things going on inside of us that we don't know how to work through on our own (and so we compensate, or cope, by getting angry). The good news is that regardless of what is fueling our anger, we are capable of building the necessary emotional muscles to work through those underlying issues, thus enabling us to control our anger healthily (instead of it controlling us). If you are struggling with anger I would be honored to help you make sense of, and work through, what is underneath it so that you can move towards more wholeness and peace in your life.

Kathleen Hanagan, LCSW, TEP
Anger Therapist

Kathleen Hanagan, LCSW, TEP

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 22301 - Nearby to George Mason.

Anger is much feared and little understood. It is an essential human emotion, and yet it can lead to rage, which is a destructive instinct. It is essential when dealing with anger to get to the root of it, which is most often deep hurt and/or loss. Using brainspotting ( as well as psycho-education, I have helped many people make friends with their anger and have far greater freedom of choice as to how to express it.

Paul Kelner, Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Anger Therapist

Paul Kelner, Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Certified Sex Addiction & Anger Management Therapist

In 20852 - Nearby to George Mason.

I am a Certified Anger Management Specialist trained by the National Anger Management Association. I work with men and women who have difficulty controlling their anger and rage at home or at work. I can help you become aware of your anger triggers and teach you calming techniques and conflict resolution skills. I will also help you learn assertive communication skills. I work with men and women who are court-referred as well as with those who would like to work on these issues with a trained anger management specialist.

Laurel Fay, M.S., LCMFT
Anger Therapist

Laurel Fay, M.S., LCMFT

Licensed Clinical Marriage and Family Therapist

In 20910 - Nearby to George Mason.

How do you know if your anger is serious enough to need help? A quick answer is if you find that anger is your go-to, knee-jerk reaction to everyday irritants and disappointments, or if your anger is compromising your quality of life, it may be time to talk to someone. My way of working with angry clients is to both search for the causes of the anger as well as figure out concrete, common-sense ways for anger to be managed on a daily basis. Anger itself is not the problem; often it's the management (or mismanagement) of it that brings on a host of other problems. Maybe you have a right to be angry! But wouldn't it be better to be able to express that anger in a way others can really hear it?

Anita Gadhia-Smith, PsyD, LCSW-C, LICSW
Anger Therapist

Anita Gadhia-Smith, PsyD, LCSW-C, LICSW


In 20007 - Nearby to George Mason.

Anger management can change the course of your life. When we learn how to manage our feelings, instead of our feelings managing us, we begin to grow in psychological maturity. The quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life. I will assist you in understanding triggers, thought patterns, and developing alternative coping mechanisms to address difficult feelings. Your relationships and your life will thrive.

Amy Wagner, LMFT, LMHC
Anger Therapist

Amy Wagner, LMFT, LMHC

Relationship and Trauma Therapist/EMDR Consultant/Business Coach - Licensed in Virginia and Florida

In 20170 - Nearby to George Mason.

Anger issues can be so difficult to manage and come out of nowhere. When we work together, we will gently learn the core of the distress that you are experiencing. As we learn your life journey, we may find that some of the distress is rooted in early childhood trauma and attachment wounding. We will invite forth all parts of yourself and learn about the challenging messages you may have grown up with that manifested into the distress you feel today. Our anger can be a messenger, an alarm telling you that it is time to heal experiences from earlier in life. In our work together, we'll use EMDR, Emotion Focused Therapy and Expressive Arts to help you become your most authentic self.

Katherine Rosemond, LPC, CPC
Anger Therapist

Katherine Rosemond, LPC, CPC

Licensed Professional Counselor/Certified Professional Coach

In 20109 - Nearby to George Mason.

Anger management counseling can help to identify stressors and learn the steps to stay calm in the face of anger. The goal is to handle tense situations in more constructive and positive ways by reducing the emotional and physical arousal that anger can cause. It will provide the tools to take back your life and resolve the triggers that result in unplanned anger reactions.

Kristin Rosenthal, MA, LPC
Anger Therapist

Kristin Rosenthal, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 22307 - Nearby to George Mason.

Many people have quick tempers and are easily flooded with unhappy emotions. Using new information from neuroscience, we help people learn to observe and think about their own anger process, and then learn ways to re-evaluate and apply “antidote” thoughts to the angry ones. Conversely, many people carry resentment and grudges, and have a lively inner critic of themselves or others, but don’t know how to effectively request what they need and want. They may stew rather than share the needs for safety, control or connection which fuel the anger. Again, we help people follow the feelings, re-appraise them, and come up with a whole different set of actions and reactions. And then practice them in rea....

Dr. Beverly Wright, (D.Min.)
Anger Therapist

Dr. Beverly Wright, (D.Min.)

Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor

In 20006 - Nearby to George Mason.

Anger is an unresolved issue from the past, which eventually ruins most relationships in a person's future. Anger is an emotion that we all experience. However, how one deals with their anger can become a big part of a problem. For some couples, anger can make it nearly impossible to figure out what the problem is or how to fix it. Counseling will decipher the root of the anger, and then how the client may manage those feelings. Oftentimes, sessions will involve the client, and the people who reside with them. Residents are encouraged to participate in counseling sessions for healing. The biggest challenge to living with a resentful or angry person is to keep from becoming one yourself.

Jill Weber, Ph.D.
Anger Therapist

Jill Weber, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist

In 22102 - Nearby to George Mason.

I help clients develop strategies and techniques for managing intense anger or aggressive episodes. These techniques involve learning ways to “cool off” and validate underlying feelings so that they may be communicated more effectively. Generally speaking, difficulty with anger is typically the result of a person having difficulty regulating their emotions.Emotional Regulation is achieving a balanced emotional life where you are neither numbed out from your emotional experiences nor emotionally overwhelmed by them. Achieving emotional balance is done through both talk therapy as well as learning specific concrete strategies for managing your emotional experiences.

C J Medearis, Th.D, Ph.D, D.D, Life Coach
Anger Therapist

C J Medearis, Th.D, Ph.D, D.D, Life Coach

An Innovative Theology Social-Psychologist

In 20066 - Nearby to George Mason.

For you to understand where your anger comes from and what triggers it is most important. I do not believe in managing anger. One needs to learn its source and have coaching in how to change the mind-set behind it. Sometimes anger is tied to PTSD and abuse. These must be uncovered with help, then redirected with coaching. Others can't manage your life, you must be taught how to cope through the mine fields of life. I have found that most have been told they will have to live with "pain" and we will manage it for you. I have not found that to be the real case. I see real change in people. We are not to be trapped in anger. So I know there is real hope.

You have Found the Best Anger Management Therapists in George Mason, VA.

Thank you for visiting our Virginia page of anger counselors in George Mason, Virginia who are experienced in therapy and treatment for anger issues.  Ask your provider about classes or workshops in addition to individual sessions to help with issues relating to anger. Begin your new journey today.

George Mason is located in Fairfax County, Virginia. It has a land area of 2.53 square miles and a water area of 0.01 square miles.  The population of George Mason is 9,928 people with 1,704 households and a median annual income of $112,895. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for George Mason, VA

Widely Affordable

Licensed, professional counseling in George Mason is considered widely accessible by the majority of people who live here and budget is often not a concern for mental health treatment. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local George Mason public health department.