Grief and Loss Counseling in Sachse, TX.

Therapy and bereavement services in Sachse, TX. Find real help with the right therapist.

Jenny Adams, LPC, CSAT, NCC
Grief Counselor

Jenny Adams, LPC, CSAT, NCC

Bluffview Counseling Services, PLLC

In 75209 - Nearby to Sachse.

Grief comes in all shapes and sizes. We can help you successfully grieve your loss by completing your relationship to the pain, isolation and loneliness created by the traumatic loss. Creating a loss history can help us identify where current losses may triggering old unresolved loss. We can help you learn to cope and process your loss so that you can move forward in your life.

Dawn Nelson, LCSW-S, ACSW, SAP, CART
Grief Counselor

Dawn Nelson, LCSW-S, ACSW, SAP, CART

Licensed Clinical Social Worker-Supervisor, Certified Anger Resolution Therapist, Substance Abuse Professional

In 75087 - Nearby to Sachse.

Grief is a natural response to a significant loss. I provide grief counseling to enable people to express the range of emotions that occur (it is normal to feel anger at the deceased) and to help you make the decisions that are best for you and your family. While well-meaning friends offer condolences, society tends to assume that people "get over it" much faster than what is normal. There is no set amount of tears or time that leads to acceptance.

Robert Clark, MA
Grief Counselor

Robert Clark, MA

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 75205 - Nearby to Sachse.

All people experience loss at one point or another, and it is important to allow oneself to feel the full spectrum of emotions that present during times of loss and grief. People are unique in expressing grief and loss and sometimes may need professional assistance to process these feelings. Through therapy a person can learn to give self permission to feel and express emotions related to loss, thus assisting them to move toward healing and continued health.

Lucy Underwood, PhD, LPC-S, NCC, Certified EMDR
Grief Counselor

Lucy Underwood, PhD, LPC-S, NCC, Certified EMDR

Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor, Certified EMDR Therapist, EMDR CIT, Advanced Accelerated Resolution Therapy Trauma Therapist

In 75072 - Nearby to Sachse.

The experience of grief & loss occurs for many reasons. Job loss, moving, romantic break-ups, graduation, & death (expected & unexpected) are examples of situations that could lead to the feelings of grief & loss. Many people struggle with the range of emotions & find themselves making unhealthy choices in the management of grief & loss. Underwood Counseling & Consultation, PLLC works with clients to help them establish a healthy path on which to move forward in life.

Connected Life Counseling, MA, LPC
Grief Counselor

Connected Life Counseling, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

Available for Online Therapy

Grief and Loss can be debilitating and seemingly impossible. It takes time to heal, and there is an appropriate way to heal. Involving an experienced counselor can make a difference in your future success in mental health At Connected Life Counseling, we are here for you. We are here to listen and to provide you with mental health goals and tools to ensure long-term mental health success.

Eshaly Johnson, M.S., LPC
Grief Counselor

Eshaly Johnson, M.S., LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 75150 - Nearby to Sachse.

Grief and loss over losing a loved one or even a relationship can be one of the most traumatic experiences in a person's life. Often times, people find it difficult to recover. It can lead to severe depression, isolation and even hopelessness. However, it does not have to. Let me help you to cope with the pain and walk you through the stages of grief so that you can get back to living a full life

Elizabeth Green, LCSW, CCTP
Grief Counselor

Elizabeth Green, LCSW, CCTP


In 75228 - Nearby to Sachse.

The hole you are feeling inside you is understandable and expected. It is hard to keep going, and you've talked with your family and friends so much it's hard to feel like that isn't all you talk about. Let me guide you through this time. I will listen and help you come to terms with this loss. There is no reason to continue to isolate and feel alone.

Philip Kolba, MA LCPC NCC
Grief Counselor

Philip Kolba, MA LCPC NCC


In 75209 - Nearby to Sachse.

Grief and loss is, unfortunately, a normal part of living. There is no single "correct" way to grieve: different cultures and even individuals from the same culture grieve differently. The only consistent feature is that grief takes time. The most effective thing anyone can do for someone grieving is to be there—to listen, to empathize, to walk along with the grief. There is no "fixing" grief. But counseling can help prevent normal grief from developing into major depression or other mental health conditions.

Yvette Bonavita, LMSW
Grief Counselor

Yvette Bonavita, LMSW

Licensed Master Social Worker

In 75252 - Nearby to Sachse.

In my Grief and Loss therapy approach, I prioritize establishing a safe and supportive environment that allows clients to navigate the complexities of their emotions. Central to this approach is the validation of their grief, acknowledging the unique and often overwhelming feelings associated with loss. By creating a non-judgmental space, I encourage clients to openly express and process their thoughts and emotions surrounding the loss. This approach emphasizes the importance of honoring the client's grief journey, fostering a therapeutic alliance that respects their pace and individual needs, and facilitating a pathway toward healing and meaning-making in the aftermath of loss.

Rejoice Counseling Apostolate, PhD, MA
Grief Counselor

Rejoice Counseling Apostolate, PhD, MA

LMFTs, LPCs, LCSWs & Licensed Associates

In 75231 - Nearby to Sachse.

Experiencing the death of a loved one or facing another form of loss can make you feel like you are surrounded by darkness and loneliness. But the darkness will subside and your grief can be healed. Whether you are grieving alone or your whole family is grieving, our marriage and family therapists and professional counselors will help you better understand the grieving process, develop coping skills that promote healing, and form supportive relationships with others. If your grief has led to depression or a debilitating anxiety then we can help you with that too. And we will do all of this with the gift of faith.

Allen Males, MA, LPC
Grief Counselor

Allen Males, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

Available for Online Therapy

I will hold space, provide resources, and support clients through this difficult process. I believe there is no time limit on how long it takes someone to move through the grief and loss process. I will support and meet my clients where they are and help guide them towards healing in the process. Encouragement to re-engage with life will provided but not in a forceful and or dismissive manner.

Well Coached Life, PhD, MA, SEP
Grief Counselor

Well Coached Life, PhD, MA, SEP

WELL COACHED LIFE| Individuals | Couples | Youth

Available for Online Therapy

Grief is hard. Grief is natural. Animals grieve. Grief is something we feel deep in our bodies and can be disorienting and destabilizing. Grief brings up questions about who we are, the world, the existence or goodness of God, and purpose and futility of life. Dealing with grief, especially when the loss is traumatic and unexpected, requires a slow and tender space to allow the grief to move through our body and to settle in our hearts with warmth and memory. I am here to help you grieve the loss of your loved one, experience, health , future or even your beloved pet. .

Daniel Gowan, M.Div., M.A., LCDC, LPC-S, CSAT
Grief Counselor

Daniel Gowan, M.Div., M.A., LCDC, LPC-S, CSAT

Marriage Counseling, Sex/Porn Addiction, PTSD

In 75093 - Nearby to Sachse.

My experience working at Children's Hospital of Dallas and Methodist Hospital has helped me to understand that the stages of grief are not linear, but circular. You can be very sad one day and angry the next. Sometimes, all of the stages in the same day. Learn to work through each of these stages as they occur (and reoccur) to move to a place of greater peace. Many look for relief from the feelings- learn healthier ways to engage the process without relying on unhealthy fixes or coping mechanisms.

David Pettengill, LPC, MFC
Grief Counselor

David Pettengill, LPC, MFC

Licensed Marriage and Family Counselor

In 75034 - Nearby to Sachse.

Grief is a highly individual process, as unique as the people experiencing it. Everything from our personal histories and culture to personality traits and temperament affects how we experience and cope with a major loss in our life. That said, based on my own work as a counselor, it seems to me there are some common themes in the stories of people who manage to grieve well. We can help you heal through Gods' Word to help you think about and navigate your own grieving process in a compassionate, constructive, and healthy way.

Michele Horn, LMFT -S
Grief Counselor

Michele Horn, LMFT -S

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist - Supervisor

In 75034 - Nearby to Sachse.

Grief counseling helps people cope with grief and mourning following the loss of a loved one or due to major life changes that trigger feelings of grief (i.e. job loss or divorce). It provides a space for individuals to work through and process the complex emotions surrounding loss. Healthy grieving results in remembering the loss with a newfound sense of peace, rather than searing pain.

Pamela Garcy, Ph.D.
Grief Counselor

Pamela Garcy, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist and Life Coach

In 75287 - Nearby to Sachse.

Are you grieving? When you lose someone who is dear to you, it is helpful to have a safe, reliable person who you can talk to. Many folks have feelings to work through, and it is useful to process these with another person, especially when you are feelng the isolation of a loss. As you learn to accept your healthier emotional processes, you may then learn to allow yourself freedom to grieve in your own way.

Pare Radillo, LPC
Grief Counselor

Pare Radillo, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 75087 - Nearby to Sachse.

Grief affects everybody differently. Learning to "let go" needs to be an intentional process that I can help you through. There are stages that each person goes through, on their own timeline. Counseling can help you learn where you are and give you support as you move through the grieving process. Grief support can be given for the loss of a relationship, opportunity, loved one, job, or even a change in your daily life.

Galit Ribakoff, M.S, LPC-S, NCC
Grief Counselor

Galit Ribakoff, M.S, LPC-S, NCC

Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor

In 75379 - Nearby to Sachse.

Galit Ribakoff helps individuals, couples, and families overcome the challenges of a loss. Different losses require different care. Galit will help you with issues related to death and dying, divorce, retirement, moving, and others. She will be working with you together, through a healthy grief process, to achieve your therapy goal, and attain your optimal results.

Michael Salas, PsyD, LPC-S, LCDC, CSAT, CMAT
Grief Counselor

Michael Salas, PsyD, LPC-S, LCDC, CSAT, CMAT

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 75219 - Nearby to Sachse.

Have you lost someone that you are close to? Is someone you are close to ill? I can help you learn how to be supportive without feeling overwhelmed by sadness. Together we will work through sadness to help you keep it from turning into depression. We will also help you understand the different emotions you feel about what you have lost and how you can go about feeling more at peace. Call or e-mail me today to set up a consultation to see I can help you with your losses.

Sean Cawthon, M.Div., M. Th., MHC
Grief Counselor

Sean Cawthon, M.Div., M. Th., MHC

Christian Counselor - Pastoral

In 75070 - Nearby to Sachse.

As a Pastor and counselor, I understand the pain and struggles that come with grief and loss. It is a natural part of life, but it's not always easy to deal with. I believe that there are healthy and productive ways to process and alleviate the symptoms of grief and loss. Through biblical guidance and support, you can navigate this journey toward healing. You are not alone. I am willing to come alongside you and help you find comfort and hope in the difficult moments of your life.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Grief Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 75211 - Nearby to Sachse.

Grey Matters International and the work of Kevin J. Fleming, Ph.D approaches issues of grief & loss through the lens of innovation----instead of growing the same neural networks responsible for the pain in weekly therapy sessions, we reset the brain to move forward quicker and efficiently by working on the stuck limbic system so as to empower the person with more success and traction. For no one wants to stay in a grief mode for too long; but when you don’t include the brain in your work with someone, you risk describing the water to them while they drown and calling it success. Contact Grey Matters International, Inc now at or 877-606-6161.

Mary Moore, LPC
Grief Counselor

Mary Moore, LPC

Clinical Director, LPC

Available for Online Therapy

I am trained as a Prolonged Grief Disorder Therapy (PGDT) provider by the Center for Complicated Grief at Columbia University. The structured protocol addresses "stuck grief" that is marked by an attachment fissure that causes rumination, excessive guilt, loss of former interests and hopelessness 6 months and longer (sometimes many years) after a significant loss. PGDT is evidence-based and has a over a 70 percent efficacy rate for movement into adaptive grief.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Grief Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 75040 - Nearby to Sachse.

Grey Matters International and the work of Kevin J. Fleming, Ph.D approaches issues of grief & loss through the lens of innovation----instead of growing the same neural networks responsible for the pain in weekly therapy sessions, we reset the brain to move forward quicker and efficiently by working on the stuck limbic system so as to empower the person with more success and traction. For no one wants to stay in a grief mode for too long; but when you dont include the brain in your work with someone, you risk describing the water to them while they drown and calling it success. Contact Grey Matters International, Inc now at or 877-606-6161

Cara Waters, LPC-A, LCDC-I
Grief Counselor

Cara Waters, LPC-A, LCDC-I

Licensed Professional Counselor Associate and Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor

In 75252 - Nearby to Sachse.

Are you undergoing a life transition? Are you grieving the loss of an important person or pet? If you have gone through a traumatic event, you might be questioning everything in life. Do you feel isolated, lonely, unsupported or anxious? Sometimes life can give us circumstances that feel punishing and cruel. This can add insult to injury when we experience stressful situations, grief, anxiety, depression or going through a transition in life. We all need support. I will walk with you on your journey, so you don't have to walk alone.

Susanna Huffman, MS, LPC, LCDC, NCC
Grief Counselor

Susanna Huffman, MS, LPC, LCDC, NCC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 75252 - Nearby to Sachse.

Experiencing a loss, whether it is sudden or anticipated, can unleash a whirlwind of emotions that leave you feeling isolated and disconnected from the people and activities that once brought you happiness. During a tumultuous period when your world feels turned upside down, having someone by your side who understands and cares can be an invaluable asset in navigating the journey ahead. Together, we can discover a sense of healing and rediscovery, helping you reconnect with yourself and others. And amidst the process of processing difficult emotions, there lies the potential for unexpected moments of joy to emerge- little sparks that remind us of some of the good in life.

Compassionate Bereavement Services in Sachse, TX.

Thank you for visiting our Texas search of licensed grief specialists in Sachse.  Moving through grief after loss is difficult. Therapy helps through listening, by having someone there with you who understands the stages and process of grieving. You can find help for grief in Sachse right now, please contact a provider above, you can email 24/7.

Sachse is a city that is located in multiple counties- Collin County and Dallas County in Texas. It has a land area of 9.78 square miles and a water area of 0.12 square miles.  The population of Sachse is 24,554 people with 7,317 households and a median annual income of $89,428. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Sachse, TX

Mostly Affordable

Establishing weekly sessions with a professional therapist is considered affordable in Sachse for the average family. While sustaining a commitment to therapy is usually not an issue, if mental health treatment feels like a burden please ask your counselor about accepted insurance plans or sliding scale fees. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Sachse public health department.