Stress, PTSD and Anxiety Therapists in Horsham, PA.

Licensed professional counseling for anxiety, stress, phobias, and panic in Horsham, Pennsylvania.

Lee Bowers, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Lee Bowers, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

In 19085 - Nearby to Horsham.

To feel occasional anxiety or stress is a normal part of the human condition, especially in today's fast paced world. But if stress is managing you, rather than the other way around, it's time for some help. Not doing so can lead to serious work, relationship, and health problems. There are as many ways to manage stress as there are stressors. Together, we'll find approaches that work for you.

The Center for Healthier Relationships, Individuals,& Sexualities, Network of Inclusive Therapists
Anxiety Counselor

The Center for Healthier Relationships, Individuals,& Sexualities, Network of Inclusive Therapists


In 19110 - Nearby to Horsham.

Anxiety and stress impact many persons' lives daily. Some people experience stronger levels of anxiety and stress which can meet the criteria for a mental health disorder, such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD. Therapy can address this in many different ways. One way is to look at how thoughts and behaviors are linked using a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach. Other modalities such as Narrative Therapy or Eco-Systemic Structural Family Therapy may look at how life events and familial patterns impact one's sense of anxiety/stress and the management of these issues. Another approach is mindfulness which helps clients get in touch with their body to work.

Qatana Samanen, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Qatana Samanen, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

In 19301 - Nearby to Horsham.

No matter how long you have been suffering from anxiety - even panic attacks - you can free yourself - mind, body and spirit. When you learn to identify the thought patterns that create anxiety and replace them with more positive thinking, you enjoy greater peace of mind. When you learn to notice tightness as it occurs in your body and release that tension, you become more relaxed. When you connect with the unconditional love and healing power of your Divine Nature you transform old patterns and become the conscious creator of your experience. Learn to better manage your stress. Download my free report "Manage Your Stress - Mind, Body and Spirit" at

Cheryl Sparks, PhD, LPC
Anxiety Counselor

Cheryl Sparks, PhD, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 19087 - Nearby to Horsham.

Anxiety can rob you of the ability to be at peace and experience joy. It interferes with relationships and your ability to focus. I will help you interrupt those racing thoughts or worries and to deal with them in a calm and structured way so that you are no longer at their mercy. We can also work to uncover the roots of stress or anxiety so that you have insight into what started those feelings and what may be triggering them. When you can understand yourself, you can begin to take care of yourself and control those feelings in new ways. Call me to discuss what kind of anxiety you struggle with and we will talk about what kind of help you would like.

Larry Cohen, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Larry Cohen, Ph.D.

For Individuals and Couples

In 08003 - Nearby to Horsham.

Successfully treating anxiety and stress is often illusive. Don't forget - stress and anxiety are not the same thing - kind of like thunder and lightening not being the same thing. It is possible to feel stress without feeling anxious. But, when anxiety flares up, stress is always waiting in the wings. We know that anxiety is a fear-based emotion. Genetics gone awry is to blame. Getting relief from stress is often easier than getting relief from anxiety. Stress can be managed to some extent, but anxiety is innate. We are born with it. Not great news I'm afraid, but there are therapies that can help overly-anxious people find relief. Medication is often the treatment of choice.

Robert Castle, M.S., LCPC, NCC
Anxiety Counselor

Robert Castle, M.S., LCPC, NCC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

Available for Online Therapy

To help you manage your stress and anxiety symptoms, we start with understanding the nature and patterns of your symptoms in relation to environmental triggers, traumatic life events, and unhelpful thinking patterns that influence your daily perspective. Using a collaborative alliance, we will look for better ways to manage both your external stressors and internal reactions. A cognitive-behavioral approach offers practical methods to understand how thought patterns influence emotional reactions and behaviors. By redirecting and re-framing your thoughts with alternative thoughts, you can experience a reduction in unpleasant emotions and an increase in personal effectiveness.

Eleanor Reiter, MS, LPC, NCC, CCTP, CFTP
Anxiety Counselor

Eleanor Reiter, MS, LPC, NCC, CCTP, CFTP

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 19406 - Nearby to Horsham.

Are you suffering from symptoms of anxiety? Do you wish you had someone to talk to and think you need guidance getting back on track? Symptoms of anxiety and fear resulting from personal life events can significantly impair and disrupt an individual’s daily level of functioning. There’s no denying that life often presents us with our fair share of challenges. These life events, even the positive ones, can throw us into a tailspin and leave us feeling overwhelmed, stressed, confused, and vulnerable. But with the right tools and mindset, you have the power to not only overcome any adversity but also transform into a more authentic and confident version of yourself. Schedule a free telephone consultation by calling 610-944-4327.

Alisa Kamis-Brinda, LCSW, LCADC
Anxiety Counselor

Alisa Kamis-Brinda, LCSW, LCADC

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 19102 - Nearby to Horsham.

Do you worry all the time? Is it hard for you to turn off your thoughts? Do anxious thoughts keep you up at night? Do you experience panic attacks in which you have trouble breathing or feel like you're having a heart attack? Alisa can help you learn how to manage symptoms of anxiety with relaxation tools, other stress management tools, and ways to decrease anxious thoughts and feelings.

Vivian Good, LPC, MA, MS, ACS
Anxiety Counselor

Vivian Good, LPC, MA, MS, ACS

Licensed Professional Counselor, Accredited Clinical Supervisor

In 19087 - Nearby to Horsham.

We experience anxiety in many ways: excessive worry about future events, catastrophic thoughts, insomnia, restlessness, pounding heart, sweating, avoidance of specific things. While we cannot avoid stress, our ways of coping with stressful situations affect our mental, physical and spiritual health. In a safe, empathetic environment, I help clients understand how thoughts, behaviors, environmental changes/life situations, moods and physical reactions affect anxiety level. Together, we develop effective coping strategies to reduce anxiety, regain a sense of empowerment and a return to the calm and balanced life we deserve.

Brigette Potgieter, LCSW
Anxiety Counselor

Brigette Potgieter, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 19422 - Nearby to Horsham.

We have come a long way since the days of running from a tiger in the forest...or have we? Though our modern lives are far removed from that ancient experience, our bodies are not! Understanding how the survival system of our minds and body play out in modern day life is key to understanding how to manage stress and anxiety. I work with clients to learn how to develop skills and insights that move them from surviving to thriving and effectively increase their capacity to enjoy life!

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 19019 - Nearby to Horsham.

While most treatment approaches for anxiety and stress are effective on the surface, they don’t treat the real problem. Mantras, deep breathing, and rational dialogues about your fear being irrational rarely work---for most people don’t believe it or you! Imagine if you can trick the brain into changing without you telling your conscious mind that you are changing it? Problem with anxiety and stress is that the brain in this state knows you want to change it and it resists. Contact for the ultimate stress and anxiety solution that will literally change your brain's autonomic nervous system patterns while you sit on your butt. 877-606-6161.

Christopher DiOrio, MS MLA
Anxiety Counselor

Christopher DiOrio, MS MLA

Individual and Couples Counselor MS, MLA

In 19032 - Nearby to Horsham.

Anxiety can be paralyzing and our thoughts and fears can feel like they are running the show, but it doesn't have to be that way. With coping skills and a sense of security, managing anxious thoughts is possible. With techniques such as thought stopping and reframing, we can begin to argue and win the battle against anxiety. With support and a deeper understanding anxiety can be successfully managed.

Colleen Fitzpatrick, MSW, LCSW, CH, Counselor
Anxiety Counselor

Colleen Fitzpatrick, MSW, LCSW, CH, Counselor


In 08057 - Nearby to Horsham.

Are you tired of feeling anxious? Is stress ruining your life? I utilize various techniques to help you achieve your goal. Among them are cognitive therapy, hypnotherapy, creative visualization and role play. I have been able to assist clients in successfully manage their anxiety and stress, so they can have a more productive life and find happiness.

Nitasha Strait, The Better You Institute
Anxiety Counselor

Nitasha Strait, The Better You Institute

Licensed Professional Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Sex Therapist

In 19109 - Nearby to Horsham.

We understand that anxiety and stress can feel overwhelming. Our therapy sessions offer a safe and nurturing space to explore your feelings and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Using tailored techniques like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and mindfulness practices, our compassionate therapists work with you to reduce anxiety, manage stress, and improve your overall well-being. We focus on your unique experiences, helping you gain control and find balance in your life. Let us support you in achieving a calmer, more centered self.

Lori Lorraine, MA, LPC, NCC
Anxiety Counselor

Lori Lorraine, MA, LPC, NCC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 19087 - Nearby to Horsham.

We all have some level of stress & anxiety that is often experienced as fear & worry. For some, however, the anxiety can become overwhelming. This may involve a specific stressor or an increase in life stressors, a phobia, generalized anxiety or even panic symptoms. It is important to identify what might be triggering the anxiety as well as any predisposing causes. I work with individuals to explore the roots of negative thoughts & beliefs & then begin the process of altering them. I also assist in sorting through ineffective coping strategies & replacing them with new & more helpful strategies. This process helps provide relief by addressing both the anxiety symptoms & the underlying cause.

Vicki Tornetta Counseling and Associates, MA, NCC, LPC
Anxiety Counselor

Vicki Tornetta Counseling and Associates, MA, NCC, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 19087 - Nearby to Horsham.

With clients who are experiencing anxiety and stress, my goal is for them to feel understood as a whole. This includes understanding their anxiety and stress, but I want them to experience being known for all of who they are, not just their struggles. In order to experience growth and improvement in this area, I work with clients to process and understand the connection between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Once we have a good understanding of this, I work with my client to find ways to create the change they need and are hoping for.

Jennifer Bullock, M.Ed, M.L.S.P., LPC
Anxiety Counselor

Jennifer Bullock, M.Ed, M.L.S.P., LPC

Licensed Profesional Counselor

In 19102 - Nearby to Horsham.

Got Stress? Get Creative! My favorite daily practice is to smile when I feel one of those feelings (stressed, upset, overwhelmed, anxious…) I immediately feel better and am able to respond effectively to what is in front of me (like car going too slow when I’m in a hurry or someone being rude/ unthoughtful/difficult). I learned this during my training over the years in performance and improv… learning to creatively respond to what’s coming at me/being offered by the world with acceptance and openness. And, as a therapist I have seen how creatively responding verses automatically reacting out of anger, fear, stress, frustration, etc can help clients as well as me. In the....

Lindsay Bauer, LMFT, RYT
Anxiety Counselor

Lindsay Bauer, LMFT, RYT

Marriage and Family Therapist, Yoga Instructor

In 19103 - Nearby to Horsham.

When we feel a loss of control, it can be scary and disabling. In my practice, I incorporate traditional talk therapy with mindfulness based therapy and yoga practices. Yoga and meditative exercises can help a person regain a sense of control over their thoughts, emotions, and physical body. Being centered within can help significantly reduce anxiety and symptoms created by stress. Take some time for self care and relaxation. I can help you feel more in control of your daily life, rather than feeling as though anxiety has taken control over you.

Manisha Shendge, D.Min., FT, LMFT
Anxiety Counselor

Manisha Shendge, D.Min., FT, LMFT

Marriage and Family Therapist

In 19428 - Nearby to Horsham.

Find yourself stressed due to anxiety or unable to let go of certain thoughts. Sometimes the issues and concerns in our life make us feel very anxious. Using a variety of techinques that focus on how your thoughts affect your feelings and behavior, we strive to help you deal with the anxiety so that it does not run your life. You deserve to be in control of your life and to live life to its fullest.

Jennifer McCarron, MA, LMFT
Anxiety Counselor

Jennifer McCarron, MA, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified EMDR Therapist

In 18936 - Nearby to Horsham.

I see this as the "common cold" of mental health issues that every client struggles with on some level. I help clients look at possible past and current factors that may be creating or maintaining the stress and anxiety. If the anxiety/stress is coming from past or current traumatic experiences, EMDR therapy helps clients re-process them to come to a more adaptive view that aids healing. I teach relaxation, deep breathing, and meditation practices to be used at home to decrease the impact of stress and anxiety on a client's life. Finally, I help clients identify and rid themselves of unhealthy relationships that may be creating or maintaining the anxiety.

Tara Faigle, MA, NCC, LPC, BC-TMH
Anxiety Counselor

Tara Faigle, MA, NCC, LPC, BC-TMH


In 18940 - Nearby to Horsham.

Stress and anxiety are part of life. However, at times anxiety and stress can become overwhelming and debilitating. Together with my clients we will start to uncover how thoughts can lead to anxiety. Through this awareness, the courage to face fears begins. Techniques and strategies to managing stress and anxiety will further support my clients' alleviation of symptoms.

McKenzie Severe, MS
Anxiety Counselor

McKenzie Severe, MS

Mental Health Counselor

In 19087 - Nearby to Horsham.

When I meet with clients who are experiencing issues pertaining to anxiety and stress, I, firstly, create a space where they feel understood, empathized with, and safe. I then will help clients to understand the relationship between their thoughts, behaviors, and feelings. Then we will work to tackle each of those three areas in order to create the change that they need and/or are hoping for.

You have Found the Top Therapists for Stress, Anxiety, and PTSD in Horsham, PA.

Thank you for visiting our Pennsylvania page of stress therapists in Horsham, Pennsylvania who are skilled and experienced in dealing with anxiety, worry, and panic in all its forms.  Worry and stress can cause a myriad of physical symptoms and wreck havoc on both our personal life and our relationships. Counseling for stress and PTSD in Horsham, PA will give you healthy tools and help you move forward. Let's get started. Reach out to us today, our contact forms are "open" 24/7.

Horsham is located in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. It has a land area of 17.32 square miles and a water area of 0.00 square miles.  The population of Horsham is 26,587 people with 9,596 households and a median annual income of $87,232. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Horsham, PA

Mostly Affordable

Establishing weekly sessions with a professional therapist is considered affordable in Horsham for the average family. While sustaining a commitment to therapy is usually not an issue, if mental health treatment feels like a burden please ask your counselor about accepted insurance plans or sliding scale fees. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Horsham public health department.