Stress, PTSD and Anxiety Therapists in Braddock, PA.

Licensed professional counseling for anxiety, stress, phobias, and panic in Braddock, Pennsylvania.

John Neyman, MA., BCPC
Anxiety Counselor

John Neyman, MA., BCPC


In 16055 - Nearby to Braddock.

You don't have to suffer any longer. You certainly don't have to suffer alone. John Neyman is a therapist on a mission to help make a difference in your world. The sky is blue above the clouds. The sun is still shining even when you can't see it. Depression is a very difficult problem to solve, but there are answers. There are Universal Laws that when put into motion will work. it is the cause and effect--they have to work. They will work for you, but you will never know if you don't call John Neyman today!

Robert Castle, M.S., LCPC, NCC
Anxiety Counselor

Robert Castle, M.S., LCPC, NCC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

Available for Online Therapy

To help you manage your stress and anxiety symptoms, we start with understanding the nature and patterns of your symptoms in relation to environmental triggers, traumatic life events, and unhelpful thinking patterns that influence your daily perspective. Using a collaborative alliance, we will look for better ways to manage both your external stressors and internal reactions. A cognitive-behavioral approach offers practical methods to understand how thought patterns influence emotional reactions and behaviors. By redirecting and re-framing your thoughts with alternative thoughts, you can experience a reduction in unpleasant emotions and an increase in personal effectiveness.

Michael Pecosh, M.Ed., NCC, LPC
Anxiety Counselor

Michael Pecosh, M.Ed., NCC, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 15317 - Nearby to Braddock.

Anxiety related issues are the most common reason why people seek counseling. You are not alone! Whatever your anxiety, you will be treated with respect. Remember this: anxiety doesn't happen to you, it happens from you. That's the bad news: you're doing it to yourself. What's the good news? You're doing it to yourself! That means that you can learn to stop doing it. Come in and let's talk and I'll give you some practical solutions for dealing with stress and anxiety.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Anxiety Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

At Home or Private Discreet Intensives

While most treatment approaches for anxiety and stress are effective on the surface, they don’t treat the real problem. Mantras, deep breathing, and rational dialogues about your fear being irrational rarely work---for most people don’t believe it or you! Imagine if you can trick the brain into changing without you telling your conscious mind that you are changing it? Problem with anxiety and stress is that the brain in this state knows you want to change it and it resists. Contact for the ultimate stress and anxiety solution that will literally change your brain's autonomic nervous system patterns while you sit on your butt. 877-606-6161.

William Kelly, Ph.D., LPC
Anxiety Counselor

William Kelly, Ph.D., LPC

Psychotherapist/Professional Counselor

In 15217 - Nearby to Braddock.

Do people tell you to stop worrying and can't seem to understand that you simply can't stop? Do you have trouble sleeping because of your anxiety and worry? Let me help. Treating the worry that results from anxiety and stress is my specialty. I have published over 25 articles in scientific journals on worry and worked with many individuals on their chronic, uncontrollable worrying. My approach combines principles from many theories to help you manage your anxiety and stress without worrying so much, understand the function worry serves for you, and treating the underlying issues that may have started and be maintaining your worry.

Kearan Premdev, MHyp., CHyp., B.S.Sc., CNLP
Anxiety Counselor

Kearan Premdev, MHyp., CHyp., B.S.Sc., CNLP

Clinical Hypnotherapist

In 15218 - Nearby to Braddock.

This is an area of my specialty and I have varied hypnotherapy techniques that work towards putting you into a healthier frame of mind so you feel more self-control and calm. I, as your hypnotherapist will do most of the "hard work", while you as the client do not need to "help" the process of "going under" or be a master meditator, nor feel guilty about not being 'perfect'. If you are nervous or can't relax, that's ok too as a lot has developed of the traditional 1950's clinical hypnosis techniques, where one had to practically fall asleep! Come as you are, I've got you! (Even if you can only spare an hour in your car/ office/ living room and are stressed already about this process!)

You have Found the Top Therapists for Stress, Anxiety, and PTSD in Braddock, PA.

Thank you for visiting our Pennsylvania page of stress therapists in Braddock, Pennsylvania who are skilled and experienced in dealing with anxiety, worry, and panic in all its forms.  Worry and stress can cause a myriad of physical symptoms and wreck havoc on both our personal life and our relationships. Counseling for stress and PTSD in Braddock, PA will give you healthy tools and help you move forward. Let's get started. Reach out to us today, our contact forms are "open" 24/7.

Braddock is located in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. It has a land area of 0.56 square miles and a water area of 0.08 square miles.  The population of Braddock is 2,128 people with 737 households and a median annual income of $23,591. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Braddock, PA

Difficult yet possible - ask your therapist

Committing to weekly sessions of therapy without insurance coverage or low cost options is very challenging for most people in Braddock. If this applies to you, please contact your counselor and ask about sliding scale options or inquire about insurance coverage. The good news is that there are options available to you to establish an effective relationship with a great therapist in Braddock. Your well being and health are important enough to make the best possible effort for. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Braddock public health department.