Addiction Therapists in Lafayette Hill, PA.

Counseling for addiction and codependency in Lafayette Hill, PA. Help for alcohol and substance abuse, pornography, sex and internet addiction, gambling, and compulsive spending.

Christopher DiOrio, MS MLA
Addiction Counselor

Christopher DiOrio, MS MLA

Individual and Couples Counselor MS, MLA

In 19032 - Nearby to Lafayette Hill.

Avoidance of certain issues and feelings can be a major motivator for an addiction. Exploring what may be driving your addiction as a way of coping can help family members to know the best way to support their loved ones . Having years of experience with treating individuals and families address the issues surrounding addiction, I have seen people successfully address this issue and learn how to live meaningful lives as they entered the process of therapy and as they began building on their recovery supports.

Colleen Fitzpatrick, MSW, LCSW, CH, Counselor
Addiction Counselor

Colleen Fitzpatrick, MSW, LCSW, CH, Counselor


In 08057 - Nearby to Lafayette Hill.

Addiction has a very emotional component that needs to be processed in order to become stable. I can assist you in identifying emotions and behaviors and how they relate to your addiction. I utilize a compassion based approach in combination with cognitive therapy. I have specific experience in assisting professionals with addiction challenges and how to build coping skills.

Barbara Shaw, MS, LMFT
Addiction Counselor

Barbara Shaw, MS, LMFT

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

In 19468 - Nearby to Lafayette Hill.

Letting go of an addiction is hard work – but living with addiction isn't really living, is it? Our cravings and obsessions can run our lives. But how to take charge again? I believe that addiction serves an important purpose. In some way, it allows you to survive and cope with stressors, helps you to calm down, or wake up, or feel better, at least for awhile. We will work to understand the why of your addiction - what deep longing the addictive behavior is trying to fill so desperately, but unsuccessfully. You can learn healthier ways to comfort yourself, ways that bring you closer to people you love, instead of distancing them. You will take back the power to run your own life!!!

Lisa Silk, MSW, LCSW
Addiction Counselor

Lisa Silk, MSW, LCSW


In 19041 - Nearby to Lafayette Hill.

Addiction is an insidious disease; substances promise solace. but provide utter wreckage. This is often difficult to see, and even when a person has acceptance of the nature of his or her illness, change can be more than difficult. I provide empathic, direct therapy to clients suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. This is my personal and professional passion, I too was once in your seat. Hope is here.

Jennifer McCarron, MA, LMFT
Addiction Counselor

Jennifer McCarron, MA, LMFT

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified EMDR Therapist

In 18936 - Nearby to Lafayette Hill.

Although not an addictions counselor, I help clients who struggle with others in their lives that struggle with an addiction. I often instruct clients on way to identify unhealthy vs. healthy boundaries in relating to their addicted loved one. I teach clients about codependency and specific techniques on handling the "traps" of being close to someone with an addiction. If help clients determine if they have an addiction and give them resources on best treatment options. Family therapy helps client families better relate to one another and deal with addiction in a more healthy way.

Robert Castle, M.S., LCPC, NCC
Addiction Counselor

Robert Castle, M.S., LCPC, NCC

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

Available for Online Therapy

To help you manage addictive behaviors and dependence on any mood altering substances, we will start with reviewing the history of your addictive behavior and the impact it has on your relationships, health, employment, and functioning. Sometimes addictive substances or behaviors have served to mask underlying sources of pain, such as mood instability, anxiety, relationship stressors, or emptiness and loss of meaning. These underlying factors can be addressed in psychotherapy along with learning new resources for managing addictive behaviors, such as educational lectures, family therapy, 12 step groups, and/or referral to a medical doctor for medication that aids your overall recovery.

Jean Eljay, MS, PhD, CNLP, CH, CI, AdvHC
Addiction Counselor

Jean Eljay, MS, PhD, CNLP, CH, CI, AdvHC

Certified Advanced Hypnotist and NeuraLinguistic Programmer

In 19380 - Nearby to Lafayette Hill.

Are you struggling with substance abuse/dependence? Do you find yourself in dangerous situations? Do you have substance-related problems with your family, courts, work, school and relationships? Spending more time searching than on your life? Is the pleasure gone for you and all that remains is facing the problems of withdrawal? Step forward - reverse negative and unhealthy addictions. Change behaviors and beliefs that push continued addiction. Free yourself and enjoy your friends, family and your life. For a free consult, contact Dr. Jean Eljay.

Larry Cohen, Ph.D.
Addiction Counselor

Larry Cohen, Ph.D.

For Individuals and Couples

In 08003 - Nearby to Lafayette Hill.

Substance abuse and substance dependence are similar, but not the same. As your addictions coach, we will work together to determine if you or a loved one is experiencing substance abuse, or suffering from substance dependence, the more serious of the two. Substance abuse can often precede a more dangerous substance dependence problem. But there are other factors to consider, including mental health problems such as depression or anxiety. If addressed immediately, substance abuse may not lead to substance dependence. Contact me today to discuss your concerns. Working together, we may be able to end your substance abuse problem before it gets out of hand.

Alisa Kamis-Brinda, LCSW, LCADC
Addiction Counselor

Alisa Kamis-Brinda, LCSW, LCADC

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 19102 - Nearby to Lafayette Hill.

Do you find yourself drinking or smoking more than you planned? Is alcohol your go-to after a stressful day? Have loved ones complained about how much you are using, stating that it is hurting your relationship with them? Would you like to stop but can't figure out how? Alisa will help you learn tools to cope with the emotions that you are trying to self-medicate so you don't need to use to feel better. You'll learn how to resist urges and find new ways to enjoy life even when things are tough.

The Center for Healthier Relationships, Individuals,& Sexualities, Network of Inclusive Therapists
Addiction Counselor

The Center for Healthier Relationships, Individuals,& Sexualities, Network of Inclusive Therapists


In 19110 - Nearby to Lafayette Hill.

Addictions can be some of the most challenging mental health struggles. It is important to approach addiction through a biopsychosocial approach. This means looking into the biological component of physical dependency, the psychological challenges (such as depression or anxiety) which trigger use, as well as social connections which support use or may serve as a support for recovery from substance abuse.

Nitasha Strait, The Better You Institute
Addiction Counselor

Nitasha Strait, The Better You Institute

Licensed Professional Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Sex Therapist

In 19109 - Nearby to Lafayette Hill.

We provide specialized support for individuals struggling with addictions and substance abuse. Our therapists use evidence-based methods such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Motivational Interviewing to help you understand the underlying causes of your addiction. We work with you to develop personalized strategies for managing cravings, avoiding triggers, and building healthier habits. Our goal is to empower you to achieve long-term recovery by addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of addiction, fostering resilience and a renewed sense of purpose.

Marty Tashman, Ph.D.(psychology), ACSW, M.S.W.
Addiction Counselor

Marty Tashman, Ph.D.(psychology), ACSW, M.S.W.

Dr. Marty

In 08043 - Nearby to Lafayette Hill.

Addiction: Alcohol, Drugs, Porn, Sexual, Gambling, & Over Spending Do you really believe that your addiction is ruining your life then you are ready for us to work together. However, having said that, if you are addicted, you need more than will power. To “beat your addiction” you need new strategies and tools, and you also have to develop a practical plan to be able to combat your addiction that would involve additional techniques. To learn about 7 different therapies that can be used to treat addiction go to:

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Addiction Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 19019 - Nearby to Lafayette Hill.

While most treatment approaches to addiction include 12 step programs, rehabs, and now sober living houses, Grey Matters International, Inc. provides a wildly successful alternative to traditional models of addiction treatment----that keeps the brain in mind. That is, talking to the conscious brain while the primal brain is deciding things even before you are consciously aware? Well, that is the problem to solve in addiction. We have the solution utilizing a new cutting edge neuroscience-centered brain rebalancing system. Contact or call 877-606-6161.

You have Found the Top Therapists for Addiction And Codependency in Lafayette Hill, PA.

Thank you for visiting our Pennsylvania page of therapists in Lafayette Hill who specialize in addictions in all forms- internet addiction, pornography and sex addictions, gambling, alcohol and drug abuse, shopping, and food addictions.  An addiction can destroy lives and relationships. Often times there is a codependent person somewhere in the sphere of an addict. Professional therapy from an addiction specialist in Lafayette Hill, PA is a vital part of recoverey and healing. We are ready to help, let's get started.

Lafayette Hill is located in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.