Grief and Loss Counselling in Greely, ON.

Therapy and bereavement services in Greely, ON. Find real help with the right therapist.

Conny Barry, RP, M.Ed. (Counselling), CCC
Grief Counsellor

Conny Barry, RP, M.Ed. (Counselling), CCC

Can. Cert. Counsellor and Registered Psychotherapist

In K1H 5T7 - Nearby to Greely.

Grieving and Loss are life and living issues that are part of the normal challenges we face in our lifetime. The often irrational and overwhelming thoughts, feelings and behaviors associated with them can sometimes frighten and even paralyze us when they occur. In a supportive and empathic environment I help people demystify and understand these challenges and events so they can cope again.

Carlos De La Parra Huerta, MA, CCC, MFT, RP
Grief Counsellor

Carlos De La Parra Huerta, MA, CCC, MFT, RP


In K4A 0K8 - Nearby to Greely.

grief and loss can hurt a person as much as physical pain. In life e are constantly loosing and gaining people in our lives, whether they are friends, lovers, or a death. The important thing is how we deal with those losses and the way we heal them by dealing appropriately with the lack of connection or attachment. we need to see if there is the possibility of maintaining those attachments and if not how to heal them in us.

Francois Levert, RP
Grief Counsellor

Francois Levert, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

In K1K 4K4 - Nearby to Greely.

It's easy to feel stuck, feeling too little, feeling too much. We can work together through your grief, no matter how complex to find a way to move forward. I've seen loss, it's never easy, and there isn't a lot of room to talk through some of the darker sides of it with friends and family. So many of us don't want to be a burden or are ashamed of our own feelings.

Kristie Brassard, MSW, RSW
Grief Counsellor

Kristie Brassard, MSW, RSW

Registered Social Worker | Psychotherapist

In K2P 0A6 - Nearby to Greely.

In today's society, we are expected to "suck it up and move on" in situations related to loss. However, grief has a mind of its own. It shows up when we least expect it and can linger a lot longer than we want. It comes back again and again, even when we thought we've dealt with it. . Time does heal, and therapy can help. Whether you have lost a loved one through death or a relationship ending, have gone through a difficult life transition or are grieving the loss of something else important to you, we'll help you heal grief in a supportive, non-judgmental & compassionate space. We're here when you're ready!

Kate Paul, BA (Hons), MACP
Grief Counselor

Kate Paul, BA (Hons), MACP

Registered Psychotherapist, Individual & Couples Therapist

Available for Online Therapy

The experience of loss may result from many life experiences including the passing of a human loved one or a beloved pet, the ending of a relationship, job loss, or changes to our physical or mental capabilities. Grief is one of the most challenging of human emotions. Together, we will navigate your unique grieving process to enable you to experience growth and empower you to create a life you can accept and enjoy despite your loss.

Michaela Clermont, M.A., R.P. (Q)
Grief Counsellor

Michaela Clermont, M.A., R.P. (Q)

Registered Psychotherapist (Q)

In K2P 1B6 - Nearby to Greely.

Loving a loved-one may have a profound and debilitating effect on us. When working with those struggling with grief and loss, I have found that EMDR therapy is particularly beneficial. I work with clients to identify the particular aspects of the loss that is the most vivid, the negative self-beliefs held about the loss, and the attachment to the negative feelings. We then, collaboratively, work together to question the truth of these negative self-beliefs and dissolve the emotional pain surrounded by the loss. At the end of grief and loss therapy, clients have the potential of restoring the wonderful memories of their loved-ones, free from the pain of their departure.

Sandra Forbes, M.Sc., RSW, Psychotherapist,
Grief Counsellor

Sandra Forbes, M.Sc., RSW, Psychotherapist,

Psychotherapist, Couple & Family Therapist, Social Worker

In K2K 2E2 - Nearby to Greely.

The more you love the greater the pain of loss. Sandra Forbes and Associates at Relationship Solutions can help you remember with less pain. Our support, understanding and active practices tailored to your situation will honour your grief but free you to live more fully again. We know people do not "just get over" the pain of losing the opportunity to parent, losing a child, a life partner, a friend, a beloved pet or a family member. We can help you live with the loss you cannot control to a life where there is meaning again.

Carolann M Trainor, MAPC, RP, MASp, MBA
Grief Counsellor

Carolann M Trainor, MAPC, RP, MASp, MBA

Registered Psychotherapist & Pastoral Psychotherapist

In K1R 5T4 - Nearby to Greely.

Grief and loss is hard, it is difficult and we all experience it in many phases of our life span. There is no right or wrong in grieving or any length of time however, there is life and hope after! It is learning to accept the grief, feel it and then move on with either with professional help or your own path to moving forward with your life.

Insight Neuropsychotherapy, Counselling, and Supervision, PhD, RP
Grief Counsellor

Insight Neuropsychotherapy, Counselling, and Supervision, PhD, RP

Kate Harper, PhD, RP Registered Psychotherapist (CRPO) & Clinical Supervisor

In K1A 0G1 - Nearby to Greely.

Grief and loss are inevitable and an inescapable part of life. Grief can of course include the loss of someone to death, but it can also be ambiguous. Ambiguous loss can include the loss of relationships, family connections, our identities, our careers, or even who we were pre-pandemic? Grief around post-traumatic events or grieving the loss of a childhood you never had are also types of losses and grief that I can help you with.

Mario Sonier, MA, RP(Q), CCC
Grief Counsellor

Mario Sonier, MA, RP(Q), CCC

Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

In K1S 1C4 - Nearby to Greely.

In my Grief & Loss Therapy, I help clients accept their grief and commit to actions aligned with their values. By staying present and grounded, clients can process their emotions without becoming overwhelmed. My approach also integrates mind, body, and spirit, helping clients find meaning and purpose amidst their loss. This holistic method ensures clients feel understood, supported, and empowered to navigate their grief journey with resilience and hope.

Melissa Letourneau, RP
Grief Counselor

Melissa Letourneau, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Your experiences of grief and loss are unique. Therapy can provide a safe space to learn about grief and what to expect during this process. It may be helpful to explore some of the emotions you are experiencing, while understanding how to stay connected to others and develop a new relationship to and understanding of the loss you have endured. Book a free consultation to explore if we are a good fit.

Casper Watras, RP, MACP, BSc
Grief Counsellor

Casper Watras, RP, MACP, BSc

Registered Psychotherapist

In K1Y 1N8 - Nearby to Greely.

Grief, loss, and bereavement, whether it is the passing of a loved one, the end of a career, or the falling-apart of a relationship are all similar: we are losing or have lost an important part of our lives. Understanding the emotions, feelings, and behaviours we have when we experience grief and bereavement is part of helping us accept what has occurred, why we feel the way that we are feeling, and what is next for us. In working with clients on grief, loss, and bereavement it is important to understand that the way we process these experiences is unique to each person, and the pillar of respect is paramount.

Pamela Lee, BA, MA Counselling Psychology
Grief Counsellor

Pamela Lee, BA, MA Counselling Psychology


In K1J 1B6 - Nearby to Greely.

Losing someone that you love can be totally life altering. It is a uniquely painful experience that brings so many emotions, and yet at times, can leave you feeling totally empty and numb on the inside. I understand that grief can be very messy and that it looks different for every person. My desire is to support you and help you journey through your loss in a way that fits for you. I will also seek to gently guide you through the necessary steps of grief in order for you to experience relief, peace and emotional well being. There's a quote, I'm not sure who said it but it applies well, "I will help you keep on living until you feel alive again!"

Sharron Carson, RP
Grief Counselor

Sharron Carson, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

We all grieve differently; there is no right or wrong way to grieve. It is a uniquely personal experience. My therapeutic approach is to meet my clients where they are and address their current needs. That may be sitting in a safe space and expressing your emotions, talking about how life will be different after the loss or focusing on self-care. I will provide guidance, validation, and support but this journey is yours so I will check in with you regularly to ensure that your needs are being met. Please contact me if you would like to book a free consultation.

Congruent Living Therapy, R.P., M.A., B.A.
Grief Counsellor

Congruent Living Therapy, R.P., M.A., B.A.

Registered Psychotherapist

In K1E 3P5 - Nearby to Greely.

Loss leaves a horrible feeling with a person. We feel left behind and unsure of where to go next. We ought to process these emotions in addition to imagining what moving forward could look like. It is my job to help facilitate this process and be a part of this journey venturing forward which may sometimes involve looking back. However, it is my ultimate belief that we can and will move on and move forward.

Stephanie Dugdale, M.A., RP, CCC
Grief Counsellor

Stephanie Dugdale, M.A., RP, CCC

Individual and Couple Therapist

In K1N 6H6 - Nearby to Greely.

Clients experiencing grief and loss can often benefit from a supportive therapeutic process. It can allow a space to explore feelings without having to take care of anyone else-it is just for them. Clients can also explore blocks or complications to grieving that might be contributing to their struggle, for instance older traumas, difficulty with feeling or expressing their emotions.

Suzanne More Kerr, MA (C Psych), CCC, RP #3526
Grief Counsellor

Suzanne More Kerr, MA (C Psych), CCC, RP #3526

Marriage & Family & Individual Psychotherapist

In K2P 1V4 - Nearby to Greely.

Rather than drive our grief and loss underground or deep into our unconscious, therapy allows us to focus on the pain of our loss with all its multiple layers. Processing our thoughts with the spoken word rather than keeping them as mere mental reflections permits us to actively embrace our pain. We experience clarity and eventually direction to our grieving process. We can in time come to a place of sorrowful acceptance. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross gives us understanding of the grief and loss process in her Five Stages of Grief. However, it is important to note that these stages are not linear in their progression and are somewhat unique to each individual.

Zahra Nafar, MACP
Grief Counsellor

Zahra Nafar, MACP

Registered Psychotherapist

In K1P 5G4 - Nearby to Greely.

Grief and loss are parts of life, and yet, everyone grieves in their own way. Grief can be complicated by other conditions, most notably depression. The person’s level of dependency on the departed can also cause complications. The grieving process often involves many difficult and complicated emotions. Yet joy, contentment, and humour do not have to be a lost memory. I work with you to help you recover from grief and loss and find your way back to feeling joyful again.

Cynthia Schoppmann, MA, RP, CCC
Grief Counsellor

Cynthia Schoppmann, MA, RP, CCC

Registered Psychotherapist and Canadian Certified Counsellor

In K1B 5R2 - Nearby to Greely.

Helping clients go through the stages of grief and loss by validating their experience and educating them on what these stages consist of and strategies to help them cope with the variety of emotions that they will be processing through this difficult time. Also helping clients recognize that grief and loss are a part of any type of loss that we may encounter, whether it be the loss of a relationship, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, etc.

Semra Lamky, RP (Q), MA
Grief Counsellor

Semra Lamky, RP (Q), MA

RP (Q),Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) (CRPO)

In K2C 1Z3 - Nearby to Greely.

Most people will go through a period of loss in their lives. A response to any kind of loss is grief. Grieving over the loss of a loved one is known as bereavement. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. Some people are highly emotional and delve deeply into their emotions, while others are resistant and could look for ways to divert their attention from an unchangeable aspect of life. Each person has unique needs when coping with loss. Grief and loss counselling can help you to manage your emotions and help you heal.

Omar Waheed, MA RP CSAT
Grief Counsellor

Omar Waheed, MA RP CSAT

Registered Psychotherapist | Certified Sex Addiction Therapist

In K2G 1E3 - Nearby to Greely.

Grief can occur in many ways. Fundamentally it is a loss of something or someone important to our lives. The loss leaves a void behind. Moving through grief and healing from it is a process that occurs over time. Sometimes it helps to go through this with someone beside you. If you feel the need for a companion on this journey who may have some ideas that could help your grief process, please reach out.

Stephanie Wojciechowicz, RP, CCC, c.o.
Grief Counsellor

Stephanie Wojciechowicz, RP, CCC, c.o.

Registered Psychotherapist

In K0A 0A9 - Nearby to Greely.

Grief and loss are complex emotions that at times can feel as though one is on an emotional rollercoaster. It can result in being angry, sad, resentful, relieved, and tired. An important aspect of grief is social support and self-care. Through counselling, it becomes about not getting rid of the emotion of grief and loss but rather living with them and accepting what life now looks like with friend.

François Levert, MA, MA
Grief Counsellor

François Levert, MA, MA


In K1J 9C4 - Nearby to Greely.

Often grief and loss is often about honoring the past and transitioningredients to what's next. What'services next isnt always staright forward It is easy to lose sight of who we are and what we want out of life. While theretaining is opportunity for growth, it is often shrouded in pain and suffering and the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel just doesn't seem to be there. However therapy can help. Together we can see how we can honour the past and redefine your future.

Cheryl Grant, R.S.W, M.S.W.
Grief Counsellor

Cheryl Grant, R.S.W, M.S.W.

Registered Social Worker

In K1V 1A3 - Nearby to Greely.

Losing a loved one is one of the most painful experiences we can have in life. There is grief at the loss when it happens, and also anticipatory grief, which starts the minute one learns about a change that will lead to the likelihood of loss. Loss and related grieving can also happen with respect to a change in your role, relationships, a job, or the way that you were living your life. I operate on the approach that you need a compassionate witness and an emotionally safe space to express, process and honour your feelings, and what or who you hold dear, on this sacred, deeper journey towards acceptance.

Steve Rose, PhD
Grief Counselor

Steve Rose, PhD

Addiction Counsellor

Available for Online Therapy

Are you using alcohol, substances, or addictive behaviors to cope with grief and loss? Although they provide relief in the short term, their long-term effects on your relationships and health can make it even more difficult to cope. Through a compassionate non-judgmental approach, I help clients explore their relationship to grief and loss so that they can overcome addictive coping strategies. If you're looking for another way forward, feel free to reach out and we can set up a free consultation to discuss further.

Compassionate Bereavement Services in Greely, ON.

Thank you for visiting our Ontario search of licensed grief specialists in Greely.  Moving through grief after loss is difficult. Therapy helps through listening, by having someone there with you who understands the stages and process of grieving. You can find help for grief in Greely right now, please contact a provider above, you can email 24/7.

Greely is located in Ontario, Canada.  The population of Greely is 5,430 people. Greely therapists serve postal code: K4P.