Find a Therapist in Aylmer, Ontario.

Are you ready to start a better path for your future? Speak with a top rated licensed counsellor near you in Aylmer, ON.

Barry Johnston-Spooner, M.Ed., R P

Barry Johnston-Spooner, M.Ed., R P

Registered Psychotherapist

In N6C 1Z7 - Nearby to Aylmer.

My role as your therapist is to assist you to explore, reflect and accept yourself. From the safe haven of therapy you probe what you feel, know and maybe fear. It is an in-depth conversation with me but even more with yourself. Through this you reach new perspectives: awareness, feelings, thoughts, intentions plus better understandings of what has happened in your life. From there you can make changes towards healthier actions - calmer and in a more balanced, assertive position in relation to others and yourself. Such personal learning can certainly be done without a therapist - they just assist. Like hiring any consultant, it should certainly be you who is in charge of this journey.

Michael Porter, CCPA

Michael Porter, CCPA

Registered Professional Member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association

In N5Z 3T6 - Nearby to Aylmer.

Psychotherapy is a longer journey that examines the present and the past to identify the repeated patterns of unhelpful approaches you take to dealing with your life's challenges. It's a process that fosters self-discovery, helping you uncover your strengths, resilience, and psychological awareness. One of the key challenges is to maintain a balance between exploring the past and staying present, ensuring you don't overlook something important in your current life. Trust and kindness during your therapy naturally evolve in good psychotherapy.

Fern Banner, Fern Banner, M.A., RP, RMFT-S

Fern Banner, Fern Banner, M.A., RP, RMFT-S

Registered Psychotherapist, Registered Marriage & Family Therapist - Supervisor, Certified Sex Therapist - Supervisor

In N6A 3Z2 - Nearby to Aylmer.

Psychotherapy is the use of psychological methods to help a person change behavior and overcome problems in a positive manner. Its aim is to help people understand the thoughts behind feeling anxious or depressed and addressing these thinking patterns. Psychotherapy will help you change behaviors and habits that are limiting you, to experiencing your fullest potential.

Chris Chmielewski, MSW, RSW,MA

Chris Chmielewski, MSW, RSW,MA

Psychotherapist; Registered Clinical Social Worker

In N6A 1M1 - Nearby to Aylmer.

Psychotherapy, ie, “psychodynamic”, differs from counselling or ‘coaching’: focus and goal is deeper "structural" personality/'self' changes; more about ‘how to be’ for life vs ‘what to do’ in specific situations (although this DOES happen). It engages us on 'core' emotional-sensory levels, exploring and healing hurts, confusion, strong negative reactions, troubled relationships, that result from traumas and neglect (eg, abandonment, violence, family disruptions) occurring at vulnerable childhood stages that have become ‘internalized’. This approach empowers one by fostering awareness about inner states and processes interfering with affirmative personal ‘agency’/choices, health- vitality.

Lynda Martens, MSc. RP, RMFT

Lynda Martens, MSc. RP, RMFT

Registered Psychotherapist, Registered Marriage and family Therapist

In N6C 2H9 - Nearby to Aylmer.

Psychotherapy with me involves understanding how your life (family, trauma, relationships) has created beliefs, fears and sensitivities that affect your emotions, thought patterns and choices today. We will work together to enhance your awareness of and ability to cope with emotions triggered in the present. I use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and EEG Neurofeedback to achieve your goals for healing and wellness.

Adela Gorodzinsky, R.P M.Ed., CBT, CCC, TIRF, COSF

Adela Gorodzinsky, R.P M.Ed., CBT, CCC, TIRF, COSF

Certified Canadian Counsellor, Registered Psychotherapist

In N5X 4L3 - Nearby to Aylmer.

Are you wondering how come you seem to be repeating the same patterns that get you into trouble over and over again? In your head you would like to move on in life; however, in reality you feel stuck, uncomfortable within your own skin. It is easy for our words to fool others and worst yet, ourselves. Through the use of Bioenergetic Analysis, Adela can guide you into exploring what your BODY is really telling you. Learn to identify genuine needs, emotions and how to express them. No more saying "yes'" when you mean "NO". Freeing energy blocks can open the gate for you to experience life more fully: joyfilled moments, pleasure and be really there for yourself and others when you CHOOSE

David Grand, MSW, RSW, PhD(c)

David Grand, MSW, RSW, PhD(c)

Registered Social Worker

In N5Y 5K7 - Nearby to Aylmer.

I commonly provide support for trauma, grief, anxiety, depression, and crisis of meaning or purpose. I often work with individuals who are seeking to better understand themselves and also value personal growth as part of the therapeutic journey. In sessions this often looks like a holistic approach to exploring an understanding of concerns from various perspectives. Through a process of self-exploration and dialogue, I support clients with developing practical insights and solutions to real-life concerns. I engage a holistic and depth approach, drawing primarily from an integration of my training in relational, psychodynamic, somatic, and attachment-based approaches to therapy.

Kristie Brassard, MSW, RSW

Kristie Brassard, MSW, RSW

Registered Social Worker | Psychotherapist

In N5V 0A2 - Nearby to Aylmer.

Psychotherapy can help you cope with difficult life circumstances, recover from mental health concerns and it encourages healing and personal growth. Drawing on a variety of psychotherapy modalities, our clinicians create a compassionate, non-judgmental and healing space for you to discover and develop your version of a happy and healthy life. Our psychotherapists work with a variety of issues, and help guide individuals, families & couples along their wellness journey using various therapeutic modalities and supportive interventions. We love working with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and allies, and all spiritual & cultural backgrounds are welcome in our virtual office! Book today!

Amelia Holden, M.S.W., R.S.W.

Amelia Holden, M.S.W., R.S.W.

Registerd Social Worker

In N6C 3H1 - Nearby to Aylmer.

Some people avoid counseling because of stigmatization and fear of the unknown. By using the Bio-Social model it allows a full assessment which will guide the therapy in a structured manner and give the individual a goal to work towards. As well it allows me to start therapy where the individual is by building trust and understanding while giving them alternatives to acceptance and change. There is no more guessing or wondering what to expect because you are the driver of the vehicle and I am a passenger who will ask questions that may help guide you onto better things. Therapy sessions provides the individual an opportunity to become aware of their own well-being.

Caitlin Marchand, RP

Caitlin Marchand, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Many people have ideas about how therapy should look or feel based on what they have seen in movies or tv, and some of those ideas can be scary or intimidating. Therapy should be a safe space where you feel comfortable sharing and exploring your thoughts, feelings, and experiences with someone who offers you empathy, authenticity, and acceptance. I believe that clients are the experts in their lives and will work collaboratively with you to explore the stories you hold about yourself and the world around you to find meaning, facilitate change, and highlight your strengths and successes. Book a free consultation to learn more about my approach and explore if we are a good fit.

Kevin Elliott, RP, MC, B.Sc.

Kevin Elliott, RP, MC, B.Sc.

Registered Psychotherapist

In N6C 3P3 - Nearby to Aylmer.

Psychotherapy provides an opportunity to explore the challenges you are facing in a safe, non-judgmental space. As you share your experiences, we will be looking for adaptive and maladaptive patterns of thinking, feeling and/or behaving to move in a more helpful direction. I may ask questions that lead to better understanding of your current struggles and potential solutions. Increasing awareness and understanding of emotions and body sensations may also help to live a more integrated and authentic life.

Kelly Appleby, MSW, RSW

Kelly Appleby, MSW, RSW

Registered Social Worker, Psychotherapist

In N6B 2M4 - Nearby to Aylmer.

Psychotherapy provides you with an opportunity to take a deeper dive into the roots and origins of the things that challenge you in your present life. Many of the struggles we have related to our thoughts, feelings, behavioural patterns, and relationships have roots in earlier life experiences. Many people have experienced difficult life experiences and even trauma, which can have a lasting negative effect on the quality of present life. As difficult as it can feel, working with a therapist to peel back the layers of past experiences, explore and make connections with current day challenges, can help bring about a deep sense of peace and connectedness in daily life.

Russell Stagg, MA, MC, LCT,RP

Russell Stagg, MA, MC, LCT,RP

Licensed Counselling Therapist, RP

In N6B 3J4 - Nearby to Aylmer.

Anybody can do counselling, but it takes skill to be a therapist. Clients who come to me find they do most of the talking. My role is to listen, try to understand what you are thinking and feeling, and reflect that understanding back to you. I want you to feel deeply heard. I want you to feel someone cares. I do not give you solutions. Rather, I help you find them within yourself.

Kevin Alderson, Ph.D.

Kevin Alderson, Ph.D.

Registered Psychologist (Alberta and Ontario)

Available for Online Therapy

[I OFFER VIDEO SESSIONS THROUGHOUT ALBERTA AND ONTARIO]. I have been a psychologist since 1986. I have expertise in several approaches. My main approaches include cognitive behaviour therapy, psychodynamic therapy, person-centred therapy, and existential therapy. If you want to see someone with extensive training and experience in psychotherapy, book a time by visiting

Kristen Wilson, M.A., R.P., C.C.C.

Kristen Wilson, M.A., R.P., C.C.C.

Registered Psychotherapist

In N6B 1X9 - Nearby to Aylmer.

Through a compassionate lens, I help individuals and couples foster a sense of perspective and understanding so they can meet their needs. I strive to make each person feel at ease to openly discuss what is on their mind while integrating various approaches based on the individual needs to get immediate and long-term positive changes. My ultimate hope is to support my clients in developing the confidence and belief in themselves to move through life’s challenges by leaning towards truly self-compassionate actions.

Patricia Berendsen, RMFT, RSW, RP, SEP

Patricia Berendsen, RMFT, RSW, RP, SEP

Psychotherapist, Registered Marriage and Family Therapist

In N6B 1T1 - Nearby to Aylmer.

I've heard a lot of people tell me that they thought "therapy was only for crazy people". It's not. Psychotherapy can keep you from going crazy! Having a trained professional to assist you in making sense of your life can be a very "un-crazy" thing to do. Besides, the process can actually be fun and enjoyable. In additon, I offer body-oriented psychotherapy which integrates the awareness of the body in helping you to manage intense emotions or physical symptoms.

Ariella Boehm, MA, RP

Ariella Boehm, MA, RP

Registered Clinical Counselor

Available for Online Therapy

I’ve been helping people lead more intentional lives for over 20 years. Psychotherapy supports you in reaching self-awareness. No matter what the circumstance, you have the ability to be resilient. I can help you manage your journey. I’m trained in cognitive behavioral therapy, developmental models,and anxiety and depression management. I will support you in creating a set of tools to help you discover your objective. Most importantly, you're a distinctive person, with distinctive needs. My goal is to work with you as a unique individual, and focus on YOUR goals.

Nicole Lobo, Hons. BA, MA, RP

Nicole Lobo, Hons. BA, MA, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

In N6A 1A7 - Nearby to Aylmer.

At Everyday Self Counselling, I provide psychotherapy services to individuals, families, couples, and groups in London, Ontario and surrounding areas. In my private practice, I offer a compassionate, understanding, and safe place to work through the barriers that are holding you back and preventing you from experiencing the everyday joys in life. I am passionate about helping adolescents, teens, and adults with a wide variety of concerns and specialize in the treatment of anxiety, depression, and stress.

Michelle Gibson, MSW,RSW

Michelle Gibson, MSW,RSW

Registered Social Worker and Psychotherapist

In N6C 1A3 - Nearby to Aylmer.

Individual therapy is focused on your unique needs and goals. Individual therapy includes learning about your history and life experiences then establishing goals to accomplish in counselling. Our histories are the roots that provide us with a foundation of strength and resilience. But, our histories can also hold the stories that cause pain, insecurity and doubt. It is our belief that the best therapy comes from helping to heal the roots that cause those stuck points. Through this we can create lasting change. As a full-service agency, we offer therapy tailored to address a number of concerns, really anything that might bring you to therapy. Click on the buttons below and check o

Emily Beeckmans, B.A., B.S.W., M.S.W., RSW

Emily Beeckmans, B.A., B.S.W., M.S.W., RSW

Emily Beeckmans

In N6C 3P4 - Nearby to Aylmer.

As your therapist, I begin with getting to know you and what life challenges have brought you to my office. From there I guide you through your life story to uncover what brought you to this stage in your life. We will explore your personality, needs, wants and future aspirations to uncover your strengths. Happiness is revealed when you let go of your pain and embrace your self worth. You deserve to accept yourself. I will help you develop a self care plan that gives you the resilience to conquer anything life throws in your path.

Mia Pintus, MSW RSW

Mia Pintus, MSW RSW

Registered Social Worker

In N6K 3N5 - Nearby to Aylmer.

Although I have training in many different modalities of treatment, I believe strongly that the critical factor in deciding which approach to use, is you. My approach in integrated, so while the theory may guide some of my thinking and planning about how to help you, your own wisdom, experiences, and capacities help me to develop strategies that you can learn in the counselling room, and then put into practice in the real world. Safely. Thoughtfully.

Maribel Ayala, M.A. Counselling Psychology, RP

Maribel Ayala, M.A. Counselling Psychology, RP

Registered Psychotherapist, Canadian Certified Counsellor, Certified EMDR Therapist, and Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapist

In N6B 2P2 - Nearby to Aylmer.

Using talk-based therapy and psychotherapy modalities such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Ego State Interventions with EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, Gestalt Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and clinical hypnotherapy, among others, I help individuals, couples, and families understand their feelings, moods, and behaviours to improve their overall well-being.

Pamela Li, RP

Pamela Li, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

My approach to psychotherapy is grounded in compassion, collaboration, and authenticity. I use an integrative, evidence-based approach to help you navigate life's challenges, discover your strengths, develop strategies, and work towards your personal growth and well-being. I invite you to reach out for a free consultation today. Together, we will embark on a transformative journey to access your potential to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Peter Dikih, H.B.Sc., M.Ed., R.P.

Peter Dikih, H.B.Sc., M.Ed., R.P.

Registered Psychotherapist and Clinical Supervisor

In N6A 1A8 - Nearby to Aylmer.

I have been providing psychotherapy since 1996. Through psychotherapy, I have been able to help individual, couples and families to address their challenges/problems and achieve their therapy goals. My approach is client-centred, solution-focused, and using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) techniques. Through psychotherapy, I can help you to improve your thinking, feelings and/or behavior.

Robert Simms, MSW, RSW

Robert Simms, MSW, RSW

Registered Social Worker

In N5Y 3H5 - Nearby to Aylmer.

Psychotherapy with me takes a very holistic journey. We will examine all aspects of your life; mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, as well as your interactions with your family, friends, co-workers, community and culture. All of these pieces come together to complete the mosaic that is you. By looking at all of the pieces, we will begin to better understand why you think, act and feel the way that you do. We will uncover patterns of behaviour and that will help you to create new patterns and habits.


Aylmer is located in Ontario, Canada. It has a land area of 6.26 square kilometers.  The population of Aylmer is 7,492 people with 2,961 households . The population ranking for Aylmer is #528 nationally and #182 for the province of Ontario with a density of 1197.60 people per sq km. Aylmer therapists serve postal code: N5H.