Stress, PTSD and Anxiety Therapists in Grand Valley, ON.

Licensed professional counselling for anxiety, stress, phobias, and panic in Grand Valley, Ontario.

Shanna Budzinsky, RP
Anxiety Counsellor

Shanna Budzinsky, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

In N1E 6A8 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

Anxiety and stress can be, in a word, scary! They can leave us feeling overwhelmed and alone. Therapy can provide a safe and supportive space to explore these concerns and learn new skills that can restore your sense of freedom and control. I offer a free 15-minute consultation for individuals aged 14+ to see if I am a good fit to help you manage your anxiety and stress.

Kate Paul, BA (Hons), MACP
Anxiety Counselor

Kate Paul, BA (Hons), MACP

Registered Psychotherapist, Individual & Couples Therapist

Available for Online Therapy

Low levels of anxiety can motivate us to accomplish goals and perform at our best. As the level of experienced anxiety creeps higher, it robs us of our joy and can make us feel overwhelmed resulting in either inactivity or a compulsion to be overactive yet not experiencing any lasting relief. Our sense of internal peace and calm is replaced by perpetual overthinking and fear. Let's work together to gain insight into the root cause of your anxiety so that we are able to empower you to reclaim your experience of joy and a sense of internal calm.

Julianna Switaj, Ed. D., C. Psych
Anxiety Counsellor

Julianna Switaj, Ed. D., C. Psych

Registered Clinical and Counselling Psychologist

In N1H 6J2 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

Everyone feels anxiety at some point in their lives but when it starts to interfere with your life, counseling can help. Although anxiety can feel debilitating, it is treatable. People with anxiety don’t always share the same symptoms, they vary from person to person. Therapy will help you to reclaim your life and function in a chronically stressful world.

Pamela Li, RP
Anxiety Counsellor

Pamela Li, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

In N1E 6A8 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

I offer a compassionate environment to help you explore ways to regain a sense of balance, control, and inner peace. We will work together to develop practical stress management tools, improve emotional regulation, and focus on lifestyle adjustments for long-term resilience. If you're ready for relief, please contact me to schedule a free 15-minute consultation to see if we are a good fit.

Maray Counselling, MSW, RSW
Anxiety Counsellor

Maray Counselling, MSW, RSW


In L9W 7B8 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is the modality that we use to work with clients dealing with Anxiety and Stress. Recognizing the stressors as well as being able to monitor and eventually decrease the level of stress experienced in those specific situations is part of what CBT can help with. We use the workbook "Mind over Mood" by Greenberger and Padesky, which is an exceptional tool for people dealing with Anxiety and Stress.

Janice Lyons, RSSW
Anxiety Counsellor

Janice Lyons, RSSW

Registered Social Service Worker

In N1E 1N4 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

Anxiety can be overwhelming and draining and take us away from living the life that we want. In therapy, we will work on skills and tools that you can use to manage and live with anxiety. Together, we can discover what is preventing you from living a life that is not impacted by the overwhelm and stress of anxiety and anxiety symptoms. By understanding anxiety and what it's purpose is we can start to live with it rather than against it.

Cara Briscoe, RP
Anxiety Counsellor

Cara Briscoe, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

In N1E 6A8 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

While anxiety and stress in small amounts can be a helpful source of information, too much can become overwhelming and even interfere with our daily lives. Therapy can be a space to explore the impacts of anxiety and how it may have become engrained into your self-narrative. You and I can work together to co-create coping strategies that are unique to your specific situation. Contact me to book a free consultation so we can decide together if we would be a good fit.

Dave Robinson, MA. Counselling Psychology, RP.
Anxiety Counsellor

Dave Robinson, MA. Counselling Psychology, RP.

Men's Counsellor, Registered Psychotherapist, C.C.C.

In N1H 4R6 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

It is hard to understand anxiety unless you have experienced it. Anxiety is a lot like an unwanted guest at a party, only this guest often ruins everything and seemingly never wants to leave. People who live with anxiety are often misunderstood, minimized or dismissed as irrational by those who do not understand what it is like to feel anxious. Additionally, many people living with anxiety often blame themselves for their anxious thinking, which can often make things worse. I help men to better cope with their anxiety by working together to find and practice the tools and techniques that work for them so they can successfully deal with those unwanted/and poorly timed anxious moments.

Amy Boyd, MACP
Anxiety Counsellor

Amy Boyd, MACP

Registered Psychotherapist

In N1H 3W5 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

When our lives get overwhelmed with anxiety and stress it can be hard to ask for help. I commend you for taking the first step and reaching out. In our sessions I will create a compassionate space for you to talk about difficult topics without judgment. I use an informal, conversational approach to therapy where I incorporate techniques from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT). I support my clients in developing effective coping strategies that enable them to live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Insight Neuropsychotherapy, Counselling, and Supervision, PhD, RP
Anxiety Counsellor

Insight Neuropsychotherapy, Counselling, and Supervision, PhD, RP

Kate Harper, PhD, RP Registered Psychotherapist (CRPO) & Clinical Supervisor

In N1M 3G3 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

Are you feeling stressed, exhausted, burned out, and run down? Have you been exposed to stress and trauma through your work as a front-line healthcare professional? Our biological bodies and brains were not designed for the types of financial, cultural, social, and relational stressors we live with today. I see anxiety as a reminder to start listening to our body, our mind, and spirit. I can help you with Mindfulness-based stress reduction and self-care approaches to guide you toward a more peaceful, meaningful, and fulfilling life.

Sharron Carson, RP
Anxiety Counsellor

Sharron Carson, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

In N1E 6A8 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

Dealing with anxiety is difficult as it is the body's natural response to a perceived threat and that response, is unique to each individual and can often present itself as a sense of discomfort, emotional reactions, physical sensations, and unhelpful behavioural patterns. Your anxiety can be triggered through situational or environmental events and can often feel chronic. Schedule a free consultation to me to see if I am the right fit to help you manage your anxiety.

Adrienne Richardson, PhD MsED RP CSAT/CPTT SEP-A OCT
Anxiety Counselor

Adrienne Richardson, PhD MsED RP CSAT/CPTT SEP-A OCT

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

As a Somatic (SE) therapist- mental & emotional health follows the state of the nervous system. If it is flowing seamlessly between sympathetic and parasympathetic; arousal and settling, within a “manageable range” there’s a deep, internal sense of well-being, emotional stability, confidence, clear thinking, aliveness, trust in self and others, and mastery. With SE we will focus on: Your experiences... in the body Learn to track, observe, describe what is going on for you Regulate internal arousal states, shift locked patterns into action, increase body awareness. Encourage emotional engagement with attention to: mindfulness, sensations, movements and impulses. Here & Now find YOU!

Kaitlyn Hillier, M.C., C.C.C, R.P
Anxiety Counselor

Kaitlyn Hillier, M.C., C.C.C, R.P

Canadian Certified Counsellor, Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

Anxiety and stress, sometimes they're manageable... sometimes they aren't. If you are having difficulty managing the anxiety and stress, I strive to work with people to navigate and explore their stressors to understand them and gain insight and perspective into those stress patterns so we can collaboratively devise empowering ways to manage them.

Ojasvi Bhardwaj, RP (Qualifying)
Anxiety Counsellor

Ojasvi Bhardwaj, RP (Qualifying)

Registered Psychotherapist

In N1E 6A8 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

Anxiety and stress can be overwhelming, but you don't have to face them alone. I offer a supportive and personalized approach to help you regain control and develop a deeper understanding of your concerns. Together, we'll explore effective strategies tailored to your unique needs. You deserve relief from the weight of anxiety. Reach out for a free consultation, and let's start your journey towards calmness and resilience.

Peter Frieswick, RP, CCC
Anxiety Counsellor

Peter Frieswick, RP, CCC

Registered Psychotherapist and Canadian Certified Counsellor

In N1H 4K1 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

People often wrongly assume that anxiety and stress come purely from inside our minds or from our circumstances - both of which are hard to control. In our sessions together we'll draw on multiple disciplines and teach you how to do simple exercises that can rewire your nervous system and help you feel at peace in your- regardless of what is happening around you. We'll also explore how to improve your thinking in ways that can protect you from feeling overwhelmed when anxiety pops up.

Catherine Carpenko, Hons. BFA., MA., RP
Anxiety Counsellor

Catherine Carpenko, Hons. BFA., MA., RP

Registered Psychotherapist

In L9W 1E1 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

Anxiety and stress are on the surface of our experience. They are telling us something is not right in our world, either interior or exterior. Finding our what are the causes of these experiences helps us to make different choices and move from being a victim of our experience to the creators of the life we want to live. It is a well established fact that stress contributes to 80% of illness so in this way, learning to deal with stress and anxiety is good for your body as well as your mind and spirit.

Melissa Letourneau, RP
Anxiety Counsellor

Melissa Letourneau, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

In N1E 6A8 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

Anxiety and stress can impact your health, relationships, and sense of fulfillment in life. In therapy, you can learn more about anxiety and stress and how they impact your daily life. With the support of a therapist, you can develop insights, strategies, and resources to help you thrive amid external stressors and challenges. I work with individuals, couples and families. Book a free consultation to explore if we are a good fit for therapy.

Donald Hill, M. Div., M. Th., RMFT, RP
Anxiety Counsellor

Donald Hill, M. Div., M. Th., RMFT, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

In N1E 6A8 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

Fear is a situational-based, positive emotion that prepares us for a sudden and unexpected external event. Since fear is such a common emotion, its presence can often go from being connected to a specific experience (a baby crying, a car horn blowing) to something omnipresent and an overwhelming sense of anxiousness. Anxiety can cause us to feel shame, guilt, and worry because we do not believe we can stand up to the concerns that have brought it into our lives. Psychotherapy is a safe place to explore the causes of shame, guilt, worry, and anxiety. If you are ready to unpack your worry bag, I am here to help! Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to see if we are a good fit.

The Integrative Counselling Centre, MDiv. Clinical Counselling
Anxiety Counselor

The Integrative Counselling Centre, MDiv. Clinical Counselling

Registered Psychotherapist

Available for Online Therapy

I love working with people who wrestle with anxiety and stress, I love it because of the difference I witness in the lives and experiences of my clients. Employing a blend of mindfulness, somatic experiencing and neuroscience (polyvagal) techniques, the felt experience of anxiety can be managed in an entirely new way for you, and can lead to profound change in your life. I can not make it so that you never feel anxious again, but we can work to help you learn what to do when you experience the familiar sensations of anxiety, so that it doesn't take over your thoughts, body and life.

Magdalena Karakehayova, RP
Anxiety Counsellor

Magdalena Karakehayova, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

In N1E 6A8 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

Anxiety can be a productive and useful tool in helping us understand and interpret our environment. However, when anxiety is chronic, it can take a significant toll on both physical and mental health, ultimately effecting all facets of our lives. I like to examine the causes of anxiety and understand what anxiety is attempting to communicate and protect one from. In doing so, I hope to reframe anxiety, foster acceptance and welcome healing and change. I am also a strong believer in self-care and giving oneself permission to rest, which is imperative in stress and anxiety management. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to ensure we are a good fit.

Ryta Marie Peschka, RP
Anxiety Counsellor

Ryta Marie Peschka, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

In N1E 6A8 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

In these unprecedented times in our lives many of us are dealing with feelings of great uncertainty about our individual future and how to handle and cope with life changes. Repetitive thoughts are often aligned with anxiety. Anxiety has a cyclical pattern and unless it is interrupted it will run its course, causes overwhelming feelings of fear and despair. Through a compassionate and observational lens reducing stress and anxiety will cultivate focus and clarity. Learning to connect to our senses is very grounded and can quickly break the anxiety cycle and help bring us back to our own center. Book a free consultation to see if we are a good fit.

Phyllis Ferrier, BScN, MDiv, RMFT
Anxiety Counsellor

Phyllis Ferrier, BScN, MDiv, RMFT

Registered Marriage & Family Therapist

In L9W 3X3 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

Everyone feels anxiety at some point in their lives but when it starts to interfere with your life, counseling can help. Although anxiety can feel debilitating, it is treatable. People with anxiety don’t always share the same symptoms, they vary from person to person. Therapy will help you to reclaim your life and function in a chronically stressful world.

Melissa Clews-Hunt, MSc, RP, RMFT-SM
Anxiety Counsellor

Melissa Clews-Hunt, MSc, RP, RMFT-SM

Individual, Couple & Family Therapist, Clinical Supervisor & Supervisor Mentor

In N1H 3V4 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

Anxiety is rampant in our time. The pace of life and how much we are expected to produce, the old metaphors of our bodies as machines are no longer working for us. I use meditations, grounding activities with nature items indoors, as well as going outdoors for sessions. Particularly the outdoor time really invites clients to reconnect with their bodies, minds and spirts and brings calm, peace and perspective back into those moments.

Michelle Iacobucci, RP
Anxiety Counsellor

Michelle Iacobucci, RP

Registered Psychotherapist

In N1E 6A8 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

The experience of stress and anxiety can be a challenging one to navigate alone. Throughout sessions, we will work to understand activators of stress and anxiety, develop management tools that serve you best, and explore the various meanings and purposes that stress and anxiety serve in your life. Contact me for a free consultation to learn more about my approach and to see if we would be a good fit.

The Family Enhancement Centre, MSW
Anxiety Counsellor

The Family Enhancement Centre, MSW

We are counselling practice of Registered Social Workers, Family Counsellors, Marriage Counsellors, Play Therapists

In L9W 1C2 - Nearby to Grand Valley.

Being stressed or anxious all the time can make you feel like you cannot cope with life’s demands. And what’s worse is that you may come to believe that you can’t stop or control worry. Anxiety & stress are common problems these days and according to a study affect 1 in every 5 people. The good news however is counselling can reduce your stress or anxiety symptoms and help you take back control of your life – and usually in quick time. Our therapists can help you: - Identify your triggers - Gain awareness and learning to manage your anxiety or panic - Finding your comfort level - Identify unique ways to deal effectively with your problem Contact today to know more about how we can help!

You have Found the Top Therapists for Stress, Anxiety, and PTSD in Grand Valley, ON.

Thank you for visiting our Ontario page of stress therapists in Grand Valley, Ontario who are skilled and experienced in dealing with anxiety, worry, and panic in all its forms.  Worry and stress can cause a myriad of physical symptoms and wreck havoc on both our personal life and our relationships. Counselling for stress and PTSD in Grand Valley, ON will give you healthy tools and help you move forward. Let's get started. Reach out to us today, our contact forms are "open" 24/7.

Grand Valley is located in Ontario, Canada. It has a land area of 158.23 square kilometers.  The population of Grand Valley is 2,956 people with 1,106 households . The population ranking for Grand Valley is #1032 nationally and #273 for the province of Ontario with a density of 18.70 people per sq km. Grand Valley therapists serve postal code: L0N.