Anger Therapist
Nancy Wall, M.A. Counselling Psychology
In L7N 3P3 - Nearby to Alberton.
I believe that anger is an emotion that in and of itself is not wrong. However, the actions that result from our anger can be negative. I help people understand their anger, where it came from, and why they deal with situations the way they do. Once a person has that knowledge, I help them to find healthy solutions to deal with the anger they feel by teaching them body language skills, communication and listening skills, and the freedom that comes from forgiveness.

Anger Therapist
GreenValley Counselling Services, RP and RSW
Registered Psychotherapists & Registered Social Worker
In N3S 6T6 - Nearby to Alberton.
Anger is often a secondary feeling and it is important to learn to identify and process the underlying feelings. As a primary feeling anger helps us know when something isn't right and is the energy behind setting appropriate boundaries and enacting change. Our therapists are trained to support you in learning to identify and process anger in a healthy way that improves your relationships and emotional health.

Anger Therapist
Adrienne Richardson, PhD MsED RP CSAT/CPTT SEP-A OCT
Registered Psychotherapist
Available for Online Therapy
There are 3 phases in working with Anger 1.Prevention- Attempts to forestall the very onset of anger. 2. Intervention- Aims to reduce the intensity or the duration of anger that has already ignited. 3. Postvention- Aims to discharge any residual anger. Emotions are regulated by re-experiencing, releasing, or converting them into a safe form. We will not only focus on your cognitions and behaviors as entry points but also focus on the modification of affect (your emotions). Anger is an emotion. To have no room in therapy for the feeling component of this emotion is to deny its very essence, your existence. Gestalt perspective- Expression of anger can be very productive. Let out!

Anger Therapist
Michelle Gibson, MSW,RSW | Gibson & Associates
Registered Social Worker and Psychotherapist
In N1C 1A7 - Nearby to Alberton.
Emotions can run deep and overwhelm our system. Anger, in particular, is one what tends to come fast and flood our system. Anger is often learned in our early life and we hold onto the lessons of this. The good news is that we can unburden ourselves from the hurt anger is often holding which can free you from this cycle. If anger is impacting your life, we can help. Contact us and we can work with you to start this change.

Anger Therapist
The Integrative Counselling Centre, MDiv. Clinical Counselling
Registered Psychotherapist
In L8N 2B9 - Nearby to Alberton.
I have spent hundreds of hours working with clients who struggle with managing anger/rage. There are specific, step-by-step techniques that can be taught, that are very effective at helping people deal with this issue. Based on reports from clients I have worked with, I have found that if clients are committed to their process, most people make significant improvement within 6-12 sessions. Drawing from polyvagal theory, AEDP and mindfulness techniques, clients can learn healthy ways to manage and experience their anger.

Anger Therapist
Amun Kaur, MACP
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)
In L9T 1N7 - Nearby to Alberton.
The aim of addressing anger is to help individuals understand the meaning of why this emotion is particualry showing up for them. I do not view anger as a 'bad'emotion but rather one to be curious about the message that it is trying to deliver. Our work together may look like learning to recognise triggers,examining problematic thought patterns and exploring healthier responses verbally, behaviourally and physiologically. and effectively manage their anger responses.
Anger Therapist
Sanjay (Jay) Rao, BSc.,MS Psy.
Licensed Therapist
In L9C 7N4 - Nearby to Alberton.
Anger is a natural emotion. In moderation it empowers us, allows us to draw boundaries, and protect our rights. On the other hand, excessive anger has the power to be destructive, damage relations, and affect health adversely. Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT) can assist with uncovering sources of destructive maladaptive anger and interchange them with more adaptive emotions necessary for emotional needs to be met, alleviate hurt, and begin the process of healing. As a practitioner of EFT, providing vital skills to resolve old wounds and allowing for more effective emotional communication to facilitate unmet needs is my ultimate goal for the client.

Anger Therapist
Kaitlyn Hillier, M.C., C.C.C, R.P
Canadian Certified Counsellor, Registered Psychotherapist
Available for Online Therapy
Anger management is about anger understanding first. Why are we angry? I will help clients' seeking assistance with anger by creating a safe space to explore the anger, to process it, and understand it. We can't seek to manage it if we don't understand what is really happening for us. Through pattern exploration of experiences with anger, we can process and navigate the emotion and work together to manage it.

Anger Therapist
Rita France, BRE, MDiv, RP
Registered Psychotherapist
In N1R 7Z1 - Nearby to Alberton.
Anger can be good and it can be unhealthy. It is important to know what lay beneath the anger that is being displayed. Some people don't know why they get angry and others do, but are stuck in not knowing how to stop lashing out. We look at the underlying issues of anger to determine the necessary steps to changing unhealthy anger into a healthier you.

Anger Therapist
Tricia Lindsay, RP
Therapy Place of Oakville
In L6L 3X9 - Nearby to Alberton.
Anger is like a grumpy cat with a tiny umbrella in a thunderstorm - unpredictable, a bit irrational, and often best approached with caution and a sense of humour! If you've been told you have "anger issues", or can recognize that you "lose it" too often, counselling that focuses on anger management can be a big help. When I work with clients on anger management, I assist clients in identifying triggers, exploring underlying issues that are contributing to anger, and developing coping strategies to manage and express anger in a healthier way. The goal is to promote self-awareness, teach assertive communication skills and constructive emotional regulation.

Anger Therapist
Nathan Kalk, RP, M.Div.
Registered Psychotherapist
Available for Online Therapy
Are you finding it difficult to manage your anger? Anger is often a result of loosing your sense of control, feeling frustrated, or being blocked from something that is important to you. Psychotherapy can help you develop better self-understanding, reduce stress, cultivate better judgement, develop your communication skills, and increase empathy and connection with those around you.

Anger Therapist
Sharron Carson, RP
Registered Psychotherapist
In L8P 4Y5 - Nearby to Alberton.
Everyone experiences anger at times but don’t necessarily recognize that anger is a secondary emotion; a reaction to other underlying emotions. Emotions management is vital to being successful in the world and having the ability to have healthy relationships and achieve our goals. In our sessions together we will explore underlying emotions, their root causes, and learn to identify triggers and more effectively manage emotions and reactions. If you are struggling with anger/emotions management and would like to learn strategies to help you cope better, please book a free consultation.

Anger Therapist
Kim Christink, M. Div., D. Min.
Registered Psychotherapist
In L7N 3P3 - Nearby to Alberton.
Anger is a difficult emotion to control once it gets started. Stopping anger is like stopping a runaway train after it has a full head of steam. Managing one of the most powerful emotions takes preparation, awareness and containment skills. I have personally written the book on the Eight Steps to Conquering Chronic Anger. It is used monthly at our centre in anger management classes. Anger can be conquered!

Anger Therapist
Jonathan Christink, B.A., M.Ed.
Registered Psychotherapist
In L7N 3P3 - Nearby to Alberton.
Anger management is a series of preventative and reactionary steps that help us regulate our emotions. While anger management is about executing these skills, the successful implementation depends on a foundational understanding of what anger is and how it operates in one’s life. Without understanding angers unique roots for each individual, anger management techniques become especially challenging to implement. My approach to anger management involves establishing a foundational understanding of anger by examining personal underlying fears and needs. With this foundation set, the individual is able to integrate a personal understanding of anger consistently with strategies and techniques.

Anger Therapist
Brianna Stewart, MA, BA
Registered Psychotherapist
In N1S 2L6 - Nearby to Alberton.
Anger is a common and useful emotional reaction. However, there are times when anger is excessive or extreme and controls a person to the point that it is hurtful to them, their life, and their loved ones. I work with clients to understand their experience of anger, learn to identify potential triggers and underlying issues, and develop coping skills to manage these issues and emotions. Clients will learn relaxation or calming strategies, how to communicate to reduce angry outbursts, problem solving skills, and how to alter negative thinking which may be contributing to the anger. This often results in clients feeling happier, more relaxed, and having improved relationships.

Anger Therapist
Bayridge Counselling Centre, Counselling Centre
Individual, Couples, and Family Counselling
In L9C 7N4 - Nearby to Alberton.
Anger is a completely normal, often healthy human emotion. But if it gets beyond your control, it can be very destructive in your work and interpersonal relationships and can drastically devastate the quality of your life. Fortunately, anger can be 'managed' which is very different than 'suppressing' it. Unexpressed anger leads to a host of other problems including high blood pressure. However, when we learn how to 'manage' our anger, we can learn to diminish both the emotional feelings and the physiological arousal that anger causes. We can learn to avoid triggers and develop strategies. We can learn how to problem solve, change our thinking and relax our bodies.

Anger Therapist
Chad Tomlinson, MTS, M’Ed, MA, OCT
Chad Tomlinson, Therapist/Counselor
In L9C 7N4 - Nearby to Alberton.
Anger can be a powerful tool when it is used in the right way. It is a sign of passion and boldness that can be used to achieve great things. Unfortunately, it can also do great harm. Together, we will find ways to harness your drive and use it as a way to help you reach your true potential. Anger should be used for good, not for tearing down. Together we’ll find how you can best use yours.

Anger Therapist
Lenka Valenzuela, RP
Registered Psychotherapist
In L8R 1K9 - Nearby to Alberton.
Anger is a big and heavy emotion that for the most part does not actually give you what you need. You may have learned to express anger from your childhood or from another source. Either way, if you are looking for help with anger and any other emotion that is negatively impacting your and other people around you, I am able to help. Your anger is trying to tell you something, and I am here to listen to it. With this information, we will figure out how to work with this anger and how to change it into another emotion. Ultimately, the goal is usually to help you have control over any and all of your emotions, so that you can choose how to feel rather than the other way around!

Anger Therapist
Michael Porter, CCPA
Registered Professional Member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association
Available for Online Therapy
The therapy and counselling for Anger Management depends on whether you produce, receive, or exchange anger. If you are subjected to someone else's anger, there is a significant risk that you are being abused in one of its many forms. Your self-esteem may have been crushed over time and it isn't easy to recognize what's happened to you. When you find yourself producing anger, it's important to reflect on your actions. You may be repeating a learned habit. Reexamining your past can be a powerful motivator for change. If you both express anger, your abilities to cope have probably diminished, and an entirely new approach is required. A neutral, fair therapist who listens equally can help.

Anger Therapist
Congruent Living Therapy, R.P., M.A., B.A.
Registered Psychotherapist
In N3S 4S1 - Nearby to Alberton.
Anger can be a sensation of needing to release pent up energy. The release of this energy may certainly be beneficial in the moment, however damaging in the long run. In the end, it can lead to irreparable damage to relationships and a person's fractured self esteem. Working together, it is my aim to help you imagine what a different future could look like.

Anger Therapist
Sherry Van Blyderveen, Ph.D.
Clinical and Counseling Psychologist
In L9T 4X5 - Nearby to Alberton.
Therapy for anger management can be helpful for both your close relationships and the workplace. Therapy integrates strategies to regulate emotion, tolerate distress, and express frustrations in a manner that is respectful. If your anger difficulties occur exclusively within the context of a romantic relationship, couple’s therapy or therapy with a couple’s therapist can be particularly helpful. New Leaf Psychology Centre also offers anger management therapy for children and youth.

Anger Therapist
Dan Watterworth, BTh., MDiv.
Therapist, Counsellor
In L9C 7N4 - Nearby to Alberton.
Anger can be a stumbling block that keeps you from having deeper relationships and reaching your full potential. In fact, loss of control due to anger can lead to significant consequences if not dealt with. In therapy, we look for the source(s) of your anger as well as practical steps and skills to help you overcome your anger. I help you discover the thoughts and beliefs that contribute to your anger in order to allow you to change your emotions and behavior. In a non-judgmental atmosphere, we examine your past and current context to bring understanding, healing and a plan for future success in this area.

Anger Therapist
Kristie Brassard, MSW, RSW
Registered Social Worker | Psychotherapist
In L8E 0G2 - Nearby to Alberton.
Anger can be a strong emotion. When used in an unproductive way, anger can harm us (i.e. self-criticism, self-injury), and harm our relationships (i.e. blaming, criticism, aggression, inflexibility). However, when this feeling is used in a healthy way, it can give us some important information about boundaries, needs & expectations. It can also help to motivate us to make necessary changes. In therapy, we can work together to get a handle on anger and harness that energy in healthy, helpful ways. If you're wanting to find ways to manage your anger, book a consultation or session with one of our clinicians to get started now! www.kaleidoscopecounsellingco.com

Anger Therapist
Janeen Weatherhead, MA, RP
Registered Psychotherapist
In L9T 2Y1 - Nearby to Alberton.
Anger can be such a frustrating emotion sometimes leaving us feeling shameful for even feeling that way. Men and women are often taught different messages about anger as they are growing up, impacting our experience and delivery of anger as an adult. Anger is a real and valid emotion, but how we express it can sometimes lead to problems. Let's figure this out together!

Anger Therapist
Elena Mikhaylova, Ph.D
Registered Psychotherapist
In L7N 3P3 - Nearby to Alberton.
Being angry when something goes wrong, or somebody annoys you is completely normal. The question is: do you like to feel that way? Sometimes the anger is extraordinarily strong, and it can make you lose control. Do you like the consequences of being angry? - headaches, regrets of words you said, and actions you did? Anger is complicated and it often has deep roots. For this reason, it can be difficult to “just control it”. My experience of working with jail inmates shows that digging deeper into the past can help to find connections between trigger events and such strong reactions. When you have better understanding of your anger, the reaction can change and no strong control will be needed.