Great Couples Counseling in Flower Hill, NY. Therapy to heal relationships.

Licensed therapists for relationships and marriages in Flower Hill, New York. Discounts available (see profiles).

Michael Mruz, LCSW, ACSW, MSW
Couples Counselor

Michael Mruz, LCSW, ACSW, MSW

Michael G Mruz, Psychotherapist

In 10583 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

Couples sometimes find that their relationships – once the source of so much intimacy and joy – have become disappointing, even destructive. We all reach impasses in our relationships, and these can be opportunities to overcome obstacles and grow together or to recognize irreconcilable differences and end the relationship in a healthy way. Together in therapy we can work to help you shift from criticizing and blaming to discovering individual feelings that underlie the surface conflicts. It can have a liberating and transformative effect on both you relationship and yourselves.

Sherry Henig, Ph.D.
Couples Counselor

Sherry Henig, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist

In 11803 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

Couples, married or not, seek therapy for many reasons; including hoping to resolve differences, hoping to improve communication, and/or hoping to improve their intimate relationship. My work with couples, enhanced by my training in sex therapy, addresses these issues so as to help the individuals within the relationship more effectively express themselves and more effectively understand their partner, and so as to promote the overall strength and joy in the relationship itself.

Edgard Danielsen, PhD, LP
Couples Counselor

Edgard Danielsen, PhD, LP

Licensed Psychoanalyst

In 10001 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

Sometimes members of a couple get stuck in their old relational patterns, the ways they have always related to others. As years pass by, and romance or sexual experiences diminish or other life events happen, the old patterns become more evident leading to gaps in communication, dissatisfaction, and lack of excitement. As a therapist, I will help you to communicate more effectively with your partner, in ways that acknowledge your personal needs and the needs of the other. I will help you find balance between conflicting needs: the needs of the individual and the needs of a couple. I work with straight couples and GLBT couples.

Rich Heller, MSW, CPC, ACC
Couples Counselor

Rich Heller, MSW, CPC, ACC

Relationship Coach

In 10803 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

What makes working with you as a couple different than you as two individuals is the fact that your relationship has an identity separate from, and dependent on you. In fact, the health of your relationship has a great deal to do with how much you acknowledge the distinction between yourself as an individual and who you are a part of a relationship. In our work together, you and your partner will begin to differentiate yourselves as individuals from who you are in your relationship so that you can begin to nurture both.

Joanne Gerr, LCSW
Couples Counselor

Joanne Gerr, LCSW

Licensed Psychotherapist and Adult Educator

In 10017 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

I use my vast experience to help couples in their early 20s to late 70s, of all genders and sexual orientations to understand each other and communicate effectively. Whether the conflicts are emotional, sexual, or financial, I am there for you to help you navigate the waters, leading to a satisfying relationship. Couples counseling and premarital counseling can empower you to bring more joy into your life and can help prevent the heartache and the tremendous cost of divorce.

David B. Alexander, Psychotherapist/GestaltTherapist
Couples Counselor

David B. Alexander, Psychotherapist/GestaltTherapist

Licensed Psychoanalyst

In 11577 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

Drawing close in intimacy in a couple can be challenging. Being close to another person can result in buttons getting pushed in areas of the self that were never resolved. Despite the challenge, we deeply want to feel intimacy in life. Intimacy in relationship, while often challenging, is one of the greatest opportunities for growth. Caring, compassionate communication between partners opens each person to deeper feeling, connection, and expression. These capacities are crucial for a fulfilled life. I help you learn genuine communication expressing your needs while respecting and caring for your partner. These fulfilling communications lead to a better relationship and a better life.

Walter Masterson, LCSW
Couples Counselor

Walter Masterson, LCSW

Psychotherapy and Counseling

In 10021 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

Careers and children each place enormous stress on a couple’s ability to be together in an intimate and satisfying way. Every couple has different ways of dealing with the challenges, and counseling can provide the perspective and encouragement to re-create a shared vision for the future. For something as important as this, it is surprising how little training and preparation is provided; family therapy fills in the blanks, and resolves the confusion.

Empowered Life Counseling, Inc., Dr. Remy Nelson, LMHC,NCC, CCMHC
Couples Counselor

Empowered Life Counseling, Inc., Dr. Remy Nelson, LMHC,NCC, CCMHC

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

In 10001 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

The word couples suggests a sense of togetherness, meaning two people, who want to be together, get together for the purpose of experiencing something good, something meaningful, or something positive. However, coming together can be a source of pain if couples loose sight of their main reason for coming together and not resolving their conflicts. Quite often, one of the most difficult things for couples to do is to learn to communicate effectively with each other. Couples usually feel stuck and unable to express their needs. If you truly care about your relationship with each other, my intent is to help you make your connection with each other stronger.

David Mark, MS, LCSW
Couples Counselor

David Mark, MS, LCSW

School Psychologist, Licensed Social Worker, Certified Gottman Therapist

In 11434 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

Combining the knowledge and wisdom of forty years of studies and clinical practice, Gottman Method Couples Therapy helps couples break through barriers to achieve greater understanding, connection and intimacy in their relationships. Through research-based interventions and exercises, it is a structured, goal-oriented, scientifically-based therapy. Intervention strategies are based upon empirical data from Dr. Gottman’s study of more than 4,000 couples. This research shows what actually works to help couples achieve a long-term healthy relationship. Gottman Method Couples Therapy was developed out of this research to help partners: Increase: respect, affection, closeness, & break through.

Blair Bisher, PhD(c), MS, CSAT-c
Couples Counselor

Blair Bisher, PhD(c), MS, CSAT-c

Porn & Sex Addiction Specialist

In 10282 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

I can help you navigate understanding and recovery through infidelity, deceit, and betrayal and guide you on your path toward healing. We will work together to identify the problem behaviors and frameworks and map a path toward freedom from pain. It is possible to not only overcome this adversity but also to land in a stronger and better place than before. I am here and eager to provide a safe place to help you see healing and reconciliation.

Diane Davis, L.C.S.W.
Couples Counselor

Diane Davis, L.C.S.W.

Licensed Psychotherapist

In 10010 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

Relationship can bring great joy as well and great challenges. Many problems stem from difficulty communicating with your partner. I can assist you in finding the way to express yourself, as well as the capacity to listen; to find the appropriate boundaries that enable you to feel free while staying connected. Working through conflicts in relationships often not only preserves the relationship, but also empowers each individual to be more confident and open in their own life.

Marcy Abramsky, LCSW, Life Coach
Couples Counselor

Marcy Abramsky, LCSW, Life Coach

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Life Coaching Services, Consulting and Resources

Available for Online Therapy

I specialize in working with one partner to assist in that person’s ability to view their relationship in a different way. Creating more self awareness, and to prepare them for couples counseling with an open mind or to understand their goals going in. Depending on the nature of the relationship issue I can meet with both clients and do therapy however, my speciality is to get a client into the head space for couples therapy. I do not specialize in physical / domestic abuse or court ordered cases ( as I am virtual ) thank you. Please see someone in person or go to my resources page …

Maria Sue Butler, LMFT, Supervisor State Of Florida
Couples Counselor

Maria Sue Butler, LMFT, Supervisor State Of Florida

LMFT Diplomate, Certified of Anger management

In 10022 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

Art prides in helping many couples achieve the goals they aspire for their lives. Our intense relational skill building approach has succeeded when many other treatments have failed. Why? Clients get couples therapy along with anger management treatment; a two-for-one treatment at no extra cost that no one else offers. Expressions of anger usually accompany difficulties couples face. Give yourself opportunities that will save your marriage. Call us!! Please watch these video's it can only help # 2 video

Heidi Seifert, LCSW-R, MA
Couples Counselor

Heidi Seifert, LCSW-R, MA

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 10003 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

The first step is to do a free couple’s assessment. In this session we’ll get clear on what has been difficult for both of you and how have you have been feeling. We will look at what the most important things that you have not been getting from your relationship. Then we will determine what makes a relationship for you and what would potentially break up a relationship. In closing we will go over what does work about the relationship and I will teach you a method that will help a woman learn to speak to men and for men to know how to speak to a woman.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Couples Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 10012 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

What are the most common couples' issues? If you are thinking "communication, conflict, sex, money, child rearing" you are correct. However, most therapists will go after the symptom on each side of the couple fence thinking that the way to effective change is by getting each party to "work" on their respective "issue". Many times the parties dont agree but comply. Imagine if you could align the unconscious brains of a couple and stop the "working on your issues" part that has become so popular in therapy settings? Contact to learn how! Or call 877-606-6161 DR. FLEMING'S NEW RELATIONSHIP/COUPLES INTENSIVES

Christi Lindsay, PsyD
Couples Counselor

Christi Lindsay, PsyD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Available for Online Therapy

Why do we seem to have the same arguments over and over again? How do I know if we are really supposed to be together? Are there things we could be doing to better support each other, to help each other grow and be our best selves? If we really love each other, why do we so often hurt each other? How do I know if this is real love, anyway? Relationships are hard. Even more than desire, they require effort and understanding to make them work. Often, even if two people really love each other, one or both may need help to maintain the right effort or understanding to keep the balance necessary for long-term success. Having outside, objective support can make all the difference.

Jessica Parlor, PhD
Couples Counselor

Jessica Parlor, PhD

Licensed Psychologist

In 10016 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for couples focuses on strengthening the emotional bond between partners. Through structured sessions, we explore underlying patterns and attachment needs driving relationship dynamics. Using interventions aimed at fostering empathy and understanding, we facilitate open communication and emotional expression. Couples learn to recognize and address negative interaction cycles, replacing them with healthier patterns of connection and responsiveness. EFT emphasizes creating a secure attachment bond, fostering feelings of safety and trust within the relationship. By deepening emotional intimacy and building a stronger connection, couples experience wellness.

Carolyn AlRoy, Psy.D.
Couples Counselor

Carolyn AlRoy, Psy.D.

Licensed Psychologist

In 10011 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

It's important that you know that I don't take sides or engage in blaming either partner. I understand that you are in my office because you want help. I get to know the couple as individuals and as a couple. So in addition to meeting together, I would meet individually with both partners. We would come up with a treatment plan, including frequency of meeting and schedule, treatment goals, and what each person wants from the therapy. We might focus on identifying feelings, changing toxic communication patterns, and opening up communication.

Jenna Purcell, MSc, CCC
Couples Counselor

Jenna Purcell, MSc, CCC

Social Confidence Life Coach

In 10012 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

Do you or your partner suffer from social anxiety and it's affecting your relationship? Social anxiety is a fear of negative judgment from others and it can lead to reduced levels of intimacy, suppressed emotions, feelings of isolation and loneliness and lack of communication. If one or both of you feels anxious socially, your relationship may be suffering too. Contact me for ways in which you can move past social anxiety to a fuller, intimate, richer, relaxed more authentic relationship.

Transformation Counseling Services, LMSW,PsyD,LCSW
Couples Counselor

Transformation Counseling Services, LMSW,PsyD,LCSW


In 10003 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

We know that even the healthiest relationships experience times where they feel lonely, and like their love has run its course. It is easy to let the stress of work, family and unexpected life events you affect you. Couples counseling gives couples the tools to improve communication, strengthen intimacy and deal with conflict. When you attend couples counseling with Transformation Counseling Services, we dig deep beneath the surface to uncover what has caused unhealthy communication. Our therapist specialize in working with all types of couples in every type of relationship. We work with LGBTQ+ couples as well as couples in non-traditional relationships. Please contact us for more info

Hal Brickman, LCSW, RCSW, CSW, MSW, CHT
Couples Counselor

Hal Brickman, LCSW, RCSW, CSW, MSW, CHT

New York State Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 11507 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

It wasn't always this way. There was a time you looked forward to being with each other. You both trusted and enjoyed each other's company. You felt understood and accepted for being yourself. In couple's counseling, Hal offers you the opportunity to find the hidden strengths in the heart and soul of your relationship. Hal has helped hundreds of couples to improve communication and increase trust. Hal is very well respected and experienced in couple's counseling. In addition, he is a published author and was invited to appear on David Letterman's Late Night television program. Hal's schedule is flexible and appointments are available on evenings and weekends. Call Hal at (516) 439-4282

Patricia Pitta, Ph.D., A.B.P.P.
Couples Counselor

Patricia Pitta, Ph.D., A.B.P.P.

Clinical and Board Certified Family Psychologist

In 11030 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

Marriage or couple relationships are a tug of war for power and control. When the leverage of the couple becomes one sided: disappointment, fears, worries and anger become predominant emotions. At this point, you may think about leaving because you can't understand your conflicted feelings. Remember, " You can't run away from yourself". It is essential to know your contribution to the dysfunction in the relationship. When you can face your feelings and behaviors patterns and take responsibility for your actions leaving the "blame" behind, the couple begins the repair process enabling respectful listening and communicating leading to healing feelings and setting the stage for intimacy.

Talia Gutlove, LCSW
Couples Counselor

Talia Gutlove, LCSW

Licensed Psychotherapist, Sex Therapist

In 11598 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

I aim to create a safe space where you and your partner can explore your feelings and concerns, as well as identify negative communication and behavior patterns that may be causing conflict. You can learn new skills for resolving disagreement and strengthen your connection. You can talk about your expectations, values, and goals for the relationship, as well as any past hurts or resentments that may be impacting your current dynamic. Together, we can focus on promoting healthy communication, building trust and intimacy, breaking unhealthy cycles, and ultimately enhance the quality of the relationship.

The Imago Way, Psy.D. & L.C.S.W.
Couples Counselor

The Imago Way, Psy.D. & L.C.S.W.

Licensed Psychologist & Licensed Social Worker

In 10543 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

I work with couples to become more conscious and intentional in their interactions. I teach couples specific communication skills to break destructive patterns of relating. I encourage each partner to look and their own behavior and how they may be contributing to the problems. I explore with couples how the problems they are having in their current relationship are related to their experiences in childhood. I work with couples on eliminating reactivity by implementing self-soothing techniques. My goal with couples is to have both partners feel heard and understood by each other.

Mars & Venus Counseling Center, LCSWs, DCSW, LPCs, LCADCs, Ph.D.
Couples Counselor

Mars & Venus Counseling Center, LCSWs, DCSW, LPCs, LCADCs, Ph.D.


In 07666 - Nearby to Flower Hill.

Our dedicated couples counselors, through the educational and insightful works of Dr. John Gray, the best-selling author of “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” and the techniques of other renowned leaders in field of counseling, will actively assist and support a couple to have a healthier, more fulfilling, happier relationship through mutual respect, good communication, and trust. Our couples counselors will be there every step of the way as relationships grow and evolve for the better. Through empathetic active talking and listening, our couples counselors will promote a healthy change in the relationship and help you heal and forgive past inner hurts. You will be educated on what you and your partner really need in a relationship by learning...(view profile to read more)

You Have Found The Best Couples Counselors in Flower Hill, NY. Restore Your Relationship.

Thank you for visiting our New York search of licensed therapists for couples in Flower Hill who specialize in helping relationships and marriages heal and overcome division and hurt. Relationships are hard. Unless you are actively working towards coming together, by default you are drifting apart. It takes work. A licensed therapist is an expert at helping to untangle the mess that can develop when things go wrong. Find honest and effective couples Counseling in Flower Hill and renew your relationship.

Flower Hill is located in Nassau County, New York. It has a land area of 1.61 square miles and a water area of 0.00 square miles.  The population of Flower Hill is 4,838 people with 1,443 households and a median annual income of $208,424. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Flower Hill, NY

No Financial Burden

Professional, private counseling in Flower Hill is extremely affordable for nearly everyone. This area ranks among the top of income earners for the entire nation and therfore hiring a therapist is not a financial issue for most people living here. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Flower Hill public health department.