Anger Management and Counseling in Airmont, NY.

Therapy and counseling for anger issues, self control and stress management in Airmont, New York. Find effective help for real change.

Susan Galperin, LCSW LCADC SAP
Anger Therapist

Susan Galperin, LCSW LCADC SAP


In 07020 - Nearby to Airmont.

Sometimes we forget that anger is one of many emotions. Emotions are neither good nor bad. It's normal to feel anger when you've been mistreated. We feel anger when we feel insecure , vulnerable and other different feelings that trigger our anger. We feel anger when we aren't in control. The problem is not the emotion, but the expression. Most of us don't like how anger make us feel. It usually makes us feel out of control and can make us do things we might tend to regret. Together we can explore where your anger stems from, learn different strategies to express it in a way that will benefit you in your relationships and achieve your goals to lead a healthier and happier life.

Chris Colasuonno, LCSW-R, MBA, CASAC
Anger Therapist

Chris Colasuonno, LCSW-R, MBA, CASAC

Licensed Clinical Social Worker - Credentialed Alcohol Substance Abuse Counselor

In 10598 - Nearby to Airmont.

Chris provides anger management counseling and psychotherapy where he is a Certified Anger Management Specialist (CAMS) where helps clients identify the reasons for anger and rage. Often the client might have other reasons for anger and mood swings. Often anger can be a problem in a marriage or relationship leading to safety concerns. Chris Colasuonno, LCSW-R provides assessment and therapy for anger. Some individuals may not recognize the cause for the anger or know how to get treated. Sometimes anger can be a mental health issue of bipolar or depression. Finding the reasons and offering solutions is one of my specialties.

Hal Brickman, LCSW, RCSW, CSW, MSW, CHT
Anger Therapist

Hal Brickman, LCSW, RCSW, CSW, MSW, CHT

New York State Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Available for Online Therapy

My main approach is to help my client identify situations (contexts), people, behaviors (his and others) that seem to usher in varying degrees of anger. My main message is that anger is an appropriate feeling to loss and frustration, but it is his learning to appropriately express anger in an adaptive manner that leads to emotional growth and the mollification of the anger itself.

Michael Lepak, LCSW
Anger Therapist

Michael Lepak, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 07042 - Nearby to Airmont.

Anger management counseling can help to identify stressors and learn the steps to stay calm in the face of anger. The goal is to handle tense situations in more constructive and positive ways by reducing the emotional and physical arousal that anger can cause. It will provide the tools to take back your life and resolve the triggers that result in unplanned anger reactions.

Mars & Venus Counseling Center, LCSWs, DCSW, LPCs, LCADCs, Ph.D.
Anger Therapist

Mars & Venus Counseling Center, LCSWs, DCSW, LPCs, LCADCs, Ph.D.


In 07446 - Nearby to Airmont.

The Mars & Venus Counseling Center offers help with moderate anger issues and those affected by these issues. Anger is a natural human emotion. It is a healthy response to disappointment, attack, or loss. Explosive anger, though, can create serious psychological and physical problems. By reducing and controlling anger, an individual can reduce their stress and the stress of others being affected by the anger. Our dedicated counselors will teach the struggling individual to examine their anger triggers and their skewed perceptions of situations and learn constructive ways to express their feelings. Various techniques of renowned leaders in field of anger management will be utilized throughout counseling, including but not limited to self-awareness,...(view profile to read more)

Abby Mullen, LCSW
Anger Therapist

Abby Mullen, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 10709 - Nearby to Airmont.

Do you find you have difficulty managing outbursts of anger? Or are you more prone to bottling your anger and sitting on it for hours or weeks on end allowing it to fester? Both of these are common responses to anger, and neither are beneficial. Anger management therapy can benefit you by helping you to learn that you can control the way in which you respond to your anger. Through exploring the underlying reasons for your anger you will gain useful knowledge to help you recognize your triggers. Furthermore, through mindfulness and cognitive behavioral approaches you will learn to channel your anger in a more productive way.

Tanvi Mathew, MS, LPC
Anger Therapist

Tanvi Mathew, MS, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 07450 - Nearby to Airmont.

The goal of anger management is to control the anger before it controls you by reducing your emotional and physical responses to situations that trigger outbursts. At Emerge, you’ll learn to manage the intensity of your thoughts, behaviors and actions since that is all that you have control over. You can’t change the people or environments that cause you to feel enraged, but you can change yourself and identify when to remove yourself from the situations that are triggers. If you feel you’re becoming angry more easily and having low frustration tolerance, you can benefit from anger management. The first step is understanding that there is help available and reaching out for the support in order to make the change.

Nathaniel Smith, LCSW-R
Anger Therapist

Nathaniel Smith, LCSW-R

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 10570 - Nearby to Airmont.

Anger tends to get labelled negatively in our culture, often being described as a "negative emotion", or seen as something dangerous or to be denied. Yet the truth is, like all emotions, anger plays a vital role in our psychological system. It serves as a warning that something important to us feels threatened. It can motivate us to take action to correct something negative that is happening. Prevalent negative attitudes about anger contribute to many people getting insufficient practice in identifying and communicating about anger effectively. At my Pleasantville office I provide individual, family and couples counseling for issues related to anger management in adults and children.

Trisha Sanders, LCSW
Anger Therapist

Trisha Sanders, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 07675 - Nearby to Airmont.

Anger management counseling can help to identify stressors and learn the steps to stay calm in the face of anger. The goal is to handle tense situations in more constructive and positive ways by reducing the emotional and physical arousal that anger can cause. It will provide the tools to take back your life and resolve the triggers that result in unplanned anger reactions.

Christi Lindsay, PsyD
Anger Therapist

Christi Lindsay, PsyD

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Available for Online Therapy

Anger is one of our fundamental emotions, part of the basic machinery of our mind and personality. In some ways it is a useful tool that helps to motivate and energize us in seeking fairness and justice in the world around us. But this powerful hold-over from our primal history can also be enormously destructive if we lose control of it. If your anger is slipping out of your control and you find yourself saying or doing things that damage your reputation or your relationships, hurt those around you, or otherwise consistently put you on the outside of society's expectations for behavior, you need help to find tools or strategies to change this and I would be happy to help.

Marty Tashman, Ph.D.(psychology), ACSW, M.S.W.
Anger Therapist

Marty Tashman, Ph.D.(psychology), ACSW, M.S.W.

Dr. Marty

In 07043 - Nearby to Airmont.

This is an area that is vital to understand and know how to manage in order to have a healthy, compatible relationship. Not knowing how to reduce anger and handle it can sabotage a couple’s ability to communicate and get along on many levels. Anger unchecked, can destroy relationships and sometimes lead to violence. Over the years I have developed many techniques to help people reduce their anger, and have taught them how to communicate with their partner effectively. If you would like to learn about the 5 steps to manage anger you can go to:

Edgard Danielsen, PhD, LP
Anger Therapist

Edgard Danielsen, PhD, LP

Licensed Psychoanalyst

In 10001 - Nearby to Airmont.

Sometimes anger is a response to feeling misunderstood: you cannot believe that the other person does not see what is evident to you. At other times, anger is an expression of frustration because you cannot attain a goal or you are prevented (by others or by life situations) from reaching a desired landmark in your life. As a therapist, I will help you understand what is fueling your anger, and once you get a better sense of this, you will be able use emotional energy to deal with the underlying personal frustration instead of wasting it in staying angry.

Walter Masterson, LCSW
Anger Therapist

Walter Masterson, LCSW

Psychotherapy and Counseling

In 10021 - Nearby to Airmont.

"Sticks and stones will break my bones, but your words will break my heart." Many people with anger issues know the damage that can be done to a relationship with even one outburst. Mastering anger is necessary to having the affection and trust of the people we care about. It has been accurately referred to as 'restraint of pen and tongue' in some literature. While it may seem like an effort one undertakes for others, the primary benefits are to the person who handles their anger. If you are reading this, and the thought "I wouldn't get angry if so-and-so didn't do such-and-such" consider yourself a primary candidate for this work. Discovering how to escape from anger will set you free.

Empowered Life Counseling, Inc., Dr. Remy Nelson, LMHC,NCC, CCMHC
Anger Therapist

Empowered Life Counseling, Inc., Dr. Remy Nelson, LMHC,NCC, CCMHC

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

In 10001 - Nearby to Airmont.

Having anger is not a problem. The problem is how one deals with the feeling of anger. What does one do when one is angry? Is the anger realistic or is it not? What are the events associated with the anger? One can learn to manage one's anger effectively through the use of effective anger management skills. Is one angry because one has communication problems and cannot express oneself assertively? Is one angry because of persistent unfairness that one has experienced? Come and let us explore the source of your anger and help you manage it effectively.

Wendi Dumbroff, MA, LPC
Anger Therapist

Wendi Dumbroff, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 07936 - Nearby to Airmont.

One of the main tools I use with people to help them control anger, is mindfulness. Anger is a normal emotion; we all know what it feels like. No one can help how they feel, but they can certainly control what they do with these feelings. Mindfulness is a way to help people understand what is happening for them in the moment. Teaching people to stop and pause, as they become more aware of what is happening for them, is a way to help them make different choices, rather than jumping into the same patterns which have not been useful in their lives. There are other behavioral skills clients can use as well, but it all starts with slowing the process down and awareness of what is happening.

Minimah Rush, LSW
Anger Therapist

Minimah Rush, LSW

Clinical Social Work/Therapist, LSW

In 07003 - Nearby to Airmont.

I can help you or your partner / family member with anger management. We'll start with a thorough assessment of what's going on, including the history of how anger was modeled to you in childhood, the influences of your culture and family, your own anger story, and any grief or trauma you've endured. Then we'll talk about how you want to manage anger and make a customized plan to reduce verbal conflict and eliminate physical violence as we develop a strategy to communicate your needs and boundaries to those you trust and have those needs and boundaries met and honored. I'll be with you every step of the way.

Rich Esposito, M.S. CAMS
Anger Therapist

Rich Esposito, M.S. CAMS

Professor Rich Esposito, M.S., CAMS

In 10567 - Nearby to Airmont.

As a trained specialist in Anger mangement you will learn that Anger is an emotion that you can control!! especially when you have been mistreated or wronged. the feeling isnt the problem its what you do with it that makes a difference. I offer certifcate programs for mandated court clients who are in need of anger management classes. I offer classes or individual counseling.

Rich Heller, MSW, CPC, ACC
Anger Therapist

Rich Heller, MSW, CPC, ACC

Relationship Coach

In 10803 - Nearby to Airmont.

Anger is an amazing tool. Often when we hang out in anger it's because we either don't know other tools that are available or because we have some deep unresolved hurt that we have yet to resolve. In working together, we will both unveil the other emotional tools in your toolbox, and uncover any unresolved feelings beneath the anger. We will build a sense of safety within based on your own sense of worth.

Jerri Shankler, LCSW, LCADC
Anger Therapist

Jerri Shankler, LCSW, LCADC

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Clinical Alcohol & Drug Counselor

In 07058 - Nearby to Airmont.

You don’t have to feel angry all the time. Sometimes anger is obvious, and causes emotional, family and legal issues. Sometimes anger is less obvious, resulting in self-destructive or passive-aggressive behaviors. While you are learning about the source of your anger and in order to heat you must develop techniques to keep the anger from boiling over into rage. Talking and exploring ways to redirect potentially destructive behaviors and thoughts relieves the anger and promotes healing and healthy emotions

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Anger Therapist

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 10607 - Nearby to Airmont.

Grey Matters International and the work of Kevin J. Fleming, Ph.D approaches issues of anger management in a very humane yet fresh perspective. You see, anger is a normal emotion but it is the valence (intensity) as well as the coupling choice of what one does with this that is the problem. Telling someone to "not" do it or modifying behavior with a trite psychological plan that only breeds a compliant response is not the way to change anger. Brainwave optimization is a new cutting edge technology that allows one to rewire circuitry responsible for reactivity driving the anger. Contact Grey Matters International, Inc now at or 877-606-6161.

Jennifer Okwerekwu, MD, M.S., Psychiatrist
Anger Therapist

Jennifer Okwerekwu, MD, M.S., Psychiatrist

Reproductive Psychiatry & Integrative Women's Mental Health Practitioner

Available for Online Therapy

Recognizing that anger can be a complex emotion often influenced by hormonal changes, pregnancy-related stressors, or fertility challenges, I offer a tailored and empathetic space for women to explore and manage their anger effectively. Through a combination of evidence-based therapeutic techniques and a holistic perspective, clients can expect to develop personalized strategies for anger management that align with their reproductive journey.

Transformation Counseling Services, LMSW,PsyD,LCSW
Anger Therapist

Transformation Counseling Services, LMSW,PsyD,LCSW


Available for Online Therapy

Anger is a common feeling however if you find that your anger controls you more than you control it then it's time to seek help. At Transformation Counseling Services we will help you learn to identify your your feeling and manage anger before it turns into rage. Most people develop anger issues during the developmental stages, due to neglect or abuse. We will teach you new behavioral strategies to combat your anger. If you are ready to do the work we are here to help. Contact us for a free consultation.

Francesca Wehr, LCSW
Anger Therapist

Francesca Wehr, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 07451 - Nearby to Airmont.

In my approach to anger management counseling, I help clients gain insight into the underlying causes of their anger and teach practical strategies for managing intense emotions. Through a combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), EMDR, and emotional regulation techniques, I assist clients in identifying triggers, shifting negative thought patterns, and developing healthier ways to express frustration. My goal is to provide a supportive environment where clients can enhance self-control, improve communication, and cultivate more peaceful, constructive relationships.

You have Found the Best Anger Management Therapists in Airmont, NY.

Thank you for visiting our New York page of anger counselors in Airmont, New York who are experienced in therapy and treatment for anger issues.  Ask your provider about classes or workshops in addition to individual sessions to help with issues relating to anger. Begin your new journey today.

Airmont is located in Rockland County, New York. It has a land area of 4.63 square miles and a water area of 0.00 square miles.  The population of Airmont is 8,891 people with 2,730 households and a median annual income of $91,458. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Airmont, NY

Very Affordable

Booking a weekly counseling session with a licensed therapist in Airmont is not a large financial issue for the majority of people in this area. Sustaining a commitment to mental health treatment is easily accessible for the average family, but ask your therapist if there are any concerns as many will accept insurance or even offer sliding scale fees. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Airmont public health department.