Grief and Loss Counseling in Harding, NJ.

Therapy and bereavement services in Harding, NJ. Find real help with the right therapist.

Debra Feinberg, LCSW
Grief Counselor

Debra Feinberg, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 07041 - Nearby to Harding.

Are you grieving over the death of a child, partner, spouse, parent or grandparent? Are you going through a painful loss such as a divorce or end of a relationship? Grief counseling may help you. We all experience, expresses and deal with loss in different ways. If your grief is making it hard to function, grief counseling may help. Maplewood Counseling therapist Debra Feinberg, LCSW provides individual grief counseling in a compassionate and warm environment. She helps men and women with the different emotional reactions to grief and trauma such as shock, anger and deep sadness.

Michael Lepak, LCSW
Grief Counselor

Michael Lepak, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 07042 - Nearby to Harding.

Grief counseling helps people cope with grief and mourning following the loss of a loved one or due to major life changes that trigger feelings of grief (i.e. job loss or divorce). It provides a space for individuals to work through and process the complex emotions surrounding loss. Healthy grieving results in remembering the loss with a newfound sense of peace, rather than searing pain.

Silvina Falcon-Levine, MSW, LCSW
Grief Counselor

Silvina Falcon-Levine, MSW, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 07091 - Nearby to Harding.

Grief and bereavement are the natural emotional responses to any kind of loss. It involves experiencing intense feelings, many of them unexpectedly and overwhelmingly. Loss is a personal journey; while grieving can often foster compassion and connection among family and friends, it is also common for the griever to experience difficulties identifying and sharing feelings or experience inter-personal conflict. Even, guilt, anxiety and anger may rise in addition to sadness and sorrow during grief. Bereavement counseling can provide a safe space to explore the struggles inherent to loss, with the support and understanding of a professional.

Joanne Gerr, LCSW
Grief Counselor

Joanne Gerr, LCSW

Licensed Psychotherapist and Adult Educator

In 08904 - Nearby to Harding.

Dealing with grief and loss is thought by most people to be life’s greatest challenge. Whether it be loss of a partner, child, friend, or other important person in one’s life, it is universally a sad and tremendously challenging part of the human experience. I have worked with people who have experienced losses of all types throughout the lifecycle, and helped them to understand the compendium of complex feelings and challenging situations that accompany grieving. Although in the midst of grief, there is often a sense of despair, I have helped hundreds of people resolve grief, and move on with their lives.

Stephen Armstrong, MA, EdS
Grief Counselor

Stephen Armstrong, MA, EdS

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

In 07960 - Nearby to Harding.

Loss is an unavoidable part of life, and is often followed by grief. The process of experiencing, enduring, and resolving grief can be a very lonely and painful one, but manageable and even enriching. The ultimate goal is to accept the loss and reaffirm your life, moving on to more fulfillment than you may imagine possible. Working through this p[rocess with a knowledgable professional is usually very helpful.

Terri DiMatteo, MA, LPC
Grief Counselor

Terri DiMatteo, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 07417 - Nearby to Harding.

Relationship endings are a guaranteed part of life that everyone experiences. When a relationship concludes – whether through death, divorce or some other reason – it is common to review it, examine it and even wish that something about it was different. Perhaps we regret something we said or longed to hear something from the other person. Endings are accompanied by conclusions to our hopes and dreams for the future. My approach to working with grieving clients is to permit them fully feel their loss and to process their grief in their own way and at their own pace. When it comes to grieving clients I will join with them in their loss and will encouraging them to feel all the feelings that surface about the person and the relationship they shared.

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.
Grief Counselor

Kevin Fleming, Ph.D.

Coach/Change Agent/Consultant

In 07101 - Nearby to Harding.

Grey Matters International and the work of Kevin J. Fleming, Ph.D approaches issues of grief & loss through the lens of innovation----instead of growing the same neural networks responsible for the pain in weekly therapy sessions, we reset the brain to move forward quicker and efficiently by working on the stuck limbic system so as to empower the person with more success and traction. For no one wants to stay in a grief mode for too long; but when you don’t include the brain in your work with someone, you risk describing the water to them while they drown and calling it success. Contact Grey Matters International, Inc now at or 877-606-6161.

Minimah Rush, LSW
Grief Counselor

Minimah Rush, LSW

Clinical Social Work/Therapist, LSW

In 07003 - Nearby to Harding.

I am a grief therapist who can support you for everything from the death of a loved one to the loss of your job, an important relationship, maybe even your physical health. My clients are also processing grief over things like racial injustice, community violence, trauma they have witnessed or experienced. I will walk with you through whatever healing journey you are on, drawing on supportive counseling, rituals of goodbye, and stages of grief as they may apply to you.

Marty Tashman, Ph.D.(psychology), ACSW, M.S.W.
Grief Counselor

Marty Tashman, Ph.D.(psychology), ACSW, M.S.W.

Dr. Marty

In 07932 - Nearby to Harding.

Grief Counseling Grief counseling is a journey with many turns in the road. One moment you can’t imagine how you can go on and the next, it’s seems like maybe the cloud is beginning to lift. When I work with someone who is experiencing grief, I sit with them during the painful trip that they are taking. Grief counseling more than any other kind of counseling as blend of spirituality and practical reality, In our work together we will work with both parts of the healing; how to gain some perspective that can help us to go on and practical things that can be done to help with deal with painful difficulties in relating to the deep sense of loss. Dr. Marty also uses techniques from EMDR (a t....

Lane Balaban, Teen Therapist, LPC, NCC
Grief Counselor

Lane Balaban, Teen Therapist, LPC, NCC

Licensed Professional Counselor, Psychotherapist, Mental Health Counselor

In 07078 - Nearby to Harding.

How do you navigate the unimaginable? Children often look to adults, but what if the adults are grieving too? Adolescents may want to “stay strong” for their parents and siblings, but that does not leave room for their own grief. Talk-therapy will provide your teen with the emotional support and space they need. They will learn about the grief process (it is different for everyone, and there is no “right way” to do it) and healthy coping skills. In our work together, they will label their strong feelings of loss and communicate their needs safely. Your teen will have ownership over the entire process. We will go at their own pace. I am here to listen and support them every step of the way.

Ruth Altamura-ROll, MA, NCC, LCP
Grief Counselor

Ruth Altamura-ROll, MA, NCC, LCP

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 08853 - Nearby to Harding.

Grief is the result of any type of loss that we may experience from death to divorce, to the loss of a job or the end of a relationship, to the death of a pet. It leaves us with a broken heart. The more significant the relationship to the loss, the deeper the pain and wound. Genuine care and support are not always enough. I offer grief and loss counseling tools along with the healing actions of new coping skills to bring vitality and hope back into the life of someone who is in pain. Your loss can never be replaced however it can be healed so your life can again be fulfilling and happy.

Michael Barmak, LCSW
Grief Counselor

Michael Barmak, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

In 07016 - Nearby to Harding.

I can help you learn how to manage and release the deep pain of grief and loss. Grief is a natural feeling that is a result of loving with all your heart. The loving action is to embrace your very difficult feelings and express the heartache you feel. I create a safe environment for you to go into these challenging feelings and learn how to let them go.

Karyn Reader, MSW, LCSW, BCD
Grief Counselor

Karyn Reader, MSW, LCSW, BCD


In 07869 - Nearby to Harding.

While grieving is normal when we have lost someone or something we loved and valued, it is nevertheless, painful and difficult. Grieving can even be more difficult when the relationship was conflicted and unhappy. Loss may be of a loved person or it can be of your health, independence, home, job, or beloved pet. Everyone grieves differently, and others in your life may not understand your way, or perhaps you are alone or feel alone. I can help you through the intensity of initial loss, work towards a balance of memories and taking your life forward, and do it your way. There is no right way to grieve and no set time limits. I will care about what is right for you.

Marion Rollings, PhD
Grief Counselor

Marion Rollings, PhD

Licensed Psychologist

In 08844 - Nearby to Harding.

Experiencing the loss of a loved one is a traumatic event in one's life. The hardest day is often the day after the memorial service or funeral. Grief is a natural reaction to loss that for some is a long journey towards healing. It can be lonely and overwhelming. With patience, understanding, and support, I will accompany you on that journey. As one who was widowed at an early age and experienced significant loss in my own life, I understand and can empathize with your experience and can provide the professional guidance and reassurance you may need to heal.

Jerri Shankler, LCSW, LCADC
Grief Counselor

Jerri Shankler, LCSW, LCADC

Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Clinical Alcohol & Drug Counselor

In 07054 - Nearby to Harding.

Suffering with grief and loss is often a lonely place. Others may try to comfort you, offering sympathy which is well-intended but often doesn’t help you heal. Talking to an experience therapist can help you move through the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. The stages are normal, and although the process may be painful, reaching acceptance is the stage where you realize that although you may miss the person, your life is still worth living and can be productive and happy.

Jisun Sunny Fisher, Ph.D.
Grief Counselor

Jisun Sunny Fisher, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

In 07930 - Nearby to Harding.

What does it look like to be paralyzed from grief? When you've lost someone near and dear to you, it's quite difficult to ever be the same. Our goal is not to ever be the same again, but to move to a place of honoring the person who has moved on. When you experience the excruciating void of the person who's moved on, it seems almost impossible to move on yourself. However, our work together will help you find what helps you to honor that person you love, and come back to your life and community stronger than before.

So.i.Heard Music Therapy, MT-BC
Grief Counselor

So.i.Heard Music Therapy, MT-BC

Music Therapist

In 07041 - Nearby to Harding.

Our credentialed music therapists tailor sessions to each individual, utilizing personalized music exercises and interventions to address each person's unique experiences of loss or trauma. Involvement in music addresses trauma in two ways: music reaches us on an emotional level to help with coping, as well as on a neurological level to address and heal areas of the brain that are affected when trauma or loss are experienced. Our music therapists work with each client using musical elements like songwriting, processing, and guided imagery to help clients find their own voice and learn new coping skills to help manage trauma of any severity.

Wendi Dumbroff, MA, LPC
Grief Counselor

Wendi Dumbroff, MA, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

In 07940 - Nearby to Harding.

Grief and loss are certainly very difficult to deal with, but sooner or later, it comes to all of us. I meet my clients right where they are in the process of their grieving, and sit with them in that space. I help people to walk through the feelings and stay with them through the process. I create a safe space where clients can be with all the emotions they are experiencing. I am very patient as individuals walk through their grief at their own pace.

Lewis Pagano, LPC
Grief Counselor

Lewis Pagano, LPC

Licensed Professioal Counselor

In 07042 - Nearby to Harding.

I believe loss is a major issue in life and every loss brings up past losses. I work closely with individuals with all past losses to resolve current losses. This can result in relieve from extreme symptoms of loss.I have an extensive background in working with individuals with grief and loss issues from childhood also which is important in resoling current losses.

Diane Davis, L.C.S.W.
Grief Counselor

Diane Davis, L.C.S.W.

Licensed Psychotherapist

In 07042 - Nearby to Harding.

The loss of an important person, can be a terrible shock. I help you with moving through the process of grieving, including issues of survivor guilt, anxiety and depression that may arise after a loss, whether it be loss of a person, job, or pet. When grief feels overwhelming, I can provide the support needed to find meaning in the past, and hope for the future.

Kim Leatherdale, LPC, ATR-BC, NCC, BCC
Grief Counselor

Kim Leatherdale, LPC, ATR-BC, NCC, BCC

Licensed Professional Counselor, Art Therapist, Board Certified Coach

Available for Online Therapy

Grief counseling helps people cope with grief and mourning following the loss of a loved one or due to major life changes that trigger feelings of grief (i.e. job loss or divorce). It provides a space for individuals to work through and process the complex emotions surrounding loss. Healthy grieving results in remembering the loss with a newfound sense of peace, rather than searing pain.

Compassionate Bereavement Services in Harding, NJ.

Thank you for visiting our New Jersey search of licensed grief specialists in Harding.  Moving through grief after loss is difficult. Therapy helps through listening, by having someone there with you who understands the stages and process of grieving. You can find help for grief in Harding right now, please contact a provider above, you can email 24/7.

Harding is located in Morris County, New Jersey. It has a land area of 20.04 square miles and a water area of 0.52 square miles.  The population of Harding is 3,906 people with 1,439 households and a median annual income of $171,331. .

Therapy Affordability Meter for Harding, NJ

No Financial Burden

Professional, private counseling in Harding is extremely affordable for nearly everyone. This area ranks among the top of income earners for the entire nation and therfore hiring a therapist is not a financial issue for most people living here. Low cost counseling and affordable therapy are also sometimes offered by listed city and university level clinics, check with your local Harding public health department.